The Collective (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Every collective is unique in the fact that they can spawn from any living creature at random uniting with an enhanced parasite or disease, allowing them to infect any manner of host or organism and changing their bodies to fit its taste.


The origin of collectives is strange and not fully known but is believed to be the result of a Druid casting Awaken on a animal infected with a highly adaptive parasite that had not yet evolved to infect higher forms of creature, But this awakening proved to be just the catalyst it needed as it rapidly evolved over the course of the next few weeks and began to take over the lands as it spread chaos and itself across the land.


Collectives usually begin when a parasite evolves to the point of enhanced cognitive function and begins to possess the knowledge and memories of its hosts so that they can continue spreading. Whenever two collectives interact it usually leads to a very gruesome and bloody war as they fight for dominion over that territory

Collective Names[edit]

Collectives usually possess gender-neutral names or merely refer to themselves as a group or many. Names: Unity, Omega, Alpha, Conquest, Peace, ect;

Collective Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Collectives cannot and do not age.
Alignment. Collectives do not tend towards any particular alignment
Size. Collectives can take and integrate the bodies and minds of any race or creature, however must possess a primary host. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, unless your primary host has a different speed.
Primary Host. As a Collective, you are able to integrate the bodies and minds of other creatures, but must have a primary host to function properly. Your primary host determines your physical form and traits, but over the course of a long rest you can shift your primary host from one member of the collective to another. If your primary host would die so does the rest of the collective as the shared mind is erased.
Assimilation. As a Collective, you can merge with other creatures, assimilating their physical forms and memories into your collective consciousness. As an action you can force a creature within 5 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw DC (8 + proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier) or start to be assimilated as you force specific biomass from your host into the creature, A creature can choose to fail this save or alternatively if the creature is restrained or unconscious they automatically fail this save. After a creature is assimilated it must remain in an inactive state for 8 hours as its body begins to reform and reshape, After which they are now part of the collective.
Integration. As a Collective, you can integrate the abilities and traits of your assimilated hosts into your own. During a long rest you are able to manifest the traits or abilities of a creature that is part of the collective, you can have a number of these Integrated traits equal to your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Any abilities or traits not selected become dormant in the Collective once more.
One Mind. Due to the unique nature of your mind you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, Additionally you gain proficiency in any skills, tools, or saving throws that the collective possesses.
Perfected Memory. As a collective of minds you are able to perfectly recall any information that you or any creature integrated into the collective knew.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice, Additionally you gain the ability to speak, read, and write any language that a creature integrated into the collective knew

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