Batgonoid (5e Race)

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Giant bats with terrible vision but excellent hearing

Physical Description[edit]

They are Large Bats with a Humanoid Appearance and Shape, Large Ears, Faces with Underdeveloped and Small Eyes, Slender Arms and Legs and Wings attached to the Arms.


Centuries and centuries ago, a Powerful Demon made his way to the Human World, Where he embarked on a campaign of conquest and destruction, but before his defeat, he transmuted a group of bats, which assumed a more humanoid and slender form, until they became Humanoid Bats that would be known as Human Bats. Over the years and years, they evolved, developed intelligence and their own Language based on rapid Clicking and Growls Sounds, But they quickly divided between the Tribes that worshiped the Demon, and the tribes that wished to forget their fiend heritage, And soon an eternal rivalry and hatred between these different types of tribes arose and has lasted to this day.


Human bats live in tribes in caves connected underground, where they live in darkness for much of the time, which made them lose their eyes due to the lack of light, and at night, they go out of the caves to hunt, either hunting humanoids by the Demon-worshipping tribes, or collecting Fruits and hunting animals by the more peaceful tribes.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Batgonoid Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. They mature very quickly and live moderately, they reach adulthood at 12 years old and live on average 65 years.
Alignment. Batgonoids that praise the archfiend are usually evil, while those that reject it are neutral.
Size. You are about 6 to 7 feet tall, You are average.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet. You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed as long as you are not wearing heavy or medium armor.
Blindness. You have weak, sensitive eyes. You cannot see colors or see well, You only see shades of purple and Greem. You have disadvantage on ability checks or attack rolls that rely on your normal vision, and you can only see correctly up to 10 feet with your vision.
Evolved Echolocation. You have blindsight in a sphere of 75 feet.
Bite. Its teeth are sharp. You can make a special bite attack of 1d4 + your dex modifier.
Sharp hearing. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
Tough Survivor. You are proficient in Survival. You can add double your proficiency bonus when making Survival checks inside caves or other enclosed natural environments.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and the language of Batgonoid, Composed of sounds of rapid clicks, grunts and body gestures.

Blood tribe[edit]

You are part of one of the tribes that worship the Demon that gave them Consciousness and have no problem in devouring humanoid flesh.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution Value increases by 1
Voracious Bite. Your teeth are sharper and you can drink blood with them and recover quickly, Your bite attack deals 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage, and on a hit with this attack, you regain hit points equal to the damage dealt.
Devourer. You are immune to diseases and any harmful effects that you might get from eating meat that is unfit for consumption, such as raw or rotten meat, and you have advantage against saving throws against poisons that are in the food. You can also eat rotten meat and humanoid meat normally to fulfill your need for food.
Insanity. If you go 1 week without eating humanoid flesh, make a constitution resistance test DC 13 + the number of days after 1 week that you have not eaten. If you succeed, you can last another day before repeating the test. If you fail, you become insane and begin to attack anything in your path with an uncontrollable hunger that blinds you with hatred for 1 minute. After this time is up, or you become unconscious or eat all the humanoid flesh you need, you return to normal.

Pacific Tribe[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Defense Training. You are proficient with shields, spears, and clubs.
Strong Wings. Your wings have evolved like those of others of your race to use heavier armor while flying. You can fly with Medium armor.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 1'' +2d4 150 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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