Hitmonshido (5e Race)

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DISCLAIMER: This is a campaign specific race and I'm just using this website to helps me keep track of my stuff because I'm relatively new to this. Anyone is free to use this race as a template or anything just be sure to include a link to this page if anyone you know wants to check it out. Yours truly, Cain :D


The Hitmonshido are a very rare evolution of tyrogue born of the wilds of Korais. Tyrogue are only able to evolve into Hitmonshido after leveling up when their attack and speed stats are the same, while holding a Bushido Blade, which is a Koraisen-made sword passed down to tyrogue's that follow the Shido code. The Shido Code is a very long lasting ideology, dating back to ancient Korais, before the great chasm split the region in half, with temples sprawled across the region, but, found more commonly on the east side of the region. Their temples seem to be in worship of different legendary Pokémon, more specifically the deific legendaries but, the legendary depend on each temple. Most commonly they worship Arceus and the Lake Trio.


Hitmonshido society is a very old and concrete society, founded on principles of respect, honor, bravery, reverence, and strength of not only body, but as well as mind and will. Hitmonshido settlements only have two extremes, that being isolational or communitty, the difference being that one has their temples far from other societies and the other intermingles with other towns and small cities apart from the temple's inhabitants. Most temples, beside isolantional or community, tend to have some non-Hitmon residents, that being fighting types like Sawk and Throw or steel types like Lucario and Escavalier

Hitmonshido Names[edit]

The Hitmonshido do not had traditional naming schemes, as they are usually named after aspect of their personality, of their society, or the sound of their battle cry

Male: Veneration, Temper, Oorah

Female: Justice, Precise, Hayuik

Hitmonshido Traits[edit]

A rare long-existing evolution of the simple Tyrogue
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Age. Tyrogue usually mature into a Hitmonshido at age 18 years old and live up to around 100 but some have been seen up to 120 years old
Alignment. Hitmonshido most commonly are lawfully aligned, but can slide from good to evil, more commonly neutral in reality
Size. Hitmonshido grow to be slightly shorter than humans on average. Your size is medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Natural Wielder. You naturally proficient in close quarters weaponry. You have proficiency in Melee Martial Weapons
Aura of Peace. Your race is naturally seen as peace keepers and protectors. Whenever you are out of combat, you have advantage on persuasion checks against lawful aligned humanoids.
Rigorous Training. Due to your training at Temples of Shido, you have proficiency in acrobatics and athletics, this stacks with class proficiencies (i.e. making it expertise) but, not with background proficiencies.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

Caption text
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
4'6" +2d10 150 +2d6

(0 votes)

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