Magma Blood (5e Race)
Magma Blood[edit]
They came from a planet made out mainly by magma and lava, but with places where life can strive
Physical Description[edit]
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A Female Magma Blood/Credits to Antonina Ktytska |
Aesthetically very close to a human, but with pointed ears, hair ranging in color from black to a flowing lava-like orange
Some Magma Bloods, have skin with "cracks" that resemble volcanic rocks that are about to release lava through the cracks, this appearance is not unreasonable, since internally Magma Bloods have a body heat that ranges from a mild 35 degrees Celsius, to up to 1,200 degrees Celsius (normally the stronger the emotion, the hotter the Magma Blood gets)
Women are strangely more likely to have this characteristic cracked skin, while men more commonly have skin that resembles rigid yet sharp obsidian magmatic rock. Both have hair that is usually pointy and some even look like a lock made entirely of stone, while others have hair so straight that it resembles a liquid state.
However (aside from culturally) usually the non-dominant arm of the Magma Blood gets more attention in its aesthetics, because this arm is usually made of a kind of "rock", but it's actually something natural and biological in them, this arm is able to channel all the physical heat of the Magma Blood and use it as a weapon.
History and Society[edit]
Born on the planet Typhanus (or from a lava related planet/between the fire plane and the earth plane), Magma Bloods were born from a kind of "fish" that was able to swim in hot magma that flowed all over the planet/plane they inhabit today.
With time, obeying evolution, this little fish evolved into humanoid beings, many Magma Bloods believe that there was interference from beings from another planet/plane to influence their evolution (Magma Blood scholars believe that it was an action of a God, specifically those responsible for nature, due to this, many Magma Bloods end up becoming Druids or Rangers).
Regardless, the Magma Blood culture revolves around the Strongest is the one who should guide the others, the Magma Blood King is usually elected by different tournaments and from various areas, from mental things to even disputes of near death battles, but even with this culture, none of them tend to the evil way.
On the contrary, they have an inclination to help others of their own and other races, rarely acquiring rivalries with other races.
Due to this culture and mentality, the Magma Bloods' natural powers have reached a level where they can be said to be like comic book Super Heroes, many Magma Bloods leave their planet/Plane and fly to other places in search of helping those in need.
Some Magma Bloods, end up falling into an evil path, either because of the influence of where they are from or the life they have lived, and when this happens, their hair and their magma glow go away, giving them a black light, like a corrupted star.
Magma Blood Names[edit]
Magma Blood like to have any name they think sound good, but the most common thing to do by this people is to give names that remenber Magma or lava in some way
Male: Magmalian, Erupt, Obsidianos
Female: Lavarias, Burnerias, Metalia
Magma Blood Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. One score of you choose increases by 2 and other score of your choose increases by 1.
Age. Different from the normal people, being able to live beyond 500 years is common, but they reach maturity at the age of 18
Alignment. In the blood of these people run magma, a chaotic thing that destroy and create, but they are extremely loyal to people they love or cherish. Some Magma Blood got corrupted by time and a bad life, so they a very variable in aligment, you can be any alignment you want, but most common is chaotic good
Size. Magma Bloods vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Tremorsense. Due to your enhanced connection to the Earth and the magma that flows through the very veins of the planet, you are able to feel creatures moving within up to 60 feet.
Arm Of Lava. Your hands are hot to the touch and allows you to manifest your inner magma as power. Because of this, your Unarmed Strikes deal fire damage in place of normal bludgeoning. You gain the Fire Bolt Spell.
People of the Core. Because of your people's closeness to the inner cores and blazing parts of the Earth, You are immune to the effects of extreme heat and cold environments. Moreover, due to your lack of lungs, you are not required to breathe.
Burning Sentry. Due to your constant burning body, you are able to sleep for half the time while also keeping your bearings of the surrounding area.
Planetary Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Ignan and one other language of your choice.
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