Psion (5e Race)
"Psions fly many colors, but within the Cabal, we exist in congress, moving toward our own future." -— Qinziq psion officer
Physical Description[edit]
Psions have bald, veined heads, with a single eye surrounded by black trident-shaped creases. These eyes can be either blue or orange, and have distinctive Y-shaped pupils. Their eyes turn opaque grey once they die, and the Y disappears. Their faces have a series of holes above their mouths, possibly functioning similar to spiracles for breathing. Psions have five fingers on each hand, though often their armor, groups their middle and ring fingers into one.
![]() |
Ugly fucker |
Ancient Psions practiced a form of ancestor worship, communing with the divine spirits of the dead through a Y-goblet that "cupped their spirits" and poured out their souls into new Psions. Worship involved daily rituals in which the Y-goblet was filled with offerings for ancestors, such as water to wash out their eyes, salt to roughen their skin, or linen to bind their wounds. Other practices included physically drawing the Y-goblet on a nearby surface. Adherents believed that every other person, or at least Psions, had a spark of the divine within them, physically evident in their Y-shaped pupils.
In prehistory, long before the Psion species joined the Cabal, a group of exceptionally powerful Psions known as the God-Thoughts dominated the species with their psychic abilities. They destroyed the Y-goblet faith for seeing divinity in every common person. Its suppression was so brutal that while the faith survived to the present, its practitioners still feared discovery and worshiped only in secret.
The Psions were assimilated into the Cabal empire either before or during Emperor Calus's reign. They were largely enslaved under indenture, but some were allowed to remain free.
Psions seem to have a deep reverence for the lives of those around them, as their clairvoyance allows them to sense them in intense and mysterious ways. They feel the imprints of those around them, noting the powerful gleaming aura of Calus to be so blinding that they cannot see past it. They are unnerved by the Hive, because they appear to have empty minds besides their hate and need to survive. It is likely that Psions are naturally very social, as their telepathy gives them insight into the thoughts of those around them. A reoccurring idea is that they have no sense of humor, because humor comes from the unexpected, and they are all clairvoyant.
Within the Cabal Empire, Psions are second-class citizens at best and slaves at worst. They serve the Cabal as laborers, engineers, and mechanics. Psions have worked as pilots as well in their time of service. Their integral part in the Cabal military is seen through the extent at which they rely on the Psions. Maintenance passages in most of their ships and structures are often too small for Cabal to move through comfortably, and Interceptors are designed for use by Psions exclusively. Particularly talented Psions become Flayer Aspirants and are trained to evolve into Psion Flayers, masters of their incredible power and intellect. The full extent of their abilities is unknown, but they are thought to have been able to alter the orbit of Phobos and possibly break entire worlds. It can be inferred from the adventure Psionic Potential that an indulgence of sheer knowledge from even complex machinery can be enough to evolve Psions to the first stages of Flayers.
Certain Psions are not born into slavery and are regarded with the title of 'Freeborn'. They are exceptionally rare in Cabal society and are of vastly superior social standing to others of their race, potentially being considered equal to other Cabal. or perhaps before, as there have been multiple instances of Psions leading significant detachments of Cabal. Amongst the Imperial Cabal, Psions have even been known to hold the dedicated rank of Optus, placing them within the meritocratic command hierarchy alongside full serving Cabal soldiers.
Psion Names[edit]
Psions only have one name as last names serve no point to the majority but titles serve as a marker of greatness and genuine
General: Oztot, Amtec, Quizin, Nirrul, Ozteloc, Numoc, Vatch,
Psion Traits[edit]
Psionically enhanced beings whose marksmanship
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Psions are seemingly ageless as the only ones to have died have been through unnatural causes such as battle or psionic death
Alignment. Psions are usually a version of either neutral or lawful due to them being able to sense other feelings around them
Size. Psions are quite lithe creatures whom are dwarfed by their cabal overlords, you count as medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Telepathic Network. Due to being a psionically active race they evolved a more efficient means of communication, You gain 60ft telepathy
Psionic strength. You gain the effects of the telekinetic feat on top of this at 5th level you may cast Telekinesis (5e Spell) for free once per short rest and twice at 10th level, at level 15 you may cast it at-will
Weak frame. Evolution was a cold hearted bitch to the psions, you suffer disadvantage on constitution saves
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Ulurant.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 5'' | +d10 inches | 175 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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