Centifolk, Variant (5e Race)

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Centifolk (Variant)[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Centifolk are half humanoid centipede hybrids with there lower body representing a giant centipede. They have plating on there shoulders and forearms, with there skin usually being a shade of brown but there are sights of some having tan skin but none with white skin. The lower half of there body can make them very long to about 10ft with the lower part of there body alone. They have 2 sets of arms but the 2nd pair is smaller but more deadly due to having large spikes instead of hands. They also have sharp teeth and 6 eyes with 4 small eyes being on the side of there head and 2 larger eyes that are more humanoid.


People don't really know were they came from, but there is a tale that says that a Human of great power fell in love with a giant centipede and made the Centifolk. But people still don't understand how the tale really goes. They do know they don't talk much but they only eat and consume meat.


They don't like walking with over Centifolk as they find it in quote "Tempting". No one knows why, but they mostly think that it means tempting to murder each other but its not known for sure. And there are also reports of Centifolk and Arachne fighting to the death.

Centifolk Names[edit]

Centifolk take names from everywhere but they mostly pick names that represent the kind of people they are. If there soft they have a soft name if there stern they have a stern name. But some due hide there feeling so you can never know for sure.

Centifolk Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. It is rumored that they live up to thousands of years but that is a myth. They live up to 500 years but stop ageing physically at 35. Making some think they are god. They mature at age 18 due to ageing physically like humans.
Alignment. They are typically Neutral, but if there more shy and timid they are Good-Neutral. If they are more stern they are Evil-Neutral.
Size. They vary from 12ft tall to a large 14ft tall. Most of the height is because of the lower part of there body. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Half Centipede. Being half centipede; this lets you get around tough terrain with ease without a drawback (you have to be on the ground) you also get advantage to all grabs. (You have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, etc while your in the air or flying).
Spike Attack.. You can use your spikes as a number of times as an unarmed attack, you gain more uses at higher levels. You start with 1 spike attack at levels 1-3 at level 4 you can attack twice, when you reach level 8 you can't attack 3 times, at level 12 you can attack 4 times, at level 16 you can attack 5 times, and finally at level 20 you can attack 6 times. When attacking works the same as unarmored attack (your modifier used is Strength)
270 Vision. You can react if your attacked from the sides but if your attack from behind the enemy get advantage to attacks against you. You also have Darkvision of 60 feet.
Exoskeleton Armor. Your AC is 15+ your Dexterity modifier but if your exoskeleton (from your lower part of your body) is chipped off revealing part of your flesh you take x2 damage in that spot. This also makes you weak to weapons Arrows and Daggers which deal piercing damage. You can't wear armor or use shields.
Languages. you can speak, read, and write Common, and Undercommon

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(2 votes)

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