Fate of Emotion (5e Race)
Fate Of Emotion[edit]
" Creature of the night... What do you plead? Do you desire knowledge or power? "
Physical Description[edit]
Fate of emotion's are monstrous creatures that represent a wolf like structure, They're body is produced by a dark mist like substance trailing behind a large amount of mist when they move whilst their main body is something that does have a solidified form but their edges are more mist like. All fate of emotion's have two set of eyes on the face that have interesting spots near the top and bottom, They appear to not have any eyebrows at all as the mouth is crooked and opens to a bright yellowish light... Across their body is a bunch of eyes randomly plastered on the body of them. All the eyes of the creature seem glow just as much as the mouth would. The color of most fate's are a deep dark color with a tint to represent what sub-species they are. A Fate's statue is of a humanoid but more hunch-backed with digitigrade legs that seem to be unrealistically moved back quite far... It's a wonder to see them able to walk at all. They house claws but can hold an object just fine with no real issues... And despite being able to wear clothing, The mist of their body will always cover over the clothing making it seem like they aren't wearing anything.
![]() |
Art by : Trolldog |
Born in the fog of a forest, They was more feral like, Territorial and constantly causing trouble for adventurers alike. Highly defensive and worried about everything around them with simple thoughts... Soon enough however they would grow, Larger and larger. As they grew so did their minds, Soon enough less of them became territorial and wild while more started to think thoughts and wanted to be accepted within the norms of society. But because of their past being a rather wild like creature along side with their horrid appearances they struggled alot to find refuge, People would often push them away or worse try to kill them... despite how gentle they can be a monster would always be seen as a monster in most societies.
When they started to become more humanoid, they decided to group up and make outposts, They knew that the more of them there was then the more stronger their communities could be. However they also knew that it would be a painful task if they was to collide with each other, So they keep large distances with each other whilst still being great friends with each other. They don't tend to find other creatures as nice due to them pushing them away to a life of hiding. Thinking that other creatures are just rude they don't like topics about them... Although they also don't see that they look like horrific monstrosity's, Just thinking that they're a little bit more animal like compared to most other race's out there.
State Of Emotion Names[edit]
Due to them creating a society of themselves, They have a unique naming scheme for their own... They give their children a temporary name and when the child grows up they can choose to keep the name or to change it. The name scheme is based of the wood type or of an emotion, If gender-neutral it'll always be "State of [emotion]" no matter what.
Male / Female: Babobab, Fear, Neem, Envy, Redwood
Gender-Neutral State of pride, State of fear, State of anger, State of sadness
State Of Emotion Traits[edit]
A misty like large creature that cause fear in a lot of other creatures due to it's many glowing eyes on it's body.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. The age of maturity is 3 years whilst they end up living up to 22 years
Alignment. Tend to be on the Chaotic side of the alignment chart
Size. You stand strong and proud with a big stature, Your size is large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
Eyes Of Many. You have 20ft of Darkvision and 5ft of Truesight
Misty form. You can squeeze in gaps that only size medium could fit in.
Frightful creature. Fear isn't something that bothers you much... You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
All eyes on you. A creature that resides inside your space must make a Insight saving throw against your charisma score or be frightened until it can save, then it's immune to this trait for 24 hours.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal
Cold soul[edit]
Creature of the cold. You resist cold damage.
Chilling touch. You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill.
Breath weapon. You open your glowing mouth and sprout out an icy mist, All creatures within a 15ft line of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Constitution score, on a fail they take 1d12 cold damage. This can only be done once per long rest.
Burning soul[edit]
Creature of the burning rage. You resist fire damage.
Scorching words. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Breath weapon. You open your glowing mouth and sprout out an fiery mist, All creatures within a 15ft line of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Constitution score, on a fail they take 1d12 fire damage. This can only be done once per long rest.
Acidic soul[edit]
Creature of toxicity. You resist acid damage.
Toxic personality. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
Breath weapon. You open your glowing mouth and sprout out an acidic mist, All creatures within a 15ft line of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Constitution score, on a fail they take 1d12 acid damage. This can only be done once per long rest.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
12′ 8'' | +2d4 | 60 lb. | × (3d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a fate of emotion character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I desire to grow stronger as a person overall. |
2 | I tend to be extremely cautious about everything, side-eyeing every single thing. |
3 | I am the fear, I am the monster! |
4 | Creating a ground-work for a community makes me feel good, I think that's called leadership or something? |
5 | I will defend those I care most, Fear doesn't bother me ever. |
6 | These eyes just make me a glowing ball of pride, Look deeper into them... Don't be scared. |
7 | Please... I'm just trying to help you, Don't be scared... |
8 | I have a limited amount of friends right now, And I am focusing on keeping it that way,. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Empathy I want those that are different to me to be better... no matter how much they hate me. |
2 | Independence I want to start a-fresh, Alone once more despite how much of a community Ive grew. |
3 | Pride People should fear me, I'm a threat to be horrified about. |
4 | Remorse My community has fallen because of what I've done, I have to right my wrong. |
5 | Joy My community has empowered me for this long, What will change now? |
6 | Fear Everything is so strange, And I'm somehow the one that's scary? |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I want to be known by more then just my own kind. |
2 | I feel as we aren't as strong as a community and need to grow stronger. |
3 | I want to find a new community that was better then my old one. |
4 | I want new unique friends, People of my own kind are fine but feel the same. |
5 | I care not of our reputation, instead just want to kill the strongest foe out there. |
6 | I just want to be left alone, For once in peace and silence. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I tend to talk very little, Leaving people afraid of what I'm planning when I'm not planning anything. |
2 | Despite us growing stronger, I tend to revert back to our roots in short moments, Mainly animistic growls. |
3 | I am overly attached, Once somebody somewhat likes me I will stop at nothing to be their best friend. |
4 | Despite what I've been told, I can't help myself from causing fear on purpose, I know it's wrong but it feels so right. |
5 | I am overly scared, Constantly worrying about the worse outcome when meeting anybody I somewhat don't reconise. |
6 | People lose me too easily, Despite how I glow I'm often wondering off into the darkness once again. |
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