Raptoran (5e Race)
“ | Wings are the gift to which we use to be free. | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
![]() |
By Hyfigh |
Raptorans are humanoids skinnier and taller than the average human build. They sport longer arms and legs which end in avian like talons. Their faces are pointed like a bird's and their noses are very sharp and their general features are angled and streamlined. They have a pair of wings, often with white feathers, sprouting from their back. They are unique for these powerful wings which let them soar above that of other common races. As they age, the feathers get darker in hue. People would describe them as humanoids with the wings and features of a hawk.
Raptoran clothing tends to be utilitarian and streamlined to go with their features. Garb that's heavy, restrictive, or too loose would impede flight, so most raptorans rely on close-fitting clothing. But both top and pants are optional. Their feathered wings provide better insulation than most clothes so often times raptorans will just wear pants. Raptoran clothing includes straps and buckles for keeping pockets closed, because raptorans in flight would otherwise drop coins and other possessions. These openings also make air drag. Dangling jewelry is disapproved of as an annoyance in flight. Raptorans sometimes dye individual wing feathers to look appealing, using it as a facade of clothing.
Raptorans are unique among the common races for their ability to fly. In ancient times, the raptorans made a pact with the lords of the Elemental Plane of Air, gaining the ability to fly in exchange for pledging the finest warriors of their race to the service of the air elementals in various extraplanar battles. Although the elementals have not called upon the raptorans for assistance in generations, the pact entered into by those distant ancestors continues to shape raptoran society today. They await eagerly still to serve their benefactors to this day.
To ensure that only the fittest and most capable raptorans are available to fill the ranks of these would-be warriors, the agreement with the elementals called for the raptorans to put their offspring through a test of survival and self-reliance called the Walk of the Four Winds. To this day, every member of a raptoran flock must undergo this trial before becoming able to fly, thus gaining recognition of maturation among their peers. When the flock chief judges a young adult raptoran to be ready for the Walk, that raptoran can leave immediately to start the test. Those who do not leave at their earliest opportunity are referred to by other members of the community as "gliders" (reflecting their limited capacity to use their wings).
There is allegedly such adherence and reverence for the pact that some raptoran spellcasters choose to eschew all other elements of magic save lightning, and wind or force. The pact also set out details regarding the creation of the stormtalons, the organization of elite raptoran soldiers who assist raptoran flocks that find themselves in danger.
A typical raptoran community lives either in spiraling towers built in a hollow or depression halfway up a canyon cliff, or in large communal dwellings excavated into the side of a cliff. Cliffs with overhangs and warmer winds are particularly comfortable for raptorans. If a canyon has a prevailing breeze that blows through it, raptorans regard that location as a particularly auspicious place to live. Living space is allocated by an algorithm of status and need, though the best are usually reserved for the more affluent groups.
While raptorans do engage in some agriculture (mostly fruit orchards), they subsist on hunting whatever herd animals are prevalent near their cliff dwellings. These kinds of terrain often are not ideal for the tending of crops anyway. Thus, they usually live far from large settlements of other races, in areas where game is plentiful and the hunting is good. Some raptoran flocks tend herds of bison, deer, or elk near their communities, taking some of the livestock each season for food. If raptoran communities do neighbor others closely, there may be trouble afoot since young brash raptorans are prone to stealing the domesticated livestock of others.
Strangers who meet raptorans usually receive cordial but wary treatment. To a raptoran, any unfamiliar being is potentially an ally or an enemy, and she keeps her distance until she can be sure of a newcomer's intentions. Other creatures often consider raptorans to be aloof and somewhat snobbish toward creatures that cannot fly. The truth of the matter is that while raptorans literally look down on land-bound creatures, that situation is more a matter of circumstance than of arrogance. Raptorans instinctively pity creatures that can't soar on the winds, but they're introspective enough to realize that not everyone shares the desire to fly, though they cannot fathom why. This is not well communicated enough to clear up stereotypes of course.
As hunters and ranchers on the edge of civilization, raptorans tend to be territorial. They tolerate travelers who are just passing through their territories, but they expect visitors to ask permission before hunting or harvesting forest plants in the area. Those who tarry overlong in raptoran territory -- and those who settle too close for raptoran comfort -- face increasing harassment from, and eventual war with, the raptorans.
Raptorans tend to be tolerant of other folk who come to visit and not to stay. They often barter with gnomes and halflings, trading game, furs, and other products for metal goods, cloth, and salt. Raptorans regard most sylvan fey creatures as charming but somewhat frivolous. Raptorans are no fools, and they treat kobolds, goblins, orcs, and other warlike creatures with extra caution. They find dwarves and gnomes somewhat odd, even comical to look at because of their stout bodies and long beards. They also think of them as strange folk because of their habit of living underground, pitying them possibly the most of the land dwellers.
The goddess Tuilviel Glithien, the Queen of Air and Night, is the raptorans' primary deity. The raptorans call her Lady of the Silent Wings or simply The Lady in their circles. Tuilviel cherishes and protects all nocturnal birds. She is the patron of the hunt and of the family. Because many raptorans are druids, generalized nature worship is common among members of the race. Some raptorans, especially arcane spellcasters, venerate powerful elementals from the Elemental Plane of Air, drawing power from their faith and renewing their pact traditions. Without the pact, raptorans believe they shall surely perish. This has led some radical freedom-loving raptorans to spurn religious adherence the pact since they interpret it like shackles on their freedom to live.
Raptorans have a reputation for being deep thinkers who always weigh their options carefully. They're notorious for treating strangers coolly, yet they're also slow to judge and usually give newcomers ample time to prove themselves worthy of friendship. They are slow to anger but even slower to forgive an insult or injury. Their memory is not too long but they remember bad events very clearly.
When faced with uncertainty, raptorans usually retreat to a safe distance and settle down to observe and ponder the situation for a while. Their detractors dismiss this behavior as cowardly or indecisive, yet raptorans are perfectly capable of improvising when the need arises, and they generally stick to a task once they have decided how to take it on. Raptorans seldom flee from danger; they just back off a little.
Raptorans love to argue and debate, whether or not they actually agree with the philosophy they are defending so passionately. They do not, however, waste time arguing when danger threatens or when they perceive that time is of the essence. This kind of utilitarian thinking is prevalent in many facets of their lives.
A raptoran's cautious nature takes a back seat whenever physical violence is imminent. In the blink of an eye, a raptoran's demeanor can change from serene to fierce, as they are birds of prey. In combat, raptorans attack their enemies with savage aggressiveness, seeking overwhelming victory as quickly as possible.
Raptoran Names[edit]
A raptoran child receives a birth name from her parents, which serves to identify the child as she grows up. Sometime after the child reaches adolescence she acquires a nickname. This is occasionally from a flock elder but often a sobriquet that just seems to stick. As a matter of practice, only members of a raptoran's flock may refer to her by her nickname, and even then they only do so when no strangers are present. Close friends and family members often continue to use a raptoran's birth name as a mark of affection.
A raptoran may reveal her flock nickname to someone outside the flock if she wishes, but no one else may do so. Sharing one's flock nickname with an outsider is a mark of deep respect, trust, or affection.
When a raptoran gains the ability to fly under her own power, she chooses an adult name for herself. In addition, a raptoran has a family name, which is often a compound of several descriptive words from their holy language, the language of reverence for their goddess. This same tongue is used in ceremonies to commune with their divine.
Male: Tenebrus, Illuvue, Pororian
Female: Tieuvelli, Sharidalin, Oratha'al
Raptoran Traits[edit]
Avian humanoids that love the free sky
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Raptorans do not live much longer than humans. Their average lifespan is 120 years.
Alignment. Being enamored with freedom, raptorans tend towards neutral or chaotic alignments.
Size. Raptorans average just over 6 feet tall and weigh 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Aerial Master. You have a glide speed of 30 feet. As a reaction, when you would take damage from falling, you can buffer your wings and instead take no damage. Starting 5th level, you gain a flight speed of 30 feet. You cannot use this speed while carrying a backpack or wearing armor.
Internal Compass. Raptorans have an instinctive sense of which direction is north, even when they are underground or otherwise unable to see the sky or other visual cues. Beyond the Material Realm, this ability doesn't function.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hawkeyes. You have keen eyes as a hunter. You are proficient in the Perception skill.
Hunter Weapons. You are proficient in the longbow and shortbow.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 09'' | +1d8 | 150 lb. | × 1 lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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