Quebaerie (5e Race)
“ | What beauty you see now is only a fraction of what was once even more whole, more beautiful. But now, you will never know it, unless you aim to return to those times, and endure the journey. | ” |
—Quebaerie shaman |
Physical Description[edit]

The quebaerie are a race of mysterious humanoids. They are taller and more muscular than humans, even their females. Their skin is a pale violet color, almost white, with a tinge of grey. Quebaerie have white black sclera around a white iris and no pupil. Most of them are hairless, save for long, brown hair on their head. Males have white markings on their skin that resembled tattoos with straight lines and perpendicular angles. Females have black marks that are thinner and swirl, much like waves or wind. When a quebaerie is angry, their eyes will turn red and their nails turn purplish due to the coursing of their blood.
As true devout stewards of nature, quebaerie will generally refrain from dressing unnaturally or at all. Some will wear full dresses or pants made of plants while others will only go as far as cover the naughty parts. Like druids, quebaerie will not wear metal armor or clothing, preferring wood or stone. They often prefer to walk barefoot and this aids in allowing them to better connect to their natural surroundings.
The quebaerie are a druidic people who are believed to have existed for a long time, but in secret. Their records show a vast history of having lived among forests. In their account, the world was much more lush and green with natural beauty in the day, before later conflicts and developments ultimately wrecked and destroyed much of it, replacing it with civilization and barren lands. The quebaerie resent this and call it a great shame in the world. They are thus heavily associated with and believed to originate from the will of nature gods that are against the encroaching forces of destructive industrialization. For a while, they were mistaken as albino firbolgs, though they are not related to giants. It is believed the quebaerie remained hidden in mystical forests of antiquity, hatching plots to revive lost wilderness and hinder uninhibited development.
Most quebaerie reside within villages hidden deep within the mystic woods they call home. Many will remain in these locations for all their lives, tending to the natural health of their surroundings. Not many of these settlements exist. These villages are headed by a council of elder shamans and druids who commune with gods of nature for advice on how to best ward off disaster. They sometimes receive orders to send agents out into the world to help another forest elsewhere. Some rare quebaerie who leave their homes establish lives as hermits or even frontiersmen, striking a balance between living in nature and with the modernizing civilization. These quebaerie see industrialization as a force that can be tamed and taught to respect nature, rather than oppose it at every turn. Ultimately, every quebaerie finds some way to help the natural world survive, as is a process ingrained in their bones.
Quebaerie Names[edit]
Quebaerie names are not specified to gender and are often named after types of foliage from the forests in which they live.
Names: Fern, Grass, Bush, Shrub, Leaf, Tree, Root, Branch
Quebaerie Traits[edit]
Very buff guardians of the forests
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and either your Constitution or Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Quebaerie live slightly longer than humans, up to 150 years, and mature at age 21.
Alignment. Quebaerie don't tend toward any alignments, and are mostly neutral. They can be seen as chaotic due to their devotion to nature at all costs, however.
Size. Quebaerie are taller and heavier than humans, having a maximum height of 8 feet and a minimum weight of 180 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Tremorsense. Focusing on their attunement to nature, the quebaerie can see through the vibrations of the world like some monsters can when needed. As an action, you focus and attune to the earth, gaining 20 feet of tremorsense until the end of your turn.
Forest Dweller. Having lived among nature's sanctuaries, you are well accustomed to their signs and marks. You are proficient in the Nature skill and can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
Immense Strength. The musculature of the quebaerie is hardly only for show, and they will use it to defeat any who try to restrain them. You have advantage on Strength checks to escape being grappled.
Nature's Healers. You are proficient with the herbalism kit.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Druidic.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 0'' | +2d12 | 180 lb. | × (4d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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