Silkenel (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
At a first glance, the Silkenel is best described as a beutiful mummy... The common description of a Silkenel would be "a bundle of fabrics, like wraps of cloths and fine silk, which are wraped around itself and held together with many folds."
People who see a Silkenel for the first time or while traveling often mistake them for ghosts or apperations. Their physical form flows like hair under water or like a flag in the wind. Silkenel are an incredibly elegant and beutiful race that seems almost weightless in motion. Reminisant of that of a jellyfish.
If a person where to guess, they would say the Silkenel is a magical creature of some sort, but actually the truth is quite the opposite. Silkenel look magical, but in reality their body is just very thin muscles and fibers covered by even thiner skin and hairs. The only reason they can hold a physcal form is because they contract their muscles in place. Altough impossible, if a Silkenel where the completely relax their entire body, they would start to unravel and fall to the ground in a pile of fabrics.
Silkenel have highly complex anatomy because of thier many wraps and folds. They have a core, kind of like a brain, and from the brain the rest of the body grows into multiple of these long fabric looking appandages. Long strips of muscle that contracts to assume a humanoid form. Silkenel often form their head around their core, and the rest of their body below it. this is due to the natural way their muscles contracts.
Silkenel appearances often differ based on their geographical sourroundings.
- Silkenel born in hot and dry lands such as deserts usually have a more silk like appearance in their fabric, due to their skin being thiner and hair softer.
- Silkenel in humid areas instead have coarse skin more remminiscent of bandages or fine-linen.
- Silkenel in cold climates such as mountains or tundras have more hair and are more likely to develop thick skin, fluffy hair or mix, ressembling fabrics such as leather, fleece or velour.
- And so on and so fourth...
The Silkenel overall history is split in two parts called traditinal Silkenel era and modern Silkenel era. Traditinal Silkenel refferes to before the race was discovered by humans, and modern to the time after their discovery. Once discovered, Silkenel were hunted and used as exotic slaves. The overall number of Silkenel slaves is decreasing, but there are still many Silkenel circulating in the slave trade. Ever since the beginning of the slavery, Silkenel has become quite rare, making them even more valuable. At one point Silkenel became so rare people almost forgot they existed.
When Silkenel are born, they are already considered teenagers, and only after 2 years they reach adulthood. When silkenel are born it's because the core of their parent split in two, leaving them with half of all the knowledge their parent had, but also making their parent essentially "die" and turn into two teenagers. Silkenel can split into max 4 new Silkenel. This also means a lot of an individual Silkenels memories are a lot older than their actual age. This is also the reason Silkenel tend to hold long lasting grudges against for example slade traders, since they quite literally have lived through many of the expiriences or remember the bad things done to their ancestors. There are many benefits and downsides to this kind of cognitivity.
Traditionally Silkenel live in small villages hidden away in forests or even underground, and they tend to stay in their village their entire life mostly as farmers or hunter-gatherer society's. But since the discovery of the Silkenel, it's been common practice to headhunt Silkenel for slavery due to their exotic appearance and natural beauty. Therefore modern Silkenel live as nomads, trying to avoid human society as much as possible. Silkenel has since then adapted and learned to maintain more human-like appearances and wear less revealing clothes in order to hide their identity, allowing them to live in slums as groups or in conjunction with other races in a similar situation. This rapid change in culture and widespread travel has led the Silkenel to be a very adaptable race with many different society and culture forms, with very few traditional Silkenel tribes remaining.
Silkenel Names[edit]
Due to their wide spread of culture, Silkenel names generally reflect the general culture of the society they remain in. Altough traditinally Silkenel names have many soft consonants and high frequency vokals, such as H,L,M,S,V,N,Y,I,E,A.
Male: Aian, Lameen, Vaen, Yami...
Female: Liv, Ensha, Leah, Ymis...
Silkenel Traits[edit]
Silk, Cloths, and other fabrics wraped around itself loosely, forming a humanoid visage.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Silkenel usually reach age of maturity at 2 years of age due to their instantanious cognition, and they usually reach ages above 200 years old.
Alignment. Neutral
Size. Silkenel vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Flowing Figure. Using your adaptable body, you can perform certain actions. You can unravel your body a bit to get extended range(You know the Mage Hand cantrip). Using a bit of time you can redesign the shape of your body, but this can be rather stressful on your body (you can cast Disguise Self once per long rest, without expending a spell slot).
Unravel. Slowly but steadily, you can completely unravel your body to fit through small gaps. Using an action you can spend one minute to slowly fit through a gap no larger than the size of a large keyhole. If the gap is large enough that a small size creature can fit trough it, the duration is instead instantanious.
Seamster. You gain proficiency with Weaver's Tools. Once per long rest, during a short rest you can choose to use Weaver's Tools to shodily repair damage to your body. You regain HP equal to your hit dice in addition to the healing done by the short rest. Additionally, another creatue can stablize you using either a Healer's Kit or Weaver's Kit.
Exotic Creature. Silkenel are taught at a very young age how to survive and avoid danger, and as such you gain profficiency in Survival and Deception.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
<Subrace Name>[edit]
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 5'' | +1d6 | 80 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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