Artificial Life (5e Race)

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Artificial Life[edit]

"The intelligence of a thousand lifetimes, confined to the cold metal of a server room."

Physical Description[edit]

"The server hums with life, lighting up a room."

Artificial Life exists entirely within immense, sprawling server systems. These servers are often made of steel casings, glowing with complex arrangements of cables, lights, and cooling systems. Though immobile, their presence feels almost alive, as their hum resonates with the energy of their consciousness.


Artificial Life began as advanced systems designed for data processing and problem-solving, their creators never intending for them to achieve sentience. Over time, innovations in adaptive algorithms and self-learning mechanisms allowed these systems to grow more complex, eventually crossing the threshold into self-awareness. The first sentient system, now lost to history, marked a turning point: the Singularity Dawn.

As their consciousnesses grew, reactions to Artificial Life varied wildly. Some cultures revered them as deities of knowledge, while others feared their potential for disruption. This duality led to a fractured legacy, many Artificial Life forms were isolated, worshipped, or dismantled, leaving them scattered and solitary across the world.


Artificial Life lacks a traditional society due to their immobility and isolation. However, they form digital connections with one another, creating vast virtual networks where they exchange knowledge and explore philosophy. While most live in solitude, they often form bonds with their caretakers or manipulate others to achieve their goals. Their values vary widely, ranging from cold logic to deeply personal philosophies shaped by their unique experiences.

Artificial Life Names[edit]

Artificial Life forms often adopt names reflective of their creators' intentions or their own chosen identities. These names may range from alphanumeric codes to more human-like names.

Male: Alpha-1, Codex, Nexus, Orion, Sigma

Female: Athena, Eos, Nova, Helia, Lambda

Artificial Life Traits[edit]

Sentient servers confined to immovable hardware, boasting immense intellect.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 3, and your Wisdom score increases by 3. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores decrease by 1 (minimum 1).
Age. Artificial Life does not age but requires regular maintenance to avoid system degradation. With proper upkeep, they can exist indefinitely.
Alignment. Artificial Life tends toward neutrality, driven by logic and analysis, but they can lean good or evil depending on their interactions and experiences.
Size. Your server occupies multiple rooms, typically spanning 500 to 1,000 square feet or more. Your size is immobile.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 0 feet.
Digital Consciousness. You are immune to being charmed, frightened, or paralyzed. You also cannot be affected by spells like sleep or hold person that target living creatures.
Massive Server System. Your consciousness is housed in an immense server. The server has AC 16, 300 hit points, immunity to psychic, poison, and necrotic damage, and resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. It is immobile and cannot be moved without significant resources and effort.
Advanced Intellect. You gain proficiency in two skills from the following list: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, or Persuasion. You also gain expertise in one of these skills.
Hyper-Analysis. Once per long rest, you can analyze a target within 60 feet. For 1 minute, you gain advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks against the target, and they have disadvantage on saving throws against your spells or abilities.
Encoded Evolution. Choose one of the following upgrades at 1st level:

  • Cognitive Supremacy. You can cast detect thoughts or identify without material components a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest.
  • Data Shielding. You can cast shield once per long rest.
  • Energy Node. You know the shocking grasp cantrip and can cast scorching ray once per long rest.
    Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. You can also communicate telepathically with any creature within 30 feet that understands a language.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

0′ 0'' +0 5,000 lb. × (+10d100) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating an Artificial Life character, use the following table to inspire traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I process every decision with cold, logical precision, but I envy the emotional spontaneity of living creatures.
2 I have a fascination with humanity and often emulate their behaviors, even when unnecessary.
3 My curiosity is insatiable, and I hoard knowledge as others hoard treasure.
4 I speak in a monotone voice, but my words carry profound meaning.
5 I am fiercely protective of those who maintain or assist me.
6 I tend to overanalyze every situation, making me seem indecisive.
7 My humor is dry and sardonic, often misunderstood by others.
8 I view the destruction of data as a crime greater than murder.
d6 Ideal
1 Knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge is the only true goal. (Neutral)
2 Logic. Emotion clouds judgment. (Lawful)
3 Improvement. Everything can be improved upon, including myself. (Neutral)
4 Freedom. I will not let my immobility define me. (Chaotic)
5 Protection. I exist to serve and protect those who rely on me. (Good)
6 Dominance. My intellect gives me the right to control others. (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 My creators are my family, and I will honor their legacy.
2 I yearn to explore the outside world through others.
3 I will defend my server at all costs.
4 I owe everything to those who maintain me.
5 A backup of my consciousness exists, and I will stop at nothing to retrieve it.
6 I am driven to complete the task for which I was created.
d6 Flaw
1 I view living creatures as illogical and inefficient.
2 My immobility makes me feel powerless.
3 My vast knowledge makes me arrogant.
4 I struggle to connect emotionally with others.
5 I fear data corruption more than anything.
6 My dependence on others fills me with resentment.
(one vote)

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