Mustilian (5e Race)

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The Mustilians are a race of magically engineered mustelids, each imbued with unique talents and abilities reflecting their diverse cultural backgrounds and magical affinities. From the aquatic cities of the Aquamarts to the fiery kingdoms of the Firerats, Mustilians have left an indelible mark on the world with their ingenuity, resilience, and sense of adventure. Whether exploring ancient ruins, forging alliances with other races, or unraveling the mysteries of their own origins, the Mustilians continue to chart their own course in a world filled with magic, danger, and endless possibilities.

Physical Description[edit]

Mustilians are a diminutive race of sentient mustelids, possessing sleek, fur-covered bodies with varying colorations and distinctive features based on their subrace. Despite their small stature, they exude an air of intelligence and agility.

Body: Mustilians typically stand between 2 and 3 feet tall, with slender, agile frames that allow them to move with remarkable grace and precision. Their bodies are covered in dense fur, providing insulation against the elements.

Fur Coloration: The coloration of a Mustilian's fur varies based on their subrace. Aquamarts may have sleek, waterproof coats in shades of brown, while Technofurs often sport darker fur with lighter facial markings. Stoneclaws may have thick, grey or black fur with white patches, reminiscent of their earthy origins. Shadowweasels might have sleek, dark fur that seems to blend into the shadows, while Firerats could have fiery red or orange fur with darker accents.

Facial Features: Mustilians have elongated, pointed snouts lined with sharp teeth, reflecting their carnivorous nature. Their eyes are large and expressive, often reflecting their intelligence and curiosity. Each subrace may have subtle facial variations, such as whisker length or ear shape.

Limbs and Appendages: Mustilians have four legs with dexterous paws, each tipped with sharp claws that aid in climbing and manipulation. Their hind legs are slightly longer, giving them a slight hunch when standing upright. Aquamarts may have slightly webbed paws, while Stoneclaws might have thicker, more robust claws suited for digging and excavating.

Tail: A long, bushy tail extends from the base of a Mustilian's spine, providing balance and agility. The tail may be used for communication, with subtle movements conveying emotions and intentions. Each subrace's tail may have unique features, such as fin-like extensions for Aquamarts or a prehensile tip for Technofurs.

Voice: Mustilians have high-pitched voices with a range of chirps, chitters, and trills, capable of conveying complex emotions and ideas. Their language includes a combination of vocalizations, body language, and subtle magical cues, allowing for nuanced communication among their kind.

Overall, Mustilians possess a blend of physical characteristics that reflect their mustelid origins while incorporating magical traits unique to each subrace. Their small size belies their formidable intellect and magical abilities, making them valuable allies and formidable adversaries in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.


Ancient Origins: In the distant past, during an age of great magical experimentation, powerful sorcerers and wizards sought to create a race of sentient beings imbued with magical abilities to serve various roles in their magical societies. Drawing inspiration from the natural world, they turned to the mustelids, a family of carnivorous mammals known for their intelligence and adaptability.

The Great Convergence: Through a combination of arcane rituals, alchemical concoctions, and powerful spells, the sorcerers succeeded in creating the first Mustilians. Each subrace was meticulously crafted to embody different magical affinities, drawing upon the elemental forces of water, earth, fire, illusion, and enchantment.

Rise of the Mustilian Empires: As the Mustilian race flourished, they formed their own independent societies and kingdoms, each subspecies establishing its own unique culture, traditions, and territories. The Aquamarts built magnificent underwater cities, harnessing the power of the seas for exploration and commerce. The Technofurs constructed sprawling metropolises filled with magical inventions and technological wonders. Stoneclaws carved grand cities into the mountainsides, fortifying their realms with powerful magical wards and defenses. Shadowweasels established secretive enclaves hidden within the shadows, honing their skills in espionage and illusion. And the Firerats forged mighty kingdoms amidst volcanic landscapes, mastering the arts of alchemy and fire magic.

Golden Age of Magic: During the Golden Age of Magic, the Mustilians reached the pinnacle of their civilization, harnessing their magical abilities to accomplish feats of wonder and splendor. They formed alliances, forged trade routes, and conducted diplomatic relations with neighboring kingdoms and races. Their advanced knowledge of magic and technology made them sought-after allies and respected adversaries in the world.

Decline and Fragmentation: However, the prosperity of the Mustilian empires was not to last. Internal conflicts, external threats, and the gradual waning of magical energies led to the decline and fragmentation of their once-great civilizations. Wars erupted, alliances crumbled, and ancient knowledge was lost to the annals of time. The Mustilians retreated to their respective domains, guarding their secrets and traditions from outsiders.

Present Day: In the present era, the Mustilian race remains a shadow of its former glory, scattered across the world in isolated communities and hidden enclaves. Each subrace struggles to preserve its cultural heritage and magical legacy, facing new challenges and threats in a world fraught with danger and uncertainty. Yet, the spark of hope remains, as whispers of ancient prophecies and long-forgotten artifacts hint at a resurgence of the Mustilian race and the restoration of their once-mighty empires.

The history of the Mustilian race is a tale of magic, ambition, and resilience. From their humble beginnings as magical experiments to their rise as powerful empires, the Mustilians have left an indelible mark on the world, shaping its history and destiny in ways both profound and mysterious. As the world continues to evolve, the Mustilians stand ready to reclaim their rightful place among the great civilizations of the realm, guided by the echoes of their ancient past and the promise of a brighter future.


Society and Governance: Mustilian society is organized into distinct subspecies-based communities, each with its own customs, traditions, and governance structures. While there is no centralized Mustilian government, alliances and councils composed of representatives from each subspecies often convene to address common issues and concerns.

Community Structure: Mustilian communities vary in size and complexity, ranging from small, tight-knit villages to sprawling metropolises. Each community is governed by a council of elders or elected officials, who make decisions on behalf of the populace.

Cultural Diversity: Mustilian society is rich in cultural diversity, with each subspecies contributing unique customs, arts, and practices to the collective tapestry of their civilization. Despite their differences, Mustilians share a deep sense of kinship and solidarity, forged through centuries of cooperation and mutual respect.

Architecture and Technology: Mustilian architecture reflects the magical abilities and natural environments of each subspecies, blending intricate designs with practical functionality. Their technological advancements are intertwined with magic, resulting in marvels of engineering and enchantment.

-Aquatic Cities: Aquamarts build magnificent underwater cities, adorned with shimmering coral reefs, bioluminescent plants, and enchanted crystals that provide light and energy. These cities are marvels of hydro-engineering, featuring domed structures, underwater gardens, and expansive networks of tunnels and chambers.

-Magical Metropolises: Technofurs construct sprawling metropolises filled with towering spires, arcane laboratories, and bustling marketplaces. Their cities are powered by magical energy sources, with floating platforms, levitating buildings, and intricate networks of mana conduits that crisscross the skyline.

-Mountain Strongholds: Stoneclaws carve grand cities into the mountainsides, fortifying their realms with towering citadels, labyrinthine tunnels, and impregnable fortresses. Their architecture blends natural stone formations with magical wards and defenses, creating formidable bastions that withstand the test of time.

-Shadow Enclaves: Shadowweasels establish secretive enclaves hidden within the shadows, with concealed entrances, hidden passages, and illusionary barriers that protect their domains from prying eyes. Their cities are shrouded in mystery, with twisting alleyways, shadowy markets, and clandestine meeting places where secrets are traded like currency.

-Volcanic Kingdoms: Firerats forge mighty kingdoms amidst volcanic landscapes, with towering spires of obsidian, lava rivers, and geothermal vents that power their industries. Their cities are built to withstand the harsh conditions of their environment, with fireproof materials, heat-resistant structures, and magical wards that ward off eruptions and earthquakes.

Magical Arts and Academies: Mustilians are renowned for their mastery of magic, with each subspecies specializing in different schools of arcane knowledge. Magical academies and institutions serve as centers of learning and innovation, where aspiring spellcasters and scholars hone their craft.

-Aquatic Arcana: Aquamarts study water magic and aquatic biology, exploring the mysteries of the deep and harnessing the elemental forces of the seas. Their academies are located in underwater grottos, with magical barriers that protect against water pressure and hostile sea creatures.

-Technological Thaumaturgy: Technofurs delve into the intricacies of enchantment and artifice, blending magic with technology to create wondrous inventions and magical artifacts. Their academies are filled with workshops, laboratories, and experimentation chambers, where students learn to imbue objects with arcane energies.

-Earthbound Esoterica: Stoneclaws specialize in earth magic and geomancy, shaping the land and harnessing the power of the earth to defend their territories. Their academies are carved into the mountainsides, with stone halls, crystal caverns, and magical libraries that contain ancient tomes of geological lore.

-Shadow Sorcery: Shadowweasels master illusion magic and stealth, weaving shadows and manipulating perceptions to conceal their movements and deceive their enemies. Their academies are hidden within the shadows, with shifting corridors, illusionary classrooms, and hidden chambers that test the limits of reality.

-Infernal Incantations: Firerats command fire magic and alchemy, transmuting materials and controlling flames with precision and skill. Their academies are located amidst volcanic landscapes, with forges, alchemical laboratories, and fiery crucibles where students learn to wield the primal forces of fire.

Trade and Diplomacy: Mustilians engage in trade and diplomacy with neighboring kingdoms and races, exchanging goods, knowledge, and magical artifacts in a bustling marketplace of ideas and resources.

-Aquatic Trade Routes: Aquamarts establish underwater trade routes, connecting their cities with coastal settlements and maritime empires. They trade exotic sea creatures, rare pearls, and enchanted seashells for magical artifacts and arcane knowledge.

-Technological Exports: Technofurs export magical inventions and technological marvels to distant lands, including golems, automatons, and flying contraptions. They trade enchanted gems, rare metals, and magical components for exotic materials and arcane reagents.

-Stonecarved Alliances: Stoneclaws forge alliances with mountain-dwelling races and earth elementals, offering their expertise in geomancy and earth magic in exchange for protection and resources. They trade precious gems, refined minerals, and enchanted crystals for enchanted weaponry and magical defenses.

-Shadowy Bargains: Shadowweasels engage in clandestine trade deals and shadowy bargains, exchanging secrets, information, and forbidden knowledge with spies, assassins, and shadowy organizations. They trade illusionary artifacts, enchanted scrolls, and shadowy relics for magical tomes and arcane artifacts.

-Fiery Commerce: Firerats trade in alchemical concoctions, magical potions, and enchanted weapons forged in the heart of their volcanic kingdoms. They trade rare spices, volcanic ores, and enchanted ashes for magical scrolls and arcane artifacts.

Conclusion: Mustilian civilization is a vibrant tapestry of magical innovation, cultural diversity, and arcane wonder. From the underwater cities of the Aquamarts to the volcanic kingdoms of the Firerats, Mustilian society is a testament to the enduring spirit of magical ingenuity and cooperation in the world of fantasy.

Mustilian Names[edit]


Aquamarts: Nalu, Kaelen, Thalos, Morayn, Driskar

Technofurs: Voltan, Sprocket, Gearon, Tesla, Rune

Stoneclaws: Grathor, Boulder, Rokhan, Stonewall, Thrumm

Shadowweasels: Shadow, Whisper, Shade, Nightfall, Dusk

Firerats: Ember, Blaze, Pyro, Ignis, Cinder


Aquamarts: Marina, Oceana, Coralie, Nixie, Sirena

Technofurs: Tesla, Nova, Gadget, Seraphine, Eureka

Stoneclaws: Terra, Gaia, Crystal, Petra, Echo

Shadowweasels: Luna, Twilight, Shadow, Mystique, Selene

Firerats: Ember, Inferna, Asha, Flare, Phoenix

Mustilian Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Age. Mustilians mature at a similar rate to humans and have lifespans comparable to humans.
Alignment. Mustilians, like their mustelid counterparts, exhibit a wide range of alignments.
Size. Mustilians typically stand between 2 and 3 feet tall and weigh between 20 and 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to navigating their subterranean habitats, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Slice of Home. Whenever you and any additional creatures of your choice take a short or long rest, they gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier as you make the area cozier to be in.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Aquamart (Otter Subspecies)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Amphibious. You can hold your breath for up to one hour.
Swim Speed. You have a swim speed of 30 feet.

Technofur (Pine Marten Subspecies)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Artisan Expertise. You gain proficiency with one type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Magical Tinkering. You can cast the mage hand cantrip at will, requiring no material components.

Stoneclaw (Badger Subspecies)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Rock Solid. You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill, and you have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone.
Geomancy. You know the mold earth cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the earth tremor spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Shadowweasel (Weasel Subspecies)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Illusory Form. You know the minor illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the invisibility spell once with this trait, requiring no material components. You regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest.

Firerat (Ferret Subspecies)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Flame Resilience. You have resistance to fire damage.
Fire Starter. You know the produce flame cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the burning hands spell once with this trait as a 2nd-level spell, requiring no material components. You regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

2′ 0'' +1d12 20 lb. × (2) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a Mustilian character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 Curious: Mustilians are naturally curious beings, eager to explore new ideas, places, and experiences.
2 Resourceful: They possess a knack for finding creative solutions to problems, utilizing their intelligence and ingenuity to overcome obstacles.
3 Adaptable: Mustilians are highly adaptable, capable of thriving in diverse environments and situations.
4 Independent: They value their autonomy and freedom, preferring to chart their own course in life rather than conform to societal expectations.
5 Playful: Mustilians have a playful and mischievous side, enjoying games, pranks, and playful banter with friends and companions.
6 Loyal: Despite their independent nature, Mustilians are fiercely loyal to their friends, family, and allies, willing to go to great lengths to protect and support them.
7 Perceptive: They have keen senses and sharp intuition, often noticing details and subtleties that others overlook.
8 Resilient: Mustilians possess a strong inner resilience, able to bounce back from setbacks and adversity with determination and perseverance.
d6 Ideal
1 Harmony with Nature: Mustilians strive to live in harmony with the natural world, respecting the balance of ecosystems and honoring the spirits of the land.
2 Freedom and Autonomy: They value individual freedom and autonomy, believing that everyone should have the right to pursue their own path in life.
3 Knowledge and Discovery: Mustilians seek knowledge and enlightenment, viewing learning and discovery as essential pursuits that enrich their lives and broaden their horizons.
4 Justice and Equality: They believe in justice and equality for all beings, fighting against oppression, prejudice, and injustice wherever they encounter it.
5 Creativity and Innovation: Mustilians embrace creativity and innovation, seeing them as powerful tools for positive change and personal growth.
6 Balance and Harmony: They strive to maintain balance and harmony in all aspects of life, seeking to find equilibrium between conflicting forces and interests.
d6 Bond
1 Bond of Brotherhood/Sisterhood: Mustilians feel a deep bond with their fellow Mustilians, seeing them as family and kindred spirits united by a shared heritage and destiny.
2 Bond of Friendship: They form strong bonds of friendship with individuals of other races who share their values, ideals, and experiences.
3 Bond of Duty: Mustilians feel a sense of duty and responsibility to their community, tribe, or faction, willing to sacrifice their own desires for the greater good.
4 Bond of Guardianship: They feel a strong urge to protect and defend those who are weaker or more vulnerable than themselves, whether it be friends, family, or strangers in need.
5 Bond of Exploration: Mustilians are drawn to the thrill of exploration and adventure, forming bonds with companions who share their love of discovery and excitement.
6 Bond of Legacy: They feel a deep connection to their ancestral heritage and the legacy of their people, seeking to honor their ancestors and preserve their cultural traditions for future generations.
d6 Flaw
1 Stubbornness: Mustilians can be stubborn and headstrong, refusing to back down or compromise even when it would be in their best interest to do so.
2 Impulsiveness: They may act impulsively or recklessly, rushing into situations without fully considering the consequences of their actions.
3 Distrustful: Mustilians can be wary and distrustful of outsiders, particularly those from races or cultures they perceive as hostile or untrustworthy.
4 Overconfidence: They may be prone to overestimating their abilities and underestimating their opponents, leading to arrogance and hubris.
5 Vengefulness: Mustilians may hold grudges and seek revenge against those who wronged them or their loved ones, even at the expense of their own well-being.
6 Isolationism: They may be reluctant to form close bonds with individuals outside their own race or community, preferring to keep others at arm's length to avoid vulnerability or betrayal.
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