Baphomet (Vivziepop) (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Eyes: Your eyes are cyan or teal. Hair: Your hair is any color Skin: Your skin is any color. Other: Your horns and candle are any color, and the flame is any color.


Native to the Sloth Ring, Baphomets are demonic goat-like entities distinguishable by their digitigrade legs with hooves for feet, goat-like facial structure, and a candle-like horn that emits flames above their forehead. The Sloth Ring is responsible for most of Hell's healthcare and drug industries.

A purple goat demon wearing a purple and pink suit.
Tim, a Baphomet demon.

Baphomet Traits[edit]

Goat Demons that are responsible for Hell's healthcare and drug industries.
Ability Score Increase. +2 Wisdom and +1 Dexterity
Age. Baphomets mature in their late teens and typically live into their 70s.
Alignment. Baphomets tend to be Neutral, but there are exceptions.
Size. You are Medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Bioluminescence. You emit bright light for 20 feet, and dim light for 40 feet.
Healer. You have proficiency in Medicine skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Abyssal

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