Reigar (5e Race)
“ | “Anything for art, nothing without style, and everyone for themselves”. | ” |
—Reigar Adage |
Physical Description[edit]
![]() |
Reigar, from Boo's Astral Menagerie |
Reigar are androgynous folk who evolved into a humanoid shape from a species of cephalopods similar to octopi. They have bioluminescent freckles and the ability to change the coloration of their skin. A glory (or halo) surrounds each of them. This magical display is a cloud of twinkling, glittering motes that changes color randomly and repels attacks.
Millenia ago, the reigar waged war across their homeworld's landscape. Since the start of their history, the reigar followed the pursuit of art, with their greatest art being violence. Once they developed their esthetics, living spaceships, those above the planet destroyed their homeworld in its entirety in what would be known as the Master Stroke. After this, the remaining reigar abandoned their world with little regard for it, pursuing new ways to find the ultimate expression of art and war.
Society and Culture[edit]
Reigar are a scattered people, living individualistically on their esthetic spaceships across the phlogiston, with the remaining reigar lacking any trust in eachother, and any meeting will likely result in hostilities. However, most reigar still follow their people's beliefs that the warfare is the greatest form of art, and that violence is a beautiful and creative act. Reigar are also very flashy and artistic in other ways, labouring to ensure their appearances and presences are striking and unforgettable, though this varies from elegance to gaudiness.
Reigar Traits[edit]
Celestial cephalid people who consider violence the greatest art.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and either your Strength or Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Reigar can live incredibly long times, with most living Reigar being those still living on their homeworld before its destruction millenia ago.
Alignment. Reigar lean towards chaotic and neutral alignments, disregarding moral codes and care for others in the everlasting search for beauty.
Size. Reigar stand willowy and tall between 6 to 7 feet tall. You are Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Art is War. You gain proficiency with the Performance skill, and proficiency with three martial weapons of your choice.
Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour.
Reigar Psionics. You know either the light, mage hand, or prestidigitation cantrip. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast either the misty step or suggestion spell once, and you must finish a long rest to cast one of these spells again with this trait. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait (choose when you select this race).
Warding Glory. As a bonus action, for 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), you empower your glory’s protective power. For the duration, you gain a bonus to your Armour Class equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Celestial, and either Common, Deep Speech, or one other language of your choice.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 8'' | +2d8 | 100 lb. | × (5) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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