Sketch Kind (5e Race)
Sketch kind[edit]
" Creative freedom drives those with power to make something they shouldn't... "
Physical Description[edit]
The sketch kind are creatures that seem to be a living drawing, Crudely drawn on any form of paper despite how crooked or old the paper may appear. The ink that has been used cannot seem to come off no matter what. Creatures whenever they hold an object either fold the paper form they reside in to be able to hold it physically or merge said object with themselves until they drop it, becoming one with the paper. The drawing itself is normally a humanoid depiction with lines for limbs, The drawing will represent some sort of other race or creature, That be it a human, elf, shifter, ect. Sketch kind all have simplistic faces (normally just a pair of lines or dots for eyes and a single shape for the mouth) with little to no colors at all, it is rare to see them having some sort of colors on them other then the paper and the "ink" that represents what they look like... Although some sketch kind do have colors.
![]() |
Art by : Trolldog |
Sketch kind are normally created by somebody, The person that creates them is somebody with too much free time on their hands. A powerful wizard that forged one of his doodles to life? An artist with the belief that their art will come to life if they try hard enough? Some person that used a cursed pencil? No matter what the sketch kind must be created original from a scribe on a paper that isn't bounded to a wall or other restrictive locations (Such as a book), Upon being created the sketch kind finds the person that brought them to life as their parental figure despite the fact that they aren't related at all. They often find it their duty to protect or support their creator in some way, either by fending off people that attempt to hurt them or helping them out in emotional times, They find themselves tendering for their creators.
Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]
Sketch kind normally don't come together, they find other sketch kinds rather displeasing as they think that their the only sketch kind that matters... although if a sketch kind see's another sketch kind that has more colors then themselves they tend to feel like they aren't as powerful as them, As if being more colorful gives a sense of hierarchy and power. Sketch kinds all however belief that their creator, despite what the creator ever looks like, is a sketch kind as well. This causes them to see them as the strongest sketch kind as the creator most likely be much more colorful then any sketch kind ever.
Sketch kind Names[edit]
A sketch kind has names that are quite off, normally the creator chooses the name for the sketch kind but the sketch kind will always seem to misspell the name they gained, ending up causing it to gain a new named that was based on the original name.
Male: Jac, Hnry, Le-oh, Augaust
Female: L-ah, Rby, Irist, Holle
Sketch kind Traits[edit]
Sketch kinds are living doodles/drawings created by somebody that has too much creative freedom
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. 2 Years old
Alignment. They tend to be on the Good alignment, But it's never something too sespfic
Size. Small
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Paper structure. Your paper body is so thin you can slide through any gap, You are immune to being grappled
Drawn to life. Due to your paper body you may add small little changes to yourself easily, You can cast Disguise Self for free (1/day)
Flammable. A body of paper cannot handle fire, Your vulnerable to fire damage
Screaming sketch. You can scream at the top of your lungs to create a massive word balloon, this word contains an onomatopoeia of what you screamed (Ex. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA) and the longer you scream the larger the wall is (5-25ft) this wall required 1 action to rip apart and blocks vision. You may only use this ability once per long rest
Light as a feather. Falling is no problem to you, Instead of falling you glide in the air with a slow decent (You fall at a rate of 10ft per turn)
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Deep-speech.
Doodle (Human)[edit]
Speech bubble. You can say a 1-10 word sentence and turn it into a speech bubble, This bubble can be placed near the face of any living creature that you desire and that creature will say in common (even if they cannot speak common) what you said, You can only use this ability once every short rest
Just like you!. Your similar to the other humanoid creatures out there... that be it with your paper body, You gain proficiency in the Performance skill.
Doodle (Animal-like)[edit]
Impact frame. 1/day you may exaggerate your movement of something (preparing to run, About to swing at something, Coming up with an idea, Ect) to mostly wild and unrealistic, That action now gets advantage
Animal like behaviour. You growl or make other animal like noises to try and be like the animal you appear to be, You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3ft′ 4'' | +1d10 | 20 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a Sketch kind character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I desire to care for others then anything else. |
2 | I tend to focus on my visual appearance. |
3 | I am the center of the world, All eyes on me! |
4 | I enjoy craft and try to make sure everything I make is unique. |
5 | I want to defend with weapons and tools, The world is too rough. |
6 | I think people should look up to me as I am a great role model. |
7 | I think that I must do whatever I have to in order to please people |
8 | I am very picky about what ill let near me... I can't have a single stain on me at all! |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Empathy. I don't just look out for my creator, I look out for everyone equally |
2 | Independence. Nobody can control what I do, So what if i'm different!? |
3 | Pride. I have to be the best, If not I am one of the strongest. |
4 | Remorse. I failed to protect those I had to... I will try harder this time however. |
5 | Joy. I want to put a smile on everything's face, No matter how hard it may be. |
6 | Fear I am not good enough for anybody... They must all judge me every day. |
d6 | Bond |
1 | My creator is missing... I must find them again! |
2 | I was never finished... So I must be finished by a good artist. |
3 | I never had enough time to develop myself... I will make a story out of myself. |
4 | My creator never could afford anything... I'm trying to help them out no matter what. |
5 | I am not strong enough... I must get stronger somehow. |
6 | People haven't liked me for a while... Ill get on their good side somehow. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I tend to be over-protective, If something was to happen to those I care most about ill strike the hardest. |
2 | I can't help myself from modifying my appearance, I'm never truly happy with what I look like so each day I may be a little bit different. |
3 | I'm clumsy, Constantly unaware of my surroundings I tend to hurt my paper body a lot... And I never seem to learn from it. |
4 | I cannot stop myself from hoarding things, Whenever I pick up an object I automatically claim it as mine, even if it clearly isn't. |
5 | I want to be bigger and stronger, I will stop at nothing to be as strong as I can... Even if it'll hurt those I may care for. |
6 | I have too much self-doubt, Constantly thinking everyone is judging what I do every single second. |
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