Bio-Android (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
Bio Android[edit]
Bio Androids are creations of science. Extremely rare, and complete monstrosities of science. A Bio android is comprised of the multiple DNA strands used to construct it.
Physical Description[edit]
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the perfect being |
The first bio android was cell, created by Dr.Gero in an attempt to make the ultimate life form. All bio androids are extremely powerful due to their DNA often drawiing from multiple sources of incredible talent.
Bio-Android Names[edit]
Some name themselves, some go by their designated number, some are named by their creator
Male: Cell, Mira, Fu
Female: Android 21
Bio-Android Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Increase any ability score by 2. The other score increase will depend on your subrace.
Age. Bio-Androids mature differently depending on their model, Insectoid Models are born in a larval state and take about three years to mature, reaching their imperfect form, when they then have to evolve, Human-Like Models are born fully grown and are immediately mature, both models do not age.
Alignment. The alignment of a Bio-Android is decided by their creator and slightly influenced by their DNA samples, they can have any alignment.
Size. Your size is Medium, Insectoid Models are usually very tall, at around 7 feet, Human-Like models are the same size as humans.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
DNA. You are made using the DNA of various individuals, you gain a number of racial features of the sampled individuals equal to your proficiency bonus, that may be changed around in a long rest, unless they require a very specific characteristic(such as Majin Absorption), you also gain any technique the individuals knew at the time of taking at the level they could use. Your appearance in both the Insectoid Model and your True Form in the Human-Like Model possess features from all the individuals the DNA was taken from. Your DM must approve of the DNA used, your DNA may be samples from any living creature that is not a plant, fungus or bacteria.
Absorption. You are able to absorb your opponents in different ways depending on your model.
Core. You have a core hidden somewhere in your body, as long as that core is intact, your body will stay alive even if severely damaged, if your core is found, any damage dealt to it is doubled, if it is destroyed, you die instantly.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write any language your DNA samples could speak.
Subrace. Bio-Androids can be made in two models, choose between Insectoid Model and Human-Like Model.
Insectoid Model[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Any one of your physical ability scores increase by 1.
Insect Absorption. You posses a long tail with a needle like stinger on the end, you can stab this tail into any individual as an unarmed strike that deals your unarmed strike die in one less tier of damage, when you successfully stab someone, you may absorb the damage dealt in either Ki or Hit Points, the ki may be used to refuel your own or fuel your Absorption Power, if you manage to grapple a creature, you make this attack with advantage and may absorb double the amount rolled, you can also attempt to absorb a creature whole, you can force the target to make a dexterity saving throw, if they fail, you spend a round absorbing the creature(other people can try and interfere), once the round passes, you absorb the creature, that enters a comatose state, you gain the creature’s ki pool towards your Absorption Power and gain ki equal to their current ki, this can go over your ki maximum, but may not be regained in any way after spent. Your tail also functions as a third arm and can be used to use tools and make normal unarmed strikes. If you absorb ki from a creature with no levels in any class, they can grant you ki equal to their challenge rating, if they have levels in any class, they grant you 2 per level they have.
Absorption Power. By absorbing ki, you are capable of becoming more powerful. When you absorb ki from someone, you may choose to put it in a separate ki pool that you cannot use, if this pool reaches 600 ki, you receive a +2 on all your physical ability scores, your racial multiplier doubles and the ki pool resets.
Evolution. You are born imperfect, and to become perfect, you need to absorb two specific creatures that possess an IEM(unless your DM rules otherwise), you become Semi-Perfect once you absorb the first one, all of your ability scores increase by 10, your ki pool doubles, your movement increases by 40 ft, your unarmed damage goes up by one tier and your power level multiplies by 2.6, after becoming Semi-Perfect, you need to absorb the second creature, once this goal is met, you transform again, finally becoming perfect, your ability scores increase by 20, your ki pool doubles again, your movement increases by 60 ft, your unarmed damage goes up by 2 tiers and your power level multiplies by 7, once Perfect, your tail retracts and can no longer be used as a third limb or to absorb people whole, but you can still extend it to make stabbing absorption attacks. Your evolution may be reversed if someone manages to make you vomit out the absorbed people by dealing 75% of your hp in one melee attack while having a battle power of twice your own or more. If this happens, you become stunned for 1 minute.
Human-Like Model[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Any one of your mental ability scores increase by 1.
Consuming Absorption. Unlike the Insectoid Model, you do not possess a tail, your method of absorption is more akin to consuming food, if you reduce a creature to 0 hit points or makes it go unconscious, you may transform the creatures body into a capsule which you can swallow, if you do this, you receive the creatures techniques, you may absorb a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus to choose to receive their stat modifiers as bonus to yours and half of their ki as a bonus to yours, your racial multiplier multiplies by 1.5 for every absorbed creature giving you a bonus, these creatures cannot be changed, if you posses a technique like the Candy Beam, you may also use it to absorb creatures. Creatures absorbed by you can be freed by means of something like Forced Spirit Fission, if this happens, you lose the bonus from that creature and become stunned for 1 minute.
True Form. Unlike the Insectoid Model, you do not evolve, instead, you are able to transition between your human form and and your True Form, while in your true form, your ability scores increase by 4, your movement by 20 ft and your ki by 1.5x, your unarmed damage increases by one tier and your power level doubles. You can enter your True Form a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
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