Abdelian (5e Race)
“ | They cometh from the waters, a lande where rivers run with amonge the ancient forests of eld. Coming together hath they forces combined under gods unnamed, an eld and forgotten alliance now gone. | ” |
Physical Description[edit]

Abdelians appear as humanoid creatures in shape. However, their bodies are far from human. Their bodies have a mix of crocodile and lupine properties. Their head is large like a crocodile, with a long snout. Their upper arms, torso, and tails are all thickly scaled with plate-like skin patterns. However, they have a pair of fanged canines that are longer than the rest of their teeth, much like that of a wolf. Additionally, they have wolf ears behind their reptilian eyes, as well as furry calves and forearms. Their hand digits are prehensile and their fingers and toes are all tipped with sharp claws. Most abdelians have grey fur and dark, swampy-colored reptilian skin.
For the most part, abdelians dress in very loose clothing, preferring flowy skirts, even for males. These would usually be made of pleated silks. Female abdelians wear this material sometimes coiled over their torsos and covering their shoulders, while males only drape the cloth to cover their groins. Jewelry and belts play a large part in their dress code, denominating one's status in society. Typically, the closer jewelry is to the head, the more classy a person is. Therefore, serfs and plebeians would usually only wear decorations on their sandals or ankles and wrists. Middle-class individuals can wear nice belts, and the upper crust gets headdresses and necklaces.
According to legend, there was a pair of brothers who ascended to godhood. Upon choosing their divine forms, one of the brothers became a sagely wolf, and the other, a great crocodile. As a sign of their alliance, the two of them created the abdelians in their combined image. The abdelians lived as guardians of the sacred rivers and desert lands in a grand empire where the two brothers reigned as deities. However, as the result of a strange ritual gone wrong, the empire was destroyed seemingly overnight and the fraternal gods were plunged into darkness along with the rest of the pantheon. The abdelians were changed to stone statues for eons until their creators re-emerged. However, having been corrupted by their long stasis, the two gods were now enemies. As the abdelians arose from their stone slumber, they saw their world had been turned upside-down, and their home was but a memory in an arid and unforgiving land. Having been created as a sign of the god's amicable brotherhood, the abdelians labor to preserve this intention with the hopes their gods will awaken from their corrupted states and end this nightmare to rebuild their empire together.
The abdelians, arising from their stone-sleep, awoke to a world vastly changed. Their empire gone, all that was left was the desert, with ruined oases. People do not remember the name of the empire or their gods, even. The abdelians have largely remained within their original area, still calling it their home. Their numbers are diminished, with many of them having been permanently petrified or even destroyed by the passage of time. Far from the lavish life of guardians they lived before, they are merely desert dwellers who erect temporary housing and move around the area the old empire used to span. Abdelians live almost solely in this area of the desert as a community and endeavor to restore the rivers and oases to bring back their home. Abdelian community does not have familial structure. Rather, they are all seen as one large platoon-like group. Like soldiers guarding borders, abdelians are territorial and wary of any who wander into what they consider their land. Sometimes they demand tolls from passing merchants. They operate under priest-like generals and with rules that cling to their tradition, which only they remember. Abdelians know it will take the effort of all their members to restore even a fraction of their empire. Therefore, abdelians who leave to become adventurers on their own are seen as deserters and traitors, subject to be killed or worse if seen again.
Abdelians still worship the two brother gods who created them in their image. Their existence is still believed to be auspicious. They believe that the fact they awoke with their gods means that reconciliation is possible. Hard labor and sweating under the sun are considered vital activities daily as abdelians toil and pray simultaneously. Their priest-generals recite prayer to bless their patrols and daily labor, believing it is all incremental to the resurrection of their lost civilization. Due to the scarcity of their region and the harsh lifestyle, there is little more ceremony to their religion. It is considered a unifying factor in how abdelians have eked out a living among the sands. Under rare circumstances, abdelians are singled out by priests on some quest to far-flung lands in search of a sign supposedly left by their deity. Following the collapse of their empire, it is probable that artifacts from the ruins were excavated and taken from the abdelians, which they may seek.
Abdelian Names[edit]
Names for abdelians derive from their original empire's language, which is believed to be like Zakharan tongues. Their accent is slightly different from that of modern desert tribes, with more antiquated sounds. Their first names are divided into three parts, each with one syllable. Middle names are descriptive of the characteristics of the person. Clan names, or surnames, are based on the old clans of abdelians that were designated under forces of nature as their guard crests.
Male Names: Dii Ow Jii, Lo Ra Or, Ra Er Ta, Pa Sha Ro
Female Names: Re Ga Te, Dii Go Ha, Bo Ge Rii, Fo Mii At
Middle Name: Kaarga (tough), Shalakh (smart), Obdiman (strong), Imar (tall)
Clan Names: Ul'berth (lightning), Kazarai (timber), Assakth (stone), Fazir (wind)
Abdelian Traits[edit]
Wolven, scaly guardians of the lost desert oases
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and one other score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Abdelians are born in clutches of live young, but carried by designated rearers like marsupial babies, constantly watched over in their fetus-like state as they mature. They are assigned a guard role when considered adult, at around age 17, and they will often participate in these duties until their elderly age of around 75. The oldest abdelian is recorded to be nearly 135 years old.
Alignment. Adhering to their laws and traditions make abdelians mostly lawful. They are not particularly disposed toward good or evil though.
Size. Most abdelians are well built, with hard, lithe statures and a height taller than humans on average. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to an hour at a time.
River Guardians. The guard training of the abdelians specializes in weapons well-versed to use around water, with an emphasis on polearms. You are proficient in spears, javelins, nets, glaives, and tridents.
Beastly Appearance. As guardians of their ancestral lands, abdelians combine their animal properties with commanding attitudes to keep intruders away. You are proficient with the Intimidation skill.
Divine Alliance. Despite the schism between their creator gods, abdelians remain dedicated to the belief they will reconcile, and this is shown in the powers granted to them to strengthen unity. You know the guidance cantrip.
Desert Dweller. Having to live in the harsh desert, abdelians have bodies built and acclimated to the weather. You have advantage on saving throws against the effects of Extreme Heat, as written in chapter 5 of the DMG.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 0'' | +1d8 | 180 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a abdelian character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
Abdelians were created to be guardians. In a sense, they are soldiers. However, the richness of their bygone culture has instilled them with multifaceted talents one would not expect from common guards. They are ultimately proud of their god-given heritage and aim to perform their guard duty to the best of their abilities. Abdelians diverge into different studies of combat and academics to better their ability to guard their traditions and lands.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | The home we are given is what we stay with, same as choices and people. |
2 | People need to keep in mind they are around others and so choose wiser decisions. |
3 | I talk with biting sarcasm to cover my lack of knowledge. |
4 | No matter what anyone thinks, I say how I feel. |
5 | I have no sense of humor. |
6 | If I set my mind on something, I will get to it, no matter what. |
7 | Promises and duty are nothing but chains. I live free! |
8 | I had done for others and now I am ready to do for me. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Adventure. I don't want to be tied down to the old ways. I want to find my own path. (Chaotic) |
2 | Tradition. We have to preserve the old ways, even if the world moves on. (Lawful) |
3 | Revival. I will do whatever it takes to bring back my ancestor's lost empire to former glory. (Any) |
4 | Survival. We are the relics in a new world where we must work together to survive. (Neutral) |
5 | Superiority. We should create the old empire in a new image where we can rule over all else and everyone! (Evil) |
6 | Benevolence. These lands need to be restored to the beauty they have lost for the future. (Good) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | Outside my platoon and other guards, I feel nothing for this world. |
2 | I feel sympathetic to any and all in guard positions. |
3 | I despise trespassers upon our sacred lands with greatest hatred. |
4 | Fighting alongside others is what gives me the thrill of life. |
5 | I have seen this "family" thing that others have and I wonder how it is like often. |
6 | I will uphold my ancestor's will with my life. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I hate change and I wish things always stay the same. |
2 | Anyone not like us deserves no sympathy. |
3 | I hate to pay for anything, anything at all. |
4 | I can be very, very stubborn to a fault. But I won't admit that. |
5 | I like to live with no rules! Laws are suggestions! |
6 | Me talk some words, no need more. No need words lots. |
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