Osnian (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Osnians come in two forms: Mycelial and Mucoric.

Mycelial Osna are the closest to the original Osna people that remain today. They are 4 - 6 feet tall, with 5 foot tall Osna being a rarity, only found normally in Mucoric Osna. They have white-green pale skin, irisless eyes with golden sclera and large black pupils, stringy white spongy hair and fungus around their chest, forearms and shins. They are predominantly thin, but can become chunky with age.

Mucoric Osna have resemblances to other races, but still primarily look like Osna. For example, Dragonborn Osna have sharper teeth, small horns and patches of scales; Elven Osna have pointy ears, catlike irises and less fungus on their bodies, Orcish Osna are taller and more robust with darker, more green skin, and Tiefling Osna are a reddish white with horns, a tail and more solid, jagged fungus on their bodies.


Originally from the land of Droastien, the Osna people were a tribal, druidic people residing in the undergrowths of their forest home. They were protective of their lands, but welcomed peaceful travelers into their fold to share wisdom and knowledge of the lands far from their forests. As it became more and more apparent the farlands were growing stronger and stronger the more they took, a desire for expansion entered the hearts of the Osna people. They began to leave their forest homes to find lands to take to bring into their fold. One such people were known as the Tarngy, a human settlement of warriors and conquerors the Osna welcomed with open arms. They became fast friends, with the Osna furthering the Osna's dream of expansion, while the Osna's knowledge of agriculture and hunting kept the bellies of the Tarngy people full.

However, a time came when it became readily apparent the Tarngy had outgrown the Osna people; their conquest taking other tribes and settlements with much more resources for the warrior tribe, making their need of the Osna obsolete. And so it was that in a violent betrayal, the Tarngy turned on their Osna allies, destroying all the settlements they could find them in and slaughtering them whenever they had the chance. What little Osna that remained had no choice but to flee their homeland, setting down elsewhere wherever they could. It has been many years since they were chased from their birthplace, but the pain of betrayal is still felt by every Osnian alive today.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Having tasted the bite of betrayal and learning well to never abandon nature again, the Onsa that remain set up settlements in what forests they could find. Often falling prey to or making peace with dryads, the Osna have used natural magics to craft their homes from the caps of mushrooms and trees. They are very wary of nature's wrath, and willfully harming nature or destruction of forest territory is seen not as a grave crime, but an act of suicide. The Osna are relatively peaceful, only raising arms in defense of their homes and lives, though the art of combat is still very much practiced within their villages.

Despite predictions of outsiders, the Mycelial Osna hold no ire or ill will to their Mucoric brethren. Though they have learned to be wary of other races, they still hold on to hope of peace with their neighbours, and will often supply neighboring villages with items only obtainable in their forests to keep outsiders from harming themselves, or worse; the forests.

Osnian Names[edit]

Most Mycelial Osna take their names from the mushrooms they spawn from, giving rise to the debate of which had the names first; the mushrooms or the Osna. Mucoric Osna can take non-Osna names, but more often than not they keep their Osna names.

Male: Lieret, Orief, Gyrodon, Scabrum, Suillus

Female: Awin, Calvatia, Cerrena, Grifola, Postia

Myceilian Osnian Traits[edit]

Mycelial or Mucoric, The Osna are a divided people united by a common history.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score inreases by 2.
Age. The Osna are slow to age, but wither and return to the earth much quicker than other slow-aged races. Most Osna reach maturity around 25 years old, and can live to be 125 years old.
Alignment. Most Onsa are fiercely protective of their forest homes, but any druid will tell you Osna are perfectly civil as long as you respect nature. They lean towards Neutral Good.
Size. Mycelial Osna are usually a little shorter or a little taller than most races, Usually either 4 or 6 feet tall. A 5 ft pure Osna is a rare sight. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. In addition, you have a burrowing speed of 25 feet while on natural ground (Such as dirt or stone), but you cannot travel more than 5 feet underground (Or until your body would be fully submerged if you are larger than 5 feet)
Advanced Darkvision. As an Osnian, your eyes have become accustomed to the deep dark caverns of your home. You have Darkvision up to 80 feet, and can see clearly in both Dim and Dark lighting conditions. You can't see colour, only shades of grey.
Camouflage. Your body is more flexible and better suited to hiding than most other races. You gain proficiency in Stealth. In addition, while in a natural setting (As determined by your DM) you can attempt to hide while only lightly obscured, and have advantage on Stealth checks made in such enviroments.
Natureborn. As every Osnian is part mushroom, they have a talent for communicating and coexisting with nature. Your creature type is humanoid and plant, and can be affected by features or spells that only target those creature types. In addition, you gain one cantrip of your choice from the druid spell list, and gain a 1st level spell from the druid or ranger spell list at 3rd level. If the spell has a ritual tag, you mast cast this spell only as a ritual. You may learn the speak with plants spell at 5th level, and have advantage on skill checks and saving throws against plants.
Naturally Poisonous. Every Osnian can secrete a natural poison from their bodies for self defense. Every weapon attack deals an additional 1 point of poison damage while you are wielding it. In addition, As a bonus action, or if a creature makes contact with or grapples you, you can choose for any creature that comes into contact with you for one minute to make a DC 10 + Constitution + proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier. You may use this ability once per short rest. In addition, you have resistance to poison damage and cannot be poisoned or become ill from non-magical disease.
Ancestral Arms. You gain proficiency with four weapons of your choice from daggers, javelins, spears, shortbows, slings, darts, shortswords, blowguns, longbows and nets. If you later gain proficiency in the weapons you chose (Through your class or otherwise), you may gain a +1 to all attack and damage rolls with them.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Osnian. In addition, you can communicate semi-complex ideas and directions to beasts medium or smaller.
Subrace. Not all Osnian are "Purebred". If your parentage is split between Osnian and another race, you may choose to gain the features of the Mucoric subrace.

Mucoric Osnian[edit]

Ability Score Increase. You may choose to gain the ability score increase of your non-Osnian parent's race.
Half-Breed. As a Mucoric Osnian, you are half Osna, half something else. As a Mucoric Osnian, you may choose to replace one of your Onsian features with a related racial feature of your non-Osnian parent's race. For example, you may choose to replace your Natural Poison with a Dragonborn's Breath Weapon feature. You can only choose the features of your parent's race. You may also choose gain your parent race's size.

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