Juggernaut (Variant) (5e Race)

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"The earth shook with each step of the towering warrior, and for the first time in my life, I truly understood what it meant to face an unstoppable force."

— The Storm of Iron by Kaelen Dreth

Physical Description[edit]

Juggernauts are towering, imposing beings that command the attention of any who encounter them. Standing between 12 to 15 feet tall, their sheer size makes them a formidable presence in any environment. Their thick, muscular bodies are heavily built with broad chests, thick necks, and limbs resembling the trunks of ancient trees, covered in dense, tough skin that ranges in color from earthen browns to deep grays. This skin is often scarred from past battles, giving them an almost weathered, battle-worn appearance.

Their faces are square-jawed and broad, with thick brows that shadow small, fierce eyes. Their noses are flat, and their mouths are filled with large, square teeth, some of which might be chipped from past conflicts. The Juggernauts' hair is coarse and often unkempt, with wild, tangled manes of dark brown, black, or even stone-gray strands, sometimes braided with trophies of past victories, such as bone or metal trinkets.

A Juggernaut's body is not just large; it's dense and robust, with layers of muscle beneath their thick hides. Their shoulders are massive, and their hands are like the size of a boulder, capable of crushing anything within their grasp. Long, powerful legs end in wide, thick feet that allow them to stomp with incredible force, shaking the earth beneath them. Despite their strength, their movements are slow, deliberate, and ponderous—each step is heavy, but when they charge into battle, it feels as though the earth itself trembles under their feet.

Most Juggernauts wear little armor, relying on their immense natural toughness to absorb blows. However, when they do adorn themselves, it is typically crude, functional gear like leather or iron plates strapped around their limbs, or pieces of armor fashioned from the remains of fallen enemies.


The history of the Juggernauts is one of ancient origin, shaped by their immense strength and fierce warrior culture. They are believed to be descendants of the Giants, created by the primordial forces of the world to serve as guardians of vast, untamed wildernesses and natural barriers. Their lineage traces back to an age long before civilization, when titanic beings roamed the earth and shaped the land with their hands. While many other giantkind sought to build empires or live in isolation, the Juggernauts were forged for a singular purpose: war.


Juggernaut culture is primitive and centered around strength, survival, and combat. They live in tightly-knit tribes where leadership is determined by physical prowess, with the strongest individual becoming the Warchief. Their society revolves around brutal rituals of strength, such as fighting, hunting, and feats of endurance. Combat is seen as the highest form of honor, and warriors are celebrated for their ability to defeat rivals or dangerous beasts. They have little use for complex social structures or intellectual pursuits, relying instead on instinct and raw power to guide their actions.

Their spiritual beliefs are simple, with the Juggernauts revering the primal gods of war and strength, believing their purpose is to be living manifestations of these deities. They express themselves through crude art and music, often depicting scenes of battle or their totemic animals. While their lack of intellect limits their interaction with other cultures, they are respected—or feared—as unstoppable forces of nature, with their world shaped by the constant pursuit of glory in combat and survival.

Juggernaut Names[edit]

Juggernaut names are often short and harsh, often in giant script. They will often be named after nouns or verbs. The names do not vary between male or female.

Names: Bulldozer, Crusher, Charger, etc.

Juggernaut Traits[edit]

Hulking creatures who lack in the brain-power department.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 4 and your Strength score increases by 2. However, your Wisdom and Intelligence decrease by 5 and your Dexterity decreases by 3 As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
Age. Due to your large size, you live longer than humanoids. Juggernauts reach maturity at 20 but can live to be 500.
Size. Juggernauts tower above all other creatures, and can range from 12 to 14 feet tall. Your size is Huge.
Speed. Due to your large and lumbering body, you are quite slow. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
Normal Vision. You have vision. Wow. You can see for 60 feet.
Giant Physiology. You are a giant species and as such your body is different to humanoids. Your creature type is giant rather than humanoid, and you cannot eat fruit nor vegetables. In addition, you require 10 rations per day.
Hulking Body. Your body is many times larger and stronger than a humans, which has it's benefits- and drawbacks. All attacks you make that deal bludgeoning damage have their damage die doubled. This does not apply to spells. When you make an unarmed strike, it has a reach of 15 feet and does 2d4 plus your dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage. You are considered proficient in this attack. You may only act once per two turns due to your slow reaction time. In addition, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against small or tiny creatures.
Wild Charge. Juggernauts often favour charging at their problems head-first- often literally. If you move over 15 feet in a straight line and attack in a single turn, you have advantage on the attack roll, and you add your proficiency bonus onto the damage done. This stacks with the proficiency bonus addition given when you have proficiency with the used weapon.
Lumbering. You have incredibly slow reaction time and speed due to your size. You may only act once per two turns. In addition, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against small or tiny creatures.
Thick Skin. Your skin is naturally dense and tough. No matter what armour you are wearing, your AC may never be lower than 10+ your constitution modifier.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant

Random Height and Weight[edit]

10′ 10'' +3 500 lb. × (300) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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