Sylvatorre (5e Race)
Work In Progress |
“ | Within the woods, there must be gentleness even among giants. For steps too heavy and too rough will only result in destruction. You've heard of a bull in a china shop. This is about a bull that moves as light as a falling leaf. | ” |
—Shandamus Faerton, archdruid of the Dollimus coven |
Physical Description[edit]

The sylvatorre appear to be similar cousins of the well-known minotaur. However, there are key differences that make them entirely different. Sylvatorre appear to be somewhat more lithe, though still muscular. Their horns are also uniquely curled upward, like a corkscrew. Leaves, flowers, and plants will often grow on these. The eyes of a sylvatorre are always green, though they can be of different hues. The hands of a sylvatorre also end in fingers topped with small hooves rather than fingertips with nails. A fine layer of hairs covers a sylvatorre evenly from head to toe. Moss and algae, even lichens, often grow on them and make them appear greenish or grey. The tail of a sylvatorre is also never straight, often appearing knotted or oddly twisted.
Sylvatorre are often seen rather than heard. They are rarer than their minotaur cousins and appear almost like apparitions in forests. They have the ability to move like dryands, passing along through foliage without a trace. Unlike the usual stereotype of a rowdy bull, sylvatorre are quiet and observant.
Commonly mistaken as "forest minotaurs," sylvatorre are not related to those creations of Baphomet. Rather, sylvatorre are believed one of the origins of the common cows and oxen, but long before their domestication, or perhaps a divergent cousin. Sylvatorre are recorded alongside firbolgs as entities that roam forests and protect it. They worship a variety of nature deities, though they do not have a central figure. It is unclear thus which deity they might have originated from in creation. Sylvatorre have slowly moved from being stationary within a forest to venturing about other woodlands and such.
The sylvatorre have a single known "kingdom" in a loose sense. It is known as the Treeline, and is considered to be dispersed to all forests where sylvatorre roam and patrol nature's state. The Treeline is led by figures known as Tamigows, who are the most powerful and naturally-attuned among sylvatorre. They tend to be druids and gather once a year at a random forest to convey their findings to other leaders in the Treeline. This conference is often attended by most if not all sylvatorre. Tamigows can issue orders to lesser sylvatorre, but they generally are also sole wanderers themselves, rather than glorified leaders with servants at their beck and call. So, sylvatorre "society" is similar to how tigers are largely solitary, save for their annual gathering.
Above all, sylvatorre are stewards of nature and despise those who desecrate it. As a result, they get along well with other nature-oriented races like firbolgs and dryads. Sylvatorre are also preferable towards pacifism when possible. However, if angered, they will be like a bull in a china shop about it. Loggers that damage great trees might find themselves being trampled under the hooves of a sylvatorre. Sylvatorre are also strong believers in a life that does not generate needless waste. Interestingly, sylvatorre are actually omnivores despite their bovine appearance, and can consume meat. When they do, they always find some use for the bones, be it grinding down into powder for soup or some other use.
Sylvatorre are often raised fluent in Sylvan. However, they have a unique language form known as clip-clop. This language is a series of noises generated by the clicking of their hooved fingers. Striking different fingers can produce different tones that those unfamiliar with the language would not be able to differentiate. Clip-clop is supposedly able to convey an equivalent of 1,000 different words and emotions through combinations of hoof clicks.
Forest Minotaur Names[edit]
Male: Tamigow, Lammowron, Traquin, Baronak, Urak, Tarom.
Female: Kamia, Taliah, Damia, Shaliah
Forest Minotaur Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your strength score increases by 2 and your dexterity and constitution increases by 1
Age. they reach adulthood at 15 and live to about 70
Alignment. most Forest Minotaur stray from evil to pursue a neutral approach the for many are chaotic neutral.
Size. Forest Minotaur are very thick in build, from 7'8 feet to well over 9 feet tall. Your size is large." Special considerations need to be made for races that are not Small or Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Aggressive. You can take the dash action as a bonus action.
Monstrous. You can make a melee attack as a bonus action.
Siege Monster. You deal double damage to structures.
Horns. You are never unarmed. You are proficient with your horns, which are a melee weapon that deals 1d6 piercing damage.
Gore. When you move 20ft in a straight line then make a melee attack, it deals an extra 2d6 +proficiency bonus and knocks the target prone
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.
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