Barakoa (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
The Barakoa are small humanoids resembling halflings with green skin and patterns painted on to their skin wearing a wooden mask. The truth is that the patterns are not painted on but they are actually the color of the skin itself. The mask is actually the main body! The barakoa are a species of masks that wait to be worn. once the mask is worn it will begin to latch on to its host. at first it will give positive affects like speed or strength, but after a day the mask takes hold. After one day of wearing the mask it can no longer be removed. This is not necessarily bad because the victim still has the boosts and their minds. after a week they loose their minds and the boosts after two weeks they begin to shrink and their body becomes more and more comprised of just magic. If a barakoa is killed then their body will retreat into the mask and disappear. The mask will stay living and will need to find a new host.
It is said that barakoa are not able to reproduce but that they also cannot die. This is untrue if a barakoa mask is destroyed the barakoa dies and barakoa can reproduce it is just very hard. to make a new mask you need specific dyes that are always very far away from each other and a specific type of wood known as blight-wood. Or to make a new chief you need a specific alloy between gold copper silver and tin.
Barakoa sort themselves into four social groups in a tribe
1 Barakoa: the average normal people of the tribe who jut go and do things somtimes. they have masks that are made of wood and are paintd more simply.
2 Barakoana: the barakoana are slightly larger than the barakoa and are also rarer. They act as leaders of small groups that go out to hunt/gather. They have masks that are made of wood and are more elaborate and have mostly orange and yellow paints.
3 Bakoaya: The barakoaya are the priests and healers of the tribe. They are smaller than the rest and have wooden masks painted with only yellow paints.
4 Barako: Barako is the leader of the tribe. the leader will always be named Barako. Barako is a heliomancer or a sun mage. They are very large and fat. Their masks are made of the gold-alloy that was previously mentioned.
Barakoa Names[edit]
Barakoa have no gender and always have unisex names and always use either a k an a or a b.
Names. Bariki, Bakako, bianaka, Monaleo, Dakikak, Kekrika
Barakoa Traits[edit]
A mask attached to a small humanoid? No... It is a mask. just a mask. The humanoid is gone.
abilities. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
age. As barakoa are wooden masks they do not age and they preserve the body that they take.
alignment. barakoa usually follow their tribe leader so they tend tword more lawfull alignments.
size. barakoa have different sizes based off of their roll. All barakoana are 4ft tall, all barakoaya are 2ft tall, all other barakoa other than barako are 3ft tall. Your size is small.
speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Blindsight. The barakoa cannot actually see so they developed blindsight. you have Blindsight 50ft you are blind beyond this point.
Immortal. You cannot actually die you just loose your body. If the mask is broken you die.
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