Doptera (5e Race)

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Small moth or butterfly-like creatures from the Feywild

Physical Description[edit]

Doptera are small fey beings resembling butterflies and moths, typically standing between 3 and 4 feet tall. Their delicate, ethereal appearance sets them apart from other races. They have small, rounded heads adorned with long antennae - either with a tip or feathery. Their faces are expressive, with gentle, delicate features and a pair of large, beady eyes. They have large wings covered in intricate patterns. Their bodies are slender and have fine scales. Some have fluff around the neck and shoulders. Doptera have six legs, and will commonly use their front two to hold and interact with things, although they are less dextrous than most other creatures. They have a long, flexible proboscis used to extract nectar and other nutrients from plants.


Doptera were originally created by Silvanus, the god of wild nature, in the early days of the Feywild. At one point, Silvanus sought to create beings that would assist in flower reproduction. One of these creations were Doptera, peaceful flying insects with wings and proboscis, which were perfect for transferring pollen between the flowers.

Over time, some of these creatures crossed into the Material Realm. They helped bring life to the plants there. Many of these, with colorful wings and amazing vision, came to be known as beautiful symbols of renewal. Some of these creatures with duller wings, active at night, were known for their mild disruption to crops and clothes. Many doptera have now made homes here. :)


Doptera lay their eggs on plants. When they hatch, they are little crawling guys known as larvae or caterpillars. Many do not know whom their parents are, but they develop close connections with their siblings, making small homes with leaves and silk to live in. Caterpillars can be very hungry, and they feed off of various plants. When they are ready to grow their wings, they create little cases called cocoons or chrysalises. Once they are done developing, they will start to wander. Doptera commonly have meetups with their family once or twice a year as they migrate west in the fall and east in the spring.


Doptera do not distinguish between male and female names, as many are both or neither. Their parents often leave them, so they are usually named by themselves or an older sibling. They are usually named after native plants. Some names can include Passionbell, Windrazor, Puffshroom, Lorebark, Moonmist, Starfall, Echomoss, Blackgrass, Ashwillow, Cotsbalm, Galda, Gulthias, Hathil, Lichbriar, Ripplebark, Sezarad, Torchstalk, and Wolfweed.

If you need more, please consult this Reddit post or forum post with lots of magical plants.

Doptera Traits[edit]

Small moth or butterfly-like creatures from the Feywild
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Age. Doptera mature at around one to two years. They can live up to 10 years. Some doptera who have lived in the Material Realm for a longer time evolved to live shorter lives.
Alignment. They usually lean towards neutral. They care for nature and their families, and usually prefer not to get wrapped up in things like morals.
Size. Doptera commonly range between 3-4 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You have a climbing speed of 20 feet- refer to the Sticky Feet trait- and a flying speed of 30 feet. You cannot fly for long periods of time, or your wings could be damaged. Please refer to the Fragile Wings trait.
Fragile Wings. You can fly, but your wings are very thin and able to be damaged. If you expose them to harsh sunlight for over a minute, fly over 25 feet in the air, or fly for a minute or longer, you will lose your ability to fly until you take a short or long rest. If you lose this ability while in the air, you can take fall damage.
Sticky Feet. You can climb without gripping. You do not need to make an Athletics check to climb a difficult vertical surface.
Navigation Skills. Your party cannot get lost while traveling, except by magical means.
Languages. You can communicate with other insects by clicking body parts like wings or legs. You can vaguely speak Common, but it may be hard for other creatures to hear you.
Subrace. You are either a butterfly or a moth. More racial traits for each are covered below.


Enhanced Vision. You can see more colors than humans, including ultraviolet light. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
Poison Resistance. Many butterfly larvae eat poisonous plants. You are resistant to poison damage.


Darkvision. You have darkvision, due to being active at night. You can see dim light 60 feet in front of you as if it was bright light, and darkness 60 feet in front of you as if it was dim light.
Camouflage. Your body's dull colors allow you to blend in. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

3′ 0'' +1d12 in. 20 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a Doptera character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d6 Personality Traits
1 I am OBSESSED with making nature discoveries.
2 I appreciate art forms like clay, weavings, and paint.
3 I find joy in simple things.
4 I don't like to argue.
5 I pay attention to small details.
6 I am constantly daydreaming.
d6 Ideal
1 Structure (Lawful)
2 Innovation (Chaotic)
3 Preservation (Good)
4 Self-Interest (Evil)
5 Balance (Neutral)
6 Creativity (Any)
d4 Bond
1 Nature
2 Family
3 Home/Community
4 Ancestors/Religion
d6 Flaw
1 Easily distracted
2 Idealistic
3 Dependent
4 Impulsive
5 Sensitive
6 Uncommitted
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