Qunari (5e Race)
The qunari, known as people of Qun, hail from the island nation of Par Vollen. They are trained from birth to obey the rigorous philosophy of the Qun, first introduced to Par Vollen by the prophet Koslun. Under the Qun, qunari are assigned a purpose at birth, whether it be academic, religious, or military, and are expected to perform this purpose until their deaths. Some qunari reject the way of the Qun, leading to their exile. These exiles become known as tal-vashoth (True Grey Ones), and are often used for mercenary work by foreign powers.
Physical Description[edit]
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Concept art from the game |
Qunari are physically larger than most other humanoids. They usually have either grey or brown skin, though some can be found with a pinkish hue, and have white or pale blond hair. The defining characteristic of most qunari is the pair of horns sprouting from their head, resembling those of cattle or bison. There are rare qunari that are born without horns. They are usually sent as emissaries to human, elf, and dwarf nations, as they seem less physically alien than their horned counterparts.
When qunari first came into contact with the outside world, they were excessively hostile towards outsiders and declared war on many city-states nearby to Par Vollen. After years of conflict, the qunari invasions were repelled, leading to a deep sense of mistrust for qunari among outsiders. While the Qun has won a few converts among elves and dwarves, it remains in highest concentration on Par Vollen. Tal-Vashoth are seen as outcasts by both followers of the Qun and foreigners, and apart from jobs as mercenaries or bodyguards, find it hard to survive outside Par Vollen.
Qunari society is dictated by the Qun. Par Vollen is ruled by the Triumvirate, a trio of governing officials who each represent one branch of society. It is comprised of the Arishok (military leader and head of state, male), the Arigena (industrial and agricultural leader, always female), and the Ariqun (lead religious official, male or female). Male qunari are usually assigned to be soldiers, while female qunari are usually appointed as spies, artisans, farmers, or priestesses. Merchants and scientists can be male or female. The term 'merchant' here is misleading, since qunari do not have currency, nor do they believe in private property. Merchants are merely appropriators of goods, making sure everyone gets their rightful share.
Magic and Technology[edit]
Qunari are extremely wary and distrustful of magic in all its forms. They view magic users as mere babes playing with fire, or a drowning man who says he knows the sea. Spellcasters in their society are heavily monitored, placed under a special class of wardens. Mages usually wear masks and chains as a symbol of their volatile power. The qunari technology, on the other hand, is embraced and rivals that of dwarves. They are known to incorporate and learn of better techniques from peoples they conquer.
Qunari Names[edit]
Outside of the exiled tal-vashoth, qunari have no formal names, instead going by their rank or title in conversation. Sten, Tallis, Karaas, Beresaad, and others are military ranks, while Tamassrans are priestesses. Tal-Vashoth usually choose their own name upon being exiled from the Qun. Qunari magic users are referred to as Serebaas, and are heavily distrusted and discriminated against by other qunari. Qunari names are from their language of Qunlat. As a race which strives for mastery, every qunari always vies to become the best speaker, of which few exist.
Male: Sten, Beresaad, Karaas, Serebaas
Female: Tallis, Viddasala, Tamassran, Serebaas
Qunari Traits[edit]
A race of horned humanoids in a rigid society
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Age. Qunari lifespans are similar to those of humans, and they reach physical maturity around the age of 16.
Alignment. Qunari tend to reject foreign customs, but also try to avoid unnecessary confrontation with outsiders. Most qunari are lawful, though Tal-Vashoth tend towards Chaotic Neutral since they are more reliant on themselves for survival. Qunari do not particularly value individualism, with how the Qun rules with an iron fist over its people. Any qunari that do show signs of strong will and individualism are either 'properly' dealt with, or are taken to have their will be broken back down again.
Size. Qunari are taller than most humanoids, standing from seven to eight feet tall at maximum. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Qunari Logic. Through the severe repression of the Qun on individualism and control of one-self, you always approach situations in the most logical way, not acting on your impulses. You have advantage in saving throws against being charmed.
Horned Beast. Your horns and general towering size give you an imposing appearance, even if you are the most kindhearted of souls. You are proficient in the Intimidation skill.
Languages. You can speak, write, and read Common and Qunlat. The qunari language, Qunlat, is rarely used in conversation, as the qunari do not believe in unnecessary use of words.
Subrace. Choose one subrace from the antaam, serebaas, and tal-vashoth subraces.
The antaam qunari are soldiers who specialize in melee combat.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Disciple of the Qun. You are proficient in two melee martial weapons of your choice.
Nehraa Maraas. Due to you’re military training since birth, you are a beast of war who learns to use the best defense as an offense. While holding a shield, your Armor Class gains a +1 bonus.
Their name means "true grey ones" and they are exiles from the mainstream qunari, forced to wander outside their homeland for a living.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Hardened Exile. Whenever you roll a Wisdom (Survival) check, roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the total ability check.
Fleeting. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
Exile's Experience. Having left your home for living free, you open your mind to other cultures. You know an additional language of your choice.
This class of qunari is considered the most oppressed and feared. They are liable to be executed for the smallest misdemeanors, for what they practice is viewed as dancing with demons.
Stripped Of Words. Your mouth was stitched shut early in your life, a symbol of oppression. You can no longer speak any language, and can only grunt for purposes of verbal communication and spellcasting components. You instead have learned to communicate through mental means. You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.
Unchosen Magic. No qunari really wants to be born with magic powers, due to the burden it carries with it. But you were born with it nonetheless. When creating your character, roll a d10. Depending on the result corresponding to the Innate Magic Table, you know the respective cantrip and 1st-level spell. You can cast the 1st-level spell at its lowest level once, regaining use when you finish a short or long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.
Innate Magic Table[edit]
d10 | Spells |
1 | chill touch, create or destroy water |
2 | resistance, command |
3 | message, cure wounds |
4 | minor illusion, detect magic |
5 | fire bolt, color spray |
6 | thaumaturgy, entangle |
7 | acid splash, goodberry |
8 | shocking grasp, disguise self |
9 | sacred flame, false life |
10 | light, fog cloud |
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
7′ 0'' | +1d12 | 320 lb. | × (1d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a qunari character, you can use the following table of ideals and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to your chosen background's characteristics.
d6 | Ideal |
1 | The Qun is everything. My life is forfeit before it. |
2 | Koslun was not as all-knowing as the Ariqun claims. His writings deserve to be challenged and interpreted. |
3 | The Qun is a worthwhile philosophy, but I'd prefer to have my individuality celebrated rather than shunned. |
4 | I reject the Qun and all it stands for (Tal-Vashoth subrace). |
5 | Those who reject the Qun might as well reject living. I will bring the Qun to them, willingly or not (Lawful Evil alignment). |
6 | The philosophies of outsiders are more interesting then those of my people. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I was born without horns (lose Horned Beast trait, gain Tentative Trust trait - your lack of horns grants you a less alien appearance, and proficiency in Persuasion). |
2 | I am motivated by greed over loyalty (Tal-Vashoth subrace) |
3 | I was taught subservience from an early age. I cannot lead a party any more than I could be an Arishok. |
4 | I can never feel a strong emotional connection to those who don't follow the Qun. |
5 | I can never trust those who don't follow the Qun. |
6 | I think elves are a lithe, pointy-eared people who excel at poverty. |
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