Firefolk (5e Race)
“ | They are demons, killers, savages! | ” |
—Translated from Aquan to Common., Anonymous Water Elemental |
Physical Description[edit]

Firefolk resemble fiery humanoids, but not totally made of flame like an elemental. Instead, their darkened, charred bodies show underneath the wreath of fire encircling their bodies. It gives them a burned appearance, as if they were the devastated remains of some victims in a horrible fire. Their skin is dark and crusted, like burnt material. A firefolk's eyes are sometimes described as hellish because it looks like orbs of bright flame emanate from their sockets. Their bodies are always extremely heated to the touch, such that clothes will smolder and char when in contact on them for too long. As such, firefolk will prefer to wear metal or non-flammable materials in general, if they want clothes at all.
Kossuth, god of the fire elementals, is the alleged origin of the firefolk. One of his main themes is purification through fire. In their zealotry, some of his clerics would set themselves aflame to attain higher levels of existence beyond their own bodies. They would do this often, until their bodies eventually became incredibly deformed and charred. It was an ordeal that killed many who attempted this. However, there were some successes, and these are the firefolk. Fire has become infused into their very bodies, which are now charred beyond recognition. They take these new forms to be a sign of approval from Kossuth. Their bodies no longer feel pain to fire as they once did when beginning the rite, and now they walk as one with fire itself. This practice was eventually discontinued when this particular sect of the Kossuth clergy was disbanded, but these successful firefolk walk the land to try and convince others to go through rebirth by fire as they had and embrace the flame.
Due to the incredible difficulty and pain associated with the rite to be reborn as a firefolk, their numbers are quite small. However, firefolk recognize one another as Kossuth's chosen and form a small, albeit scattered, society known as The Ember. They are essentially a vestige of the original sect that zealously worshipped Kossuth. The Ember aims to convert more to join their way of the flame and travel out for long distances like living torches to spread their word. Despite their flaming appearance and zealous devotion, firefolk are known to be very steadfast allies. Their faith is unwavering to their own kind and those who are sympathetic to their cause.
One important thing to note about firefolk is that they somewhat violate the impersonal nature typical in Kossuth's following. Fire elementals in particular regard firefolk as disgusting imposters that should be exterminated. Imix's following also despise firefolk for their undying fervor to Kossuth, despite his general silence towards them. There are some who believe the firefolk worship another entity entirely other than Kossuth, though it is unclear who.
Firefolk Names Names[edit]
Firefolk are humanoids that were rebirthed by flame. As such, they cast aside their original identities and names to take on new ones to conclude their new birth. These names are usually in Ignan and are not gendered. Ignan as a language emulates fire with sharp clicks and hisses, so names for firefolk can be difficult to put into writing. They are generally shorter than names fire elementals have.
Names: Shhath, Kasshkh, Niik, Dasszga
Firefolk Traits[edit]
Charred humanoids of a zealous following
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1 and one other score of your choice increases by 2.
Age. Firefolk are reborn fully mature and they can live for as long as 3,000 years without fear of dying of old age due to their changes their burned bodies have undergone.
Alignment. Firefolk are sort of lawful in their adherence to Kossuth and their faith. However, they are not impersonal and can be quite friendly.
Size. Firefolk vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Lava Vision. Your vision is unimpeded by normal heat-related obstacles. You are unaffected by disadvantage to Wisdom (Perception) checks to see through flames, lava, and other heat-related vision impairments.
Burning Body. If a creature hits you with a natural weapon or unarmed attack (i.e bites, claws, kicks, etc), they take 1 fire damage. If a creature successfully grapples you, they take 1d4 fire damage, and do again at the start of their next turn while they're still grappling you. You cannot benefit from this trait while wearing armor that nullifies your flaming body. Additionally, since your body is covered in fire, flammable materials on you will quickly burn. Finally, your unarmed strikes deal fire damage instead of bludgeoning.
Purified in Flame. Through the painful rite to rebirth by fire, you came to become one with flame. You are resistant to fire damage.
Cold Aversion. You have disadvantage on saving throws against cold damage. You also have disadvantage on Constitution checks against exhaustion in environments of Extreme Cold, as detailed in chapter 5 of the DMG. Lastly, you have disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws while submerged in water.
Flame Veil. Your body can emit bursts of flame, which is why some people dub firefolk "walking lamps." Your body emits bright light for up to 30 feet from you. You can change the intensity of this light without using an action, decreasing its range to 5 feet. Due to the fact you are basically emitting constant light, you have disadvantage to hide while in darkness.
Fire Touch. As an action, you can touch and ignite a flammable object that isn't being worn or carried.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Ignan.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 9'' | +2d12 | 100 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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