Isopos (5e Race)

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Isopos "it can roll?!"-hrathgar made by efks

Physical Description[edit]

normally grey or black in color they resemble large isopods walking around on 4 to 12 legs with 2 arms their build is similar to that of a centaur or drider they are covered in a thick exoskeleton when up right this exoskeleton can resemble that of samurai armor with the layers of plating instead of hair you sport 2 antenna half the length of your torso or larger using these to smell and navigate around corners that you can not see


a misfired spell hit a rotting log enlarging both the log and its inhabitants creating large isopods who in an attempt to pronounce "isopod " came up with "isopos" while the original isopos aka "the first spawn" did shrink back down to normal the eggs were forever changed. the descendants of "the first spawn" formed a intelligent and kind society and they continue to this day to look for the spell caster(s) who gave them their size.


the isopos live quiet lives rarely ever alone often staying close to the colony or shelter with primitive clothing and speech the instincts of the first spawn still bind them to be savages often cannibalizing injured or dying colony members ,or being scared of overhead shadows despite this they are docile and kind to members outside of the colony assuming they do not pose a threat

isopos Names[edit]

often the individual names themselves on account of the lack of parenting they receive normally choosing names that resemble kenning of what they have done, achieved, how they look,or even their favorite food

Female: opallick ,honeynaw ,elderberry

Male: goldbite ,dirtflick,diglong,everhungry

isopos Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 3 As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.your Intelligence score decreases by 1 and your Charisma score decreases by 1.
Age. they mature quickly after 1 year they are considered mature but not considered adult until they produce children they can live a little over 40 years
Alignment. they are either chaotic neutral or chaotic evil
Size. if you are under 5 years old your size is small anything above that is medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.You have a climb speed of 50 feet
tremorsense 30 ft. 5e tremors sense
natuarl armor. your ac is 13 + your con modifier
roll out. as an action you can chose to roll into a ball this lasts until your next turn when you are a ball your ac goes up by 2 but your speed is zero unless you are pushed in which case you have a roll speed of 25
sunlight sensitivity. 5e sunlight sensitivity
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common but this takes a performance check DC 15

=Deep sea giants[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 3 As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.your Intelligence score decreases by 1 and your Charisma score decreases by 1.
superior Darkvision 120 ft. 5e superior dark vision
sunlight sensitivity. 5e sunlight sensitivity
gills. you can breath underwater indefinitely while on the surface you have to hold your breath you can do this for 5 hours
natural armor. your ac is 13 + your con modifier
swim speed instead of climb speed. swim speed of 50ft

Insert non-formatted text here===Suggested Characteristics=== When creating a Isopos character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I don't trust anyone ever
2 Ill eat anything and everything unless told not to
3 Ill go out of my way to steal food even from friends
4 Im terrified of birds or anything with more legs then me
5 I prefer caves or fallen trees for shelter
6 Id prefer to never get wet
7 I enjoy small bobbles more then the average person
8 I am extremely upset if I squish any bug

d6 Bond
1 I miss my children even though I shouldn't care
2 One day Id like to eat my colony for fun they deserve it
3 Ill make my own colony once I find a good spot
4 My home was destroyed Ill have my revenge
5 I hate other members of my kind kill on sight
6 Birds are a plague
d4 Flaw
1 Im not concerned with value I like things for texture,shape or color instead
2 I talk in broken speech I barely understand myself
3 I refuse help for anything
4 I have a terrible memory
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