Daisnavien (5e Race)
The elder drew upon the sand four symbols and had the young upstart pick two. From the two, he would pick one. After seeing his choices, the elder nodded somberly, his long nose drooping as he did so.
You will take the path of your father, the warrior, and protect the home.
The upstart stood with confidence from his reading, for he was a youngster no longer. He had now his role, and became an adult to serve it til the day he would return to the earth as ash and dust.
Physical Description[edit]
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By Yanied |
The daisnavien are a humanoid race of beautiful people with robust constitutions. Hailing from mountains, they have strong lungs and are well adapted to run for long periods of time and survive harsh conditions in the wilds. They are very pale, which is the first sign that differentiates a daisnavien from a normal human. Their hair color is never that of a dark one, always being something bright like orange or red, but not so bright that it may be neon. Their eyes are similarly bright and have glass-like kaleidoscope effects when looked into. What makes daisnavien truly special is their skin, which sparkles in sunlight. This is actually a form of photosynthesis for their kind. Though they might not appear like it, daisnavien have plant origins, and so can extract nourishment from sunlight instead of eating if need be. Their bodies are described to be as limber and quick as bamboo. One key trait that gives a daisnavien away is their nose, which constantly grows longer until they die.
Daisnaivien are also known as "day walkers," due to their special quality of glimmering in sunlight. Their history is said to be entwined with old and ancient mountains with chilly temperatures, yet housed strange and gnarled evergreen plants. These plants are said to be the origin of daisnavien, as they were born straight from the body of these trees, which would explain their plant-like abilities to a degree. They were first witnessed by mountain climbers among mountains shrouded in blessed or cursed mystery. They noted strange, very pale creatures that glowed and walked about the mountain like sparkling beacons. Daisnavien largely had retained an isolated lifestyle before only recently having made contact with people below the shrouded peaks they call home. They claim a recent shift in the planetary energies sensed by their gurus has sent more of them below their preferred altitudes in search of certain destinations...
Having left their isolated world in the high peaks, daisnavien are luckily not too crazy looking that people would shoot them on glance. They are, however, an awkward bunch of strangers to the customs of other races, having lived on their own for such a long stretch of time. Daisnavien populations remain largely rooted to the mountaintops where their mother tree remains rooted to this day, and their gurus are elected as caretakers. Like plants, daisnavien claim to have roots. However, their roots are oriented towards the energies of the planet, which they claim to feel. As such, what drove them from the mountains is believed to have been some threat they felt through these roots. The exact details of these are unknown. Some daisnavien travel as heralds or simply to warn people in power of what they can sense. Because of their vague prediction and lack of standing, they aren't taken very seriously, of course. Some people outright dismiss daisnavien as crazed humans who spent too long in the mountains.
The daisnavien have a special connection with trees and plants, similar to firbolgs. This is not a language, but a form of nonverbal communication. Daisnavien are known to be quiet, yet expressive. They rely heavily on nonverbal communications through facial and bodily expressions and excel at interpreting that of others as well. For speaking, daisnavien have mainly adapted to Common tongue. They are suspected to have no original tongue of their own prior their descent, though this is unproven. Etchings in the mountainsides and old wooden slabs show that they had long possessed a written language. Daisnavien claimed that they once had a tongue like that of Celestial, though this is highly dubious, since they don't have any signs of being connected to those outsiders.
Daywalker Names[edit]
With the supposed language the daisnavien had prior to learning Common, they had only a handful of words, probably to describe their sparse surroundings. These words changed and corrupted into names over time. Thus, all daisnavien names sort of sound similar within their communities. Their names have Common influences now that they have entered mainstream society. Originally, their names were not gendered. The idea of this division is sort of alien to daisnavien, who are androgynous in biology. Differences between these names are very simple, resulting in similar names.
Male Names: Urdeen, Ithrik, Nito, Olir
Female Names: Udeeni, Ithra, Nitre, Olea
Glimmering humanoids born of plants
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma scores all each increase by 1.
Age. They usually are born from these high areas of gnarled trees, fully grown from the trunk. They can live for as long as 200 years. Sometimes a weaker tree might create a younger daisnavien, who has a shorter lifespan. As the trees dwindle in numbers or air quality goes down, daisnavien will notably reflect this in their shortening lifespan.
Alignment. Most daisnavien do not seek to harm others. Their philosophy of connection by roots to this world mean they are usually good. They are heavily opposed, thus, to those from off planet, like those of the Far Realm.
Size. Usual heights and weights for daisnavien are only slightly less than that of humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Rootsense. With the unseen, spiritual roots they possess, daisnavien are able to sense unique characteristics of the world around them without relying on sight. You can spend 1 minute standing still, in contact with nonmagical dirt, stone, soil, or similar material, and gain 60 feet of tremorsense into your immediate surroundings. Once you move, you lose this sense.
Mountainborn. You have resistance to cold damage. You’re also acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet.
Radiant Skin. While you are in bright sunlight, your body emits a sparkling visage. You have disadvantage on all checks to hide in bright sunlight.
Plant Origin. You ultimately do share some of the perky abilities of the plants you came from. You have advantage on initiative rolls while in bright sunlight.
Photosynthesis. While not a plant yourself, you do have some ability to supplement your dietary needs with light. If you spend at least 4 hours in bright sunlight, you fulfill your daily food requirement. In dim sunlight, you require a full 8 hours of rest to gain the same benefit. You require water and air as normal.
Rugged Stamina. You are born of hardy trees and embody a hardy race. You have advantage on ability checks to resist exhaustion.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and one other language of your choice.
Racial Feat[edit]
- Guru's Rootsense
Prerequisite: daisnavien
Some daisnavien become skilled adepts at sensing more than simply their surroundings. Arising to the awareness of a guru, they become able to almost foretell events based on reading cosmic energies.
- When you use your rootsense, you can maintain your position for an hour to also cast augury without any components. This version of the spell grants you a mental feeling as an omen, rather than a reading off a physical medium and is considered to be nonmagical. You can use this feature once, regaining use after you finish a long rest.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 5'' | +1d8 | 120 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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