Pegasari (5e Race)

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The Pegasari are a rare and noble people, believed to be the celestial offspring of divine Pegasus who were gifted humanoid forms by the gods. With powerful wings and equine lower bodies, they embody both the untamed freedom of the skies and the disciplined will of celestial beings. Some scholars claim they were once Pegasus blessed by Pelor or Kord, while others believe they arose from an ancient, now-forgotten civilization in the clouds.

Physical Description[edit]

Pegasari stand between 5.5 to 6.5 feet tall with muscular humanoid torsos and equine lower bodies. Their two legs end in hooves, and their large, feathered wings span around 10 feet from tip to tip. Their skin and coat colors range from white and silver to deep black, chestnut, and even rare shades of gold or celestial blue. Their skin often carries faint, shimmering markings that resemble constellations or divine symbols, marking their celestial lineage. Their faces blend human and equine traits, with slightly elongated ears and sharp, intelligent eyes. Their flowing manes are thick and silky, cascading down their necks in waves of soft, lustrous hair. Despite their imposing appearance, Pegasari move with a natural grace, their movements fluid and controlled, as if each step is deliberate and measured.


The origins of the Pegasari are steeped in divine mystery. Some believe the gods created them to serve specific purposes, such as delivering messages or guiding mortals. Said to have emerged from the heart of the stars, their wings are thought to be formed from sunlight and the earth’s strength, with Pelor and Kord gifting them humanoid forms to interact with the mortal world.

Others claim the Pegasari were once part of an ancient civilization that lived among the clouds, where they honed their strength and wisdom. The fall of this empire remains a mystery, and only the Pegasari know the true story.

Regardless of their origins, the Pegasari have long been both warriors and healers, using their divine strength to protect and their celestial wisdom to guide others.


Cloudborne Tribes: They rarely settle in one place for long. Most live in floating citadels, hidden cloud villages, or atop towering peaks where the wind is strong and the sky is clear. Their societies are nomadic, with families traveling the skies in tight-knit flocks, guided by the stars and divine omens. They revere Pelor (god of the sun and healing) and Kord (god of storms and battle), believing their wings were gifted by the gods themselves. Some also honor Habbakuk (the Dragonlance god of animals and the sky).

Warriors & Messengers of the Gods: Due to their celestial heritage, many serve as warriors, healers, or divine emissaries. Legends tell of great battles where Pegasari descended from the heavens like storm-forged champions, their hooves thundering in the skies. Others become wandering sages, scouts, or guardians of sacred places.

Adventurers: A Pegasari adventurer is often on a quest for knowledge, glory, or redemption. Some seek lost celestial relics, others seek to prove themselves as champions of their people, and a few are outcasts who walk the material world to forge their own destinies.

Racial Names[edit]

Names matter in Pegasari culture. A name isn’t just a label—it’s a legacy. It can evoke divine favor, noble heritage, or the ever-changing sky itself. Consider a name that reflects your character's celestial origin and equine grace. Mix and match first names and surnames, or modify these examples to create a name that feels uniquely yours. Your chosen name can honor an esteemed ancestor, reflect a personal destiny, or mark a pivotal moment in your character’s life. Remember, a well-chosen name not only defines your character’s identity—it helps tell their story. Here are some suggestions to spark your creativity:

Celestial-Inspired Names Equine-Themed Names Family & Cultural Names
Aurion Hoofstrider Skystride
Celestine Galloper Dawnhoof
Helios Windcharger Cloudborne
Stellara Thundercanter Windcrest
Luminus Cloudrunner Starfield

Pegasari Traits[edit]

Divine horse humanoids with natural weapons and celestial abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. They reach maturity at 18 years and can live up to 120 years.
Alignment. Most lean toward Neutral Good, balancing freedom with duty.
Size. Pegasari stand a bit taller than humans at their full height, at around 6 to 7 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You also have a flying speed of 30 feet. (You cannot hover and cannot fly while wearing heavy armor.)
Celestial Hooves. Your lower body is built for powerful kicks. When you make an unarmed strike using your hooves, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
Wings of the Sky. As a reaction, when an ally within 10 feet of you is hit by a ranged attack, you can extend your wings to shield them. The triggering attack’s damage is halved, rounded down. After using this trait, you cannot use your flying speed until the start of your next turn. You can use this trait once, regaining use after you finish a short or long rest.
Light of the Sun. As an action, you can touch a creature to channel divine light. The creature regains hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier. You can use this trait once, regaining use after you finish a long rest.
Divine Resilience. Your celestial heritage grants you resistance to radiant damage and advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Divine Purpose: Many Pegasari are drawn to the pursuit of divine missions, whether to spread the will of their gods or to protect sacred artifacts. Some are sent by celestial beings to deliver vital messages, while others serve as emissaries or champions for their deities.

Freedom and Honor: Though they often serve divine purposes, Pegasari value personal freedom and independence. They are not bound to a single cause but seek a balance between their celestial duties and their own aspirations. Their sense of honor is paramount, and they often hold themselves to higher standards of integrity than most.

Noble yet Humble: Despite their divine heritage, Pegasari are not arrogant. They carry themselves with the quiet dignity of celestial beings, but their humility often inspires those around them to trust in their wisdom and strength.

Loyal and Protective: Pegasari have an innate sense of loyalty to those they consider kin, whether fellow Pegasari, family, or companions. They are fiercely protective of their loved ones and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 4'' +1d12+1d8 200 lb. × (2d10) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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