Anti-Human/The Anti

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Anti-Human/The Anti[edit]

“A man is great not because he hasn’t failed; a man is great because failure hasn’t stopped him” - Confucius

The Anti, or Anti-Humans are a gathering of humanoids who have found themselves locked away in Purgatory, either by some great divine punishment, or due to a failed experiment with universal travel. There are said to be only less than a thousand of them that have been named at this current time.

Physical Description[edit]

The Anti come in all shapes and forms, from beasts, to humans, to virtually all kinds. What they all have in common is that they are humanoid and bear sentience. However, older and more ancient Anti, called the Elders, often bear black eyes with glowing white pupils, as well as grey, desaturated blood.


The most common method an Anti is made is often due to an inter-universal or dimensional travel experiment gone horribly wrong, resulting in them becoming lost and trapped in the space between reality, Purgatory. A rare few Anti manage to make it out, while others are trapped from eternity. Purgatory is an endless expanse that stretches throughout infinity itself, scattered with relics, structures, creatures, and landmarks that can be found in other universes and realities. Purgatory is split into three main sections: The Land, The Ocean, and The Sky, which are each called The Void, The Abyss, and The Null respectively. The only other known intelligent life that is found within Purgatory other than the Anti are known as the Zero. Precursors from the beginning of time itself who bear glowing white, ghostly bodies, which often choose to support and assist the Anti in their unfortunate circumstance.


Anti’s hardly and rarely have any sort of order or government. But a few rare communities and even small cities can be found within Purgatory made completely of Anti’s. These communities most commonly have a socialistic and equal-treating government or ruling that is to make sure that everyone gets what they need and earn, but there are exceptions. These communities are often led by old and experienced Anti, called The Elders, who maintain order and equality, but also bearing great strength and harshness against those who overstep their boundaries.


The Anti take the names that they were given before they were transported into Purgatory. However, many Anti choose to shorten their names, or change them entirely, often with some sort of adjective to define them. Male: Lex, Fezid, Shoren, Pockum the Strong, Pedro the Combative, Bufficius the Great. Female: Sara, Mileena, Kora, Mulan the Nimble, Mindy the Hungry, Femina the Flawless.

Anti Traits[edit]

Mors aliquando veniet.
Ability Score Increase. You have the same stat increase as your previous race.
Age. Due to the anomalous nature of Purgatory, or a side effect of the method used to reach it, Anti do not age, and could theoretically live for eternity.
Alignment. Most Anti choose to focus on themselves rather than others due to the harsh living conditions it takes to survive in Purgatory, causing them to often lean towards the True Neutral. However, there are plenty of exceptions.
Size. The Anti are often between 4-6 feet tall, however this can be far greater or less depending on what race they are. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You have the base movement speed of your original race.
Darkvision. Regardless of race, you can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Restless Meditation. You do not need to sleep due to the fear of never waking again. Instead of sleeping, you enter a state of meditative inactivity for 6 hours a day, during which you are aware of your surroundings. Afterwards, you gain the benefits of a long rest.
Survivors. You are proficient in survival. If you are already proficient, gain expertise.
Nomadic. You are not affected by difficult terrain or harsh weather.
Frozen in Time. You have advantage on saving throws against abilities and spells that would change your body or form.
Languages. You speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.

Anti Variants[edit]

Usually, each Anti has a variational ability they gain upon entry of Purgatory. It is completely random and is granted to only about half of the Anti that find themselves in Purgatory. Roll a d20 to see if you get a Variant trait. If the roll is 11 or higher, you get a random trait by the roll of a d4, if you roll a 10 or lower, you do not get a Variant trait.

1d4 Trait Effect
1 Indefectible You gain resistance to psychic, necrotic, and radiant damage.
2 Unstable As many times per long rest as your proficiency modifier, you can blink to another area within your walking speed on your turn as a free action. This can only be done once per turn.
3 Inviolable You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe. Additionally, you are immune to disease, and resistant to poison damage.
4 Imperishable Upon losing a limb, it will slowly regenerate over the span of the next 18 hours, or upon completing a long rest. This also includes organs, blood, and the brain, which makes the Anti unable to die.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 6'' +4d6 155 lb. × (1d8) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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