Majin (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
Physical Description[edit]
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Majins, Powerful beings made of pure magic. |
They appear to be gum-like humanoids with various skin tones and antenna on their heads.
The first member of this race known is the original Majin Buu, who has existed since time immemorial, cycling between rampages and long hibernation, and was summoned once again 5 million years before Age by the evil wizard Bibidi, who was mistakenly believed by Shin to have been the original Majin Buu's creator. The first Majin to appear was the Teapot Genie - who debuted in Dr. Slump - he defeated Arale but was defeated by the angered Tsukutsun Tsun. Additionally, another member of the race not known to be of relation to Buu named Majin Ozotto existed on the Green Planet until he was defeated by the Z Fighters in the lead up to the Cell Games. In Dragon Ball Online, it is revealed that, in Age 790, Majin Buu created a female mate called Miss Buu for himself. This led them to start a family leading to the birth of their first child Baby Buu via the Love-Love Beam technique, and thus the dawn of the Majin race on Earth. Majin run the theme park Boo World, which was created by Mister Bii in honor of Majin Buu. The park is divided into "Tasty Zone" and "Fun Zone".
In the Xenoverse series, both male and female Majin are shown to be members of the Time Patrol with several living in Toki Toki/Conton City. The race is noted to possess a natural affinity towards Magic and utilize Magic techniques such as Transfiguration Beam. Interestingly, some of the Majin Time Patrollers do not seem to be fully aware of their race's history such as the creation of Miss Buu and development of the Love-Love Beam. Due to their strange powers and abilities, Majin are often viewed by members of other races to be odd or strange, though some find them interesting due to their power and unusual abilities.
Due to their love of fun and making people happy, some Majin enjoy working as entertainers as many are employed at the Boo World theme park in Dragon Ball Online. Even Majin in Conton City such as Gaccho and Wabara are known to enjoy entertaining their fellow Time Patrols with Gaccho and Wabara's Magical Majin History Quizzes in Xenoverse 2. In Dragon Ball Fusions, the female Majin Lullus works as a dancer.
Majin Names[edit]
Generally have Diverse Alien Names
Male: Gaccho, Buu, Yoid
Female: Lullus, Cocresa, Haishi
Majin Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score and Constitution increases by 2. Your Intelligence score is reduced by 2.
Age. A Majin is born with a mature body and does not age. A Majin rarely matures mentally, retaining the childlike personality of its progenitor.
Alignment. Although all Majin are born with a liking to violence, they value friendship over any fight, and food even more so. Being children at heart, almost every single Majin is as chaotic as a person can get, and being beings of pure hearts, most Majins are good. Some have been known to be neutral, but since the death of the evil Buu, evil Majins are extremely rare.
Size. Standing from just over 4 feet tall to even 12 feet tall, and weighing somewhere between 120 and 360 pounds, a Majin's looks can vary vastly, to the point where you may question if two Majin even belong to the same race. When a Majin has found a shape they like, or if they spent too much time deciding on a form, they remain in that form for the rest of their lives. Your size may be small, medium or large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Rubber-Gum Body. Your body is extremely malleable and stretchy, when you make an unarmed strike, you can increase your reach up to 40 ft, you can also stretch your arms to grapple or shove someone up to the same distance, you can freely manipulate severed body parts as if using telekinesis on it. Additionally, you are immune to diseases, poison damage and the conditions Poisoned, Restrained and Grappled if done by physical means.
Childlike Wonder. Almost every Majin lives their lives with the mind of a child in an adult body. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened, as most Majins don't fully comprehend fear.
Insane Regeneration. A Majin, due to being made of magic, along with their rubber-gum like body, is capable of higher levels of regeneration to keep them alive. You cannot be killed by anything that doesn’t completely erase your matter or somehow negates your regeneration, you can rebuild any part of your body as a free action, even if you are pulverized or vaporized you can reform, you also passively regenerate 2d12+con mod at the start of your turns, as a bonus action, you can regenerate 4d12+double your con mod, as you level up, this feature gets stronger, for every 2 levels you acquire, you add 1 dice to your bonus action regen, every 5 levels, your passive increases by 1 dice, every level ending with a 0, the multiplier on your con mod increases by 1, including the passive one, lvl 50 onwards your bonus action regeneration becomes a free action, and you can still use a bonus action to do it again if you wish. This also makes you immune to any condition that requires injury.
Majin Absorption. Majins have the ability to absorb any life form, as an action, or a bonus action if a large chunk of your body has been cut off, you can attempt to absorb a creature, forcing it to make a dexterity saving throw, this is made with disadvantage if you or the cut off body part are hidden from the target, if the target fails, it becomes Unconscious, Restrained, Grappled, Paralyzed and Incapacitated(ignoring any immunities to conditions), as it is enclosed in a cocoon inside of your body, your appearance changes to gain features from the absorbed creature, and you gain a bonus to your ability scores equal to modifiers of your target’s ability scores(e.g the target having 16 strength gives you a +3 bonus to your strength score), your movement speed and ki point maximum increase by the target’s and you learn every technique they knew. This also gives you some traits of the absorbed creature’s personality. If someone manages to get the creature out of you(Decided by GM), the conditions on it are ended, you get stunned for 1 minute and lose every bonus you got from it. If you absorb a creature much weaker than you (determined by GM), you only get a flat +5 to your Ki point maximum, 5ft to your movement speed, and +1 to your physical ability scores. If you absorb a creature much stronger than you(at least 8 levels or determined by GM) you are unable to access its full power until a condition determined by your GM is met, you do not learn any of the creature's techniques and you get only ¼ of theirs ability score modifiers in bonuses, the ki and movement bonus are the same, besides that, the physical and personality traits gained from the creature are greater too. Individuals that do not have any levels in any class do not grant you any buffs. When you absorb a creature, you add their Power Level onto yours, you do not gain any Power Level increases from the much weaker or stronger creatures.
The GM can decide you gain no benefit from an absorption even if you would normally gain benefit, and your power level, ability scores, and movement speed, only increase individually by the highest bonuses given by any absorption, the same attribute cannot be increased by more than one absorption at a time. The only exception to this is Ki point maximum, which can be increased by multiple absorptions, but still may be vetoed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, if you are very young and/or was never properly educated, you can only understand common and speak in complete gibberish and random noises, you take twice as long to learn any language.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 0'' | +2d10 | 120 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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