Xenomorph (5e Race)
The xenomorph are a race of creatures assumed to be from another Plane. Their true origins unknown. Their intentions hostile.
Completely Alien
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Taken from http://aliens.wikia.com/wiki/Xenomorph |
In the xenomorph life cycle, a xenomorph goes through three major stages of development. The first being the egg stage; In this stage, the xenomorph is not a tall black killing machine, but is instead an embryo inside of an arachnoid creature which lays dormant inside an organic egg. This egg has a flesh-like texture and acts as its own organism. This stage can last almost indefinitely, the egg and arachnoid creature inside lying dormant for many years only awakening once disturbed. When an egg is disturbed by a creature, it will open at the top and the arachnoid creature that dwells inside, commonly known as a “facehugger”, will spring from the egg. The facehugger greatly resembles a pair of skeletal hands fused together at the wrists, with a spine-like tail. It has eight long, finger-like legs which allow it to crawl rapidly, and a long tail adapted for making great leaps. The underside of the facehugger and its orifice, from which extends a proboscis used for delivering the xenomorph embryo. The facehugger will attach itself to the creature’s face, it’s tail wrapped around the creature’s neck. Then the facehugger proceeds to impregnate the creature, using natural hormones and chemicals to sedate the creature into unconsciousness and injecting the xenomorph embryo down the creature’s throat. After this act is complete the facehugger will remain attached to the victim’s face for a little over a day before dropping dead. Then begins the embryo stage. The embryo stage is short-lived, usually lasting no longer than a week. Hours after the death of the facehugger, the creature that was attacked awakes, unsure of what has passed. They then continue their lives, as per normal, until the embryo awakens. Once the xenomorph embryo awakens, it eats its way through the creature it was within. Usually bursting from their chest or back, these creatures have been given the name “chestbursters”. Chestbursters resemble large worms, beige or brown in color and with a mouth of metallic teeth as well as a tail capable of propelling the creature at considerable speeds. Some chestbursters have been seen to possess arms, with others merely having small stubs where presumably the arms will eventually develop. It is possible a longer gestation period may determine the presence of arms at birth; notably, queen chestbursters, which have a considerably longer gestation period, have been known to birth with all four of their arms present, as well as legs and a partially developed head crest. Even regular chestbursters have been known to birth fully formed, with arms and legs, essentially just a smaller version of the adult that it subsequently develops into. The reason for this is unclear, although it has been theorized that in cases where a chestburster is unable to escape its host's body at the usual time, perhaps due to greater structural integrity of the host's rib cage and chest cavity, the host may die prematurely because of the invasive organism within them. The chestburster will subsequently develop further until it is large and strong enough to emerge. Once it has emerged, an embryo will grow into a fully mature xenomorph within 24 hours.
Notably, xenomorphs will alter their physical appearance during development depending on the physiology of the host in which they gestate. Likely, this incorporation of physical traits gleaned from the host is designed to ensure the adult creature is better suited to the environment in which it will find itself. Historically, most xenomorphs encountered have typically gestated inside human hosts, and therefore adopt a basically bipedal, humanoid stance, but other variations born from a wide variety of different host organisms have been seen, and as a result feature varying physical appearances. However, regardless of any physical variation resulting from the host, xenomorphs always possess certain distinctive trademark characteristics. They have a skeletal, bio-mechanical appearance and are usually colored in muted shades of black, blue or bronze. Whatever the host organism, they invariably possess distinctive, elongated, cylindrical skulls, but possess no visible facial features other than their mouth. The carapace atop the head has been seen to vary, from smooth and vaguely translucent to ridged and opaque. Xenomorphs have segmented, blade-tipped tails. The sharp tip has been seen to vary from a small, scorpion-like barb to a larger, flat blade. Despite their seemingly flimsy physical construction, the creature's tail makes for an incredibly potent weapon, strong enough to impale and lift an orc from the floor with seemingly little effort. The tails have been used variously as stabbing, slashing and blunt force trauma weapons. Above the tails, the creature possesses several Dorsal Tubes on its back, typically consisting of two pairs — a larger upper pair and a smaller lower pair — often with a fifth, sharper spine in the center below the base of the head. The exact purpose of these tubes is unclear. A xenomorph is equipped to be the perfect killing machine. They possess an exoskeleton much like that of a lobster, extremely tough and smooth to the touch. Attached at the ends of both of their arms are a set of long fingers and shiny, black, and extremely sharp claws capable of slashing through almost anything within its grasp. On each hand they have two pairs of finger-like digits and two opposable thumbs on opposite sides of hand. As mentioned before, they have a long tail that measures to a similar length compared to their height, this can be used as a whip like weapon. They stand at around 7 feet tall, averaging in anywhere between 300 to 400lbs; although size may vary wildly depending on the host chosen. Their mouths are filled with sharp metallic teeth, but their main killing device is the inner jaw that shoots out to penetrate the victim's brain. The inner jaw, also known as an "attack tongue", is a muscular appendage on the inside of the xenomorph's mouth. All xenomorphs have this trait. It consists of a cord of muscle with a small but extremely deadly mouth-like appendage on the end.
Myths and Nightmares
For as long as parents have scared their children with stories of monsters roaming the wilderness, xenomorphs have been there to make those fears a reality. No one knows where they are from, though all who encounter them know they are too alien to have originated from the Material Plane. Xenomorphs are vicious, murderous creatures, and very few have ever met with a xenomorph and lived to tell the tale. Because of this, they have become great monsters of myth, akin to the bogeyman; Heartless creatures that attack, eat, and kill relentlessly. Areas where a xenomorph has been before are plagued with countless tales of giant black wolves that destroy all in their path, disgusting white parasites that eat you from the inside out, pale spiders that put you to sleep and devour you from your dreams. Xenomorphs inspire dread and fear wherever they go and leave the area cursed, forever to harbor the horror stories they leave in their wake.
All for one and One for none
Xenomorphs operate under a caste system with groups of specialized individuals performing distinct tasks within the species. It is not clear to what degree these castes are subject to a social hierarchy, although certain xenomorph types, notably the praetorians and the queens, clearly exercise some degree of control and superiority over other more common variations. While individual xenomorphs have been known to operate independently, owing to their tendency to reproduce rapidly and in large numbers, they are more commonly encountered in groups and often likened to an infestation owing to their tendency to spread and consume all suitable host organisms in an area. As with many other eusocial organisms, xenomorphs, particularly in larger groups, will create a central nest or hive in which they will reside, often overseen by an egg-laying queen. Raiding parties will be sent out into the surrounding area to search for and capture more hosts, which will then be brought to the hive and used to create more xenomorphs. In larger infestations, smaller "satellite" hives may be created, containing just a few xenomorphs, allowing victims to be cocooned and impregnated even far away from the queen herself. The xenomorphs have a caste system like those of bees and ants. A major difference is that their caste system is far more complex.
The basis of any xenomorph hive are drones; the drones are very much like worker bees or ants. Their main tasks are to keep the hive in good condition. Also, they seem to have the job of creating their nests with their own secretions. Drones have an organ in their body that releases a sticky fluid that they can spit out of their mouth onto any surface. It can be used to harvest hosts for the queen's facehuggers.
Warrior xenomorphs are the next in the caste system. Warrior xenomorphs - commonly known as simply 'warriors' - are the soldiers and protectors of the hive. They are all children of the hive's queen, bigger and stronger than the drones. The drones are less deadly and somewhat less intimidating. They can be promoted into praetorians, which serve as the queen's consorts. Typically, there are four of them at any given time. However, when the queen wishes to watch them battle for her attention or increase protection in preparation for an attack on the hive, she will release pheromones which cause four additional warriors to receive the rank of praetorians.
Praetorians are the biggest and strongest of the Warriors. Their primary role within the hive is to guard key locations of importance or interest, and, if nothing else, to protect the queen herself. Most praetorians can be found very close to the queen's chambers. Some speculate that praetorians evolve from the warrior caste. The queen selects a warrior to become a praetorian, and the warrior is then attacked by fellow xenomorphs from the same hive and banished. The warrior must survive on its own for a long period of time. It returns to the hive when it has proven itself worthy of guarding the queen.
The queen is the largest and most intelligent xenomorph and can grow incredibly large, up to 100 feet tall if given time. She lays many eggs that hatch to become the first stage of xenomorph. It is unclear whether the queen engages in combat outside of protecting her hive. The queen is usually nestled deep within the hive, protected by praetorian guards. She has been known to display some logic-based intelligence. She is the most dangerous of the hive, displaying extreme aggression and using her intelligence to devastating effect. When attached to her egg sac, she is immobile and vulnerable to attack. When she removes herself from it, however, she can move surprisingly fast. She attacks with her four clawed arms, as well as her long, bladed tail. She has also been shown to use her main and inner jaws in combat. Queens are created through royal facehuggers. Whereas normal embryos adopt characteristics from their host, the royal facehugger's does not. The royal facehugger carries within it the royal blood-Line, which is a genetic code passed down from the queen xenomorph to its chosen offspring. The embryo is a genetic copy of its mother and as such will not adopt the characteristics of the host but will retain the physical characteristics of the xenomorph queen.
Xenomorph Names
Xenomorph do not have names as we know them, they communicate between each other in grunts, shrieks, and squeals; They identify each other using these noises. However, if a xenomorph was to be given a name or a nickname, it would understand and respond to it.
Xenomorph Traits
The aliens from the "Alien" franchise, adapted to fit within the realms of D&D
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. No on truly knows how long a xenomorph can live, but they mature almost a full day after bursting from a host’s chest.
Alignment. Some people will argue that the xenomorph are a neutral or evil creature. One that only cares about either their own survival, or the survival of their colony/queen. Those people would be right.
Size. Depending on the host, a xenomorph can either be Small or Medium size.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet. You have a climbing speed of 20 feet.
Acidic Blood. When you are damaged by a melee attack, you may use your reaction to coat the creature in caustic blood. The affected creature must make a DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier, Dexterity saving throw to take half of the 2d6 acid damage. This effect increases in damage by 1d6 when you reach 6th level(3d6), 11th level(4d6), and 16th level(5d6). You regain use of this trait after you finish a short or long rest. Additionally, you are resistant to acid damage.
Heat Susceptibility. Your exoskeleton, though it is tough, it is not invulnerable, you are vulnerable to fire damage. In addition you have disadvantage on saving throws against extreme heat, detailed in chapter 5 of the DMG.
Unique Exoskeleton. Your exoskeleton, though bipedal, is not the regular shape or build of other humanoids. Armor must be created for you and costs twice as much as a regular suit of armor. You have a natural Armor Class equal to: 10 + your Constitution modifier.
Natural Weapons. You are a race bred for combat. You have three natural weapons which you can use to make unarmed strike that you are proficient in.
- Bite. You have a bite attack. If you hit with it, it deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
- Claws. You have a claw attack. If you hit with it, it deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
- Tail. You have a tail attack that has a reach of 10 feet. If you hit with it, it deals piercing damage equal to 1d10 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Languages. Xenomorph do not have a written language, however, they have a spoken one. It is a mixture of shrieks, squeals, gargles and guttural sounds. This complex primitive tongue has been coined "Xenomorphic", you can speak and understand the language Xenomorphic. You can also read, speak, and understand Common and one other language of your choice. But, you can not write in these languages and to speak in any other language other than "Xenomorphic", you must mimic the voice of another creature, using a grotesque imitation of the copied creature's own voice.
Subrace. There are eight subraces for you to choose from Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Orc, Human and Tiefling. For all subraces that do not specify that they are Small, they are considered Medium in size.
The facehugger that laid you attached itself to a dragonborn. Your skin is bumpy and scaly, hot to the touch. Your teeth are longer than usual and your oblong head ends in a point. You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Draconic Ancestry. Choose the type of dragonborn that your facehugger impregnated from the table below. Your skin is tough and has a soft hue of the color you choose. You also gain resistance to the damage type associated with that dragon. You do not benefit from a Black or Copper dragonborns resistance. A brass, red or gold dragonborn will only remove your vulnerability to fire damage, not grant you resistance.
Dragon Color | Damage Type |
Black | Acid |
Blue | Lightning |
Brass | Fire |
Bronze | Lightning |
Copper | Acid |
Gold | Fire |
Green | Poison |
Red | Fire |
Silver | Cold |
White | Cold |
The facehugger that laid you attached itself to a dwarf. You are short, but stout. Your skin has an almost stony appearance to it. You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Stout Body. Your walking speed decreases to 30ft and your climbing speed decreases to 15ft.
Hardy Build. You gain proficiency with light armor and medium armor.
The facehugger that laid you attached itself to an elf. You are thin and limber, your features are angular and your oblong head ends in a point. You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, additionally, you can not be put to sleep by magical means.
The facehugger that laid you attached itself to a gnome. You are small, almost a completely identical copy of a human-born xenomorph, however your oblong head ends in a point. You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Petite Build. Your size is Small. Your walking speed decreases to 30ft and your climbing speed decreases to 15ft.
Cunning. You have advantage on Charisma and Intelligence saving throws against magic.
The facehugger that laid you attached itself to a halfling. You are small and nimble in stature. Your oblong head ends in a point. You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Nimble Size. Your size is Small. Your walking speed decreases to 30ft and your climbing speed decreases to 15ft.
Luckier. When you roll a 1 on a d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. You may use this trait 3 times and you regain all uses of this trait after a long rest.
The facehugger that laid you attached itself to either an orc or a half-orc. You are large and muscular, your skin has a noticeable green hue. You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Orcish Strength. When you hit with an attack made with a simple or martial weapon, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice an additional time and add it as extra damage of the weapon’s damage type. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
The facehugger that laid you attached itself a human. You are exactly as described in the physical appearance segment of this race. You are also the most common type of xenomorph. You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. One other ability score of your choice besides Constitution increases by 1.
Human Versatility. You may choose one skill with which you gain proficiency in.
The facehugger that laid you attached itself a tiefling. Your size and stature is that of a regular xenomorph, however, your skin has a strange hue to it, either red or purple or blue. Your oblong head tapers in size, getting noticeably thinner towards the end. You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Infernal Body. You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Medium Random Height and Weight
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 0'' | +2d6 inches | 350 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Small Random Height and Weight
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 0'' | +2d6 inches | 250 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Reason For Adventuring
When creating a xenomorph character, you can use the following table to help flesh out your character. Use this tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics as the reason for your departure from the hive. Contrary to what the lore above implies, the event below changed your alignment or ideals to that which would allow for adventuring. Discuss with your DM how your character came to be an adventurer and how the event below changed their perspective.
d10 | Adventuring Reason |
1 | You have been banished from the hive to become a praetorian when you can prove yourself to be worthy. |
2 | You were a member of a hunting party and have become lost. |
3 | You emerged from a commoner and now roam the area, searching for food and excitement. |
4 | You ran from the nest, not feeling connected to your race. Feeling like an outsider. |
5 | You were sent to discover a new home to build your queens nest. |
6 | An egg was transported and a victim deliberately impregnated, you burst from the victim and have been tested and experimented upon. |
7 | As a small xenomorph you were captured and held as a pet. |
8 | As a chestburster you were captured and raised as a pet. |
9 | You were once rescued by another adventurer, you feel indebted to them and have a compulsion to do the same for others. |
10 | Though magic your mind was opened to the possibilities of the multiverse, you have no compulsion to serve the hive or the queen. |
Paragon Class
A Xenomorph who wants to further evolve and develop its natural traits can choose the Xenomorph Paragon subclass, as an alternative to the traditional subclasses granted by the barbarian, fighter or ranger classes.
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