Dromaeus (5e Race)

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Pronounced dro-mee-us (plural dro-mee-eye), this creature is an anthropomorphic deinonychus.

Physical Description[edit]

A dromaeus is bright green along its back and flanks, with a much lighter shade of the same color on its underside. The body has darker spots or stripes. Its tail extends stiffly behind itself, held aloft by an intricate structure of bony supports. A dromaeus has sharp fangs, its feet end in three clawed toes, with the second toe having a large, sickle-shaped talon, and its hands have three fingers and a thumb that all end in sharp nails that resemble claws but deal no damage.


Dromaei are pack hunters who utilize their numbers and sharp middle talons to take down prey. Though omnivorous, they prefer to eat meat, occasionally consuming fruits and vegetables only for the nutrients their bodies require that meat does not contain.

Dromaeus communities consist of a few family units, plus a hunting pack. They generally live in warmer climates (preferably tropical) in small villages of adobe huts with thatched leaf roofs.

Though they prefer to keep to themselves, they do, on occasion, interact with other races, trading whatever meat they have accumulated for other goods. When conversing with people from other cultures, dromaei seem cold but are, in fact, remaining reserved until they determine whether or not they can trust the other. Once someone has earned the trust of a dromaeus, they become fast friends. If, for any reason, their trust is betrayed, a dromaeus will not hesitate to kill the transgressor and move on to the next person to do business with.

Dromaeus Names[edit]

Dromaei do not hold to any traditional naming conventions and, therefore, their names are always different. There are no typical names for members of the race.

Dromaeus Traits[edit]

Anthropomorphic deinonychus.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Dromaei mature at age 7, joining a hunting pack at that time. They live to be 60 to 70 years old.
Alignment. Staying within their ancestral roots, dromaei tend to be neutral.
Size. Dromaei stand about 6 to 7 feet tall and weigh about 190 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Cunning Hunter. You have proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills.
Talons. You are never unarmed. Your talons are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with an unarmed strike with your talons, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.

Because of your talons, you cannot wear shoes, boots or slippers if they are not open-toed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Deinonychus and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 10'' +2d8 90 lb. × (2d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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