Dinorain (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Dinorains look like humanoid dinosaurs with theropods having digitigrade legs, sauropods having plantigrade ones. They can look like real dinosaurs, or can be brightly colored and fantastical. Their heads and arms are often crowned with decorative feathers used to attract mates. They're teeth and claws are determined by subrace.


Dinorains lived in tribes, theropods commanding others, sauropods serving others. Sauropods were often subjected to beating, while theropods were treated with the upmost respect. The hierarchy is based off of size and strength. If there are 2 of equal skill, they battle to the death to see who leads next. Dinorains, despite their ancient-sy, are quite strategic in battle, with the leader leading the battle, of course.


Dinorains live as tribes in forests, often not seen by civilization, and considered a myth. Dinorains live in a sort of hierarchy, with the theropods in charge, and the sauropods as servants of sorts. There have been civil wars, but every time the theropods come out on top. They speak in an ancient language of hieroglyphics usually, but ones that chose to adventure learn common, although often don't know it that well. Dinorains don't have a very good grasp of faith, and rather live in the moment. When they adventure, it's often a seeking of power, wether a sauropod wanting revenge, or a theropod getting obsessed.


Dinorains live in a hierarchy. These are the 'ranks' of sorts (low to high).

Servant Servants are the lowest rank, and are servants, treated with little respect. Their clothes are often tattered and dirty.

Scout Scouts are a rank higher than Servants, and are lookouts. Their clothes are nicer, and better quality than Servants ones, even if limited.

Messenger Messengers are of the same rank as Scouts, with similar clothing. They act as messengers, and often ambassadors.

Caretaker Caretakers are a rank higher than Scouts, and take care of everyone, making sure all supplies are evenly distributed. Lower ranks treat Caretakers with great respect, just as Caretakers do to everyone, while higher ranks may not. Caretakers have nice, clothing.

Mother Mother's are of the same rank as Caretakers. Despite the name, any Dinorain involved in procreation can be a mother, no matter gender. Mother's are the only ones that can be mated with freely. If a member of a tribe mates with one that is not a mother, it may be punishable by death. Mother's have nice, plentiful clothing.

Spy Spies are a rank higher than Mother's. Their job is to gather unwanted information, unlike messengers. Spies wear dark, tactical clothing.

Packer Packers are the same rank as Spies. Packers are soldiers, that pack with others like each other, small, & fast. They overwhelm targets, and take them down. Packers have limited clothing.

Rammer Rammers are a rank higher than Packers. They are soldiers, that act as defense and attack. They are often triceratops and the like. They line up as a wall, protecting those of importance. They can charge forward in synced to move the enemy back. They wear nice, red clothing.

Warrior Warriors are the same rank as Rammers. They are theropods that of T-Rexes. They fight the opponent head on. They wear roughed up red clothing.

Second Leader Second Leader is a rank higher than Warriors. They are, in a way, second in command. There can only be one Second Leader. The Second Leader is the Leaders best adviser, and the only one who can disrespect them is the Leader. The Second Leader wears plentiful, nice clothing.

Leader Leader is the highest rank. They command everyone and look over everything. They are the strongest member of the tribe. Leaders wear very nice clothing. If the Leader dies, there's a ceremony preformed, in which the two strongest members of the tribe battle to the death, and whoever comes out on top is the new Leader. If someone important, such as the Leaders direct daughter, were to grow to not be strong enough to be the rightful heir, they could leave to form a tribe of their own.

Dinorain Names[edit]

Dinorains are named based on their place in the hierarchy. Their parents give them an informal name, but otherwise, they are know by their sort of rank. Tribes also have names, written in hieroglyphics, and translated.

Theropod names

Male: Stench, Craw, Lio, Spike, Brick.

Female: Pop, Vele, Claw, Leev, Stack.

Tribe: LongFang, SharpTail, StingEye, BigSpine, StrongClaw.

Sauropod names

Male: Luung, Aung, Caai, Rye, Stung.

Female:Floo, Teien, Toxx, FFen, Liink.

Dinorain Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Dinorain's mature fully at 25 years and live untill 120 years.
Alignment. Dinorain's don't usually tend towards any alignment, but often are either aggressive or docile.
Size. Dinorain's vary in height and build due to subraces, but range from just under 5 feet to over 7 feet tall and are quite heavy. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is determined by your subrace.
Bite. Dinorain's, no matter what subrace, have strong jaws. As an action, you can bite for 1d4+Str damage. You are considered proficient.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and you can write in a form of hieroglyphics.


Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by an additional 1 and your Wisdom increases by 1.
Wise. your proficient in history.
Long lived. your lifespan and maturity increase by 20 years.
Herbivore. You are vegetarian.
Language. You can speak, read, and write Saurrain. Saurrain is comprised of sniffs, stomps, and small roars.
Large size. Your 6 feet to 7 feet tall. If you roll low on the random height and weight table, reroll till you roll high.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


Ability score increase

Your Strength increases by 1 and your Dexterity increases by 1.


You have your proficiency bonus doubled when you use your bite attack.

Pack tactics

If you attack a creature and there's an ally within 5 feet of you, and the ally isn't incapacitated, you have advantage on the attack.


You can speak, read, and write Therorain. Therorain is comprised of claws, long and short roars, and tail whips.


You are proficient in either Stealth or Athletics.


Your base walking speed is 40 feet

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 10'' +3d12 100 lb. × (5) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

If you get higher than 250lbs, add 1d400

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