Quincy Human (Soul Society Supplement)
Quincies are a race of spiritual beings that inherited their spiritual powers from Yhwach, having the ability to detect the existence of Hollows and other Souls.
Physical Description[edit]
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The King Quincy and his Sternritters,Quincy |
Quincies have varying heights and size, along with skin colour. They're all humanoid in appearance.
Quincies were scattered all over the world at one time, being a clan dedicated to fighting Hollows. Since the origin of the Quincy, many years passed within Soul Society trying to appeal to the Quincy that the handling of Hollows should be left to the Shinigami. The Quincy refused to accept the situation. As time went on, the number of Quincy increased and the cycle of souls became more unstable, forcing the Shinigami to reluctantly wipe out the Quincy in order to maintain the balance of the world.
Most Quincies have organized themselves to join the Quincy King’s army. However, a minor part of the few Quincy left have hidden away, acting like normal humans most of the day.
Quincy Names[edit]
Quincies have varying names, which could change depending on their culture. These names vary so much, listing examples wouldn't bring them justice.
Quincy Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Quincies reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century, but there are cases of a few quincies who live more than a thousand years.
Alignment. Quincies have no defined alignment, the best and the worst can be found between them. The ones who serve the King tend to be more chaotic however, while the others who hide away became more Lawful to keep the Quincy costumes.
Size. Quincies vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Spiritual Awareness. You have become able to see souls, now seeing the full reality of the spiritual world. You can now see creatures with the Invisible Force feature.
Hollow Hatred. The Quincy harbor a deep hatred for Hollows due to them being their nemesis. Whenever you reduce a Hollow to 0 hit points with your Heilig Bogen, you may choose to kill them outright. A Hollow killed this way cannot be resurrected in any way, as its very soul has been erased.
Hollow Aversion. Quincy do not have the necessary antibodies to deal with Hollows, therefore making them toxic to them. Whenever you take piercing or slashing damage from a unarmed strike or natural weapon attack from a Hollow, you must make a Constitution saving throw against their reiryoku DC. On a failure, you take Xd12 poison damage (with x being the Hollow’s Wisdom modifier, for every evolution above Gillian they are, they add their Wisdom modifier once more to the total damage) and shall remain with the reiryoku inside your body, gaining the poisoned condition, and gaining one level of exhaustion at the end of every long rest. On a success, you take half as much damage and becomes poisoned for 1 minute instead, not receiving damage over time. The only method of removing the poisoned condition and the exhaustion levels obtained this way is if another creature in the Quincy class with proficiency in the Medicine skill succeeds a DC 25 Wisdom (Medicine) check while within 5 feet of you.
You also can do the (Medicine) check at the start of any long rest
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. You must choose one of the subraces listed below.
At some point within their history, the Quincy began to distinguish themselves based upon an individual's ancestry and adopted the practice of true-breeding. Those who were descended from a long line of only Quincy, and so were thought to have a pure heritage, came to be known as Echt Quincy. They learn Quincy techniques much faster due to their pure blood, being naturally stronger than their mixed blood brothers.
Pure Blood. For generations, your lineage has never been mixed with non-Quincy, making you have a pure blood perfect that manifested Quincy techniques very early on. You gain the Blut Vene technique.
Quincy Technician. Due to your overall easy time with learning Quincy techniques, you have accumulated quite a few of them. At 3rd level, you learn additional Seiren Techniques equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Construct Specialist. Due to having a unique connection to the beginning of the Quincy, creating Quincy items is a tremendously easy task for yourself. Starting at 5th level, whenever you start creating a Quincy Invention, you reduce its DC by your proficiency bonus. This decrease does not work on Legendary Items or higher.
The Gemischt Quincy, also known as the mixed bloods are generally treated as lower by the Echt-Quincy, serving as protectors or servants of the pure blooded. Due to their reduced connection to the Quincy world, they have learned other things to compensate for their innate talent.
Mixed Blood. Your blood has lost its purity, being “tainted” with the blood of other race. This has lowered the speed of your growth as a Quincy. You need to be 11th level to start learning Blut Techniques.
Craft. There isn’t much you can do about your lack of talent, so you started to search for a craft of your own. At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with one Artisan Tool of your choice or gain expertise with a Artisan Tool you’re already proficient with (your choice).
Basic Master. While you haven’t become a master at Quincy Techniques, you managed to master basic skills. You gain expertise in two skills you are proficient with of your choice.
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