Kalilith (5e Race)

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Gods can fall from grace. People who stray from a divine path meet an end worse than theirs. It's a bit unfair, honestly...

Physical Description[edit]

The kalilith are fearsome humanoids boasting two pairs of arms and a beautiful body. They are commonly described to have the face and body of a beautiful woman that could charm any heart. Even male kalilith appear so. Their skin is known to be reddish and their hair dark. They are known to have golden eyes, along with a long tongue and nails on each of their four hands. While they can appear benevolent, kaliliths sport a tail that causes for some concern. This is because their tails are like that of one found on succubi. Looking through the scalp of a kalilith, one also discovers that they sport small horns hidden among their hair. The teeth of a kalilith also never stop growing, and can turn into gnarled tusks if left unchecked. Kaliliths thus can have a very fearsome and demonic appearance.


In the times when gods became greedy and foul, many fell from grace and became simple, corrupted demonic creatures. They cursed their own fates and so plunged others into their own despair that spread like miasma. Primarily humans were affected by this plague, which changed them into strange new beings, being the kaliliths. The rage ingrained in them manifests from the fallen gods like an impulse. However, the other gods pitied them, for they were bystanders drawn into deific struggles. And so, they granted kaliliths clarity from unending rage. The kaliliths were divided in a divine war between the fallen gods and their former peers. Those still controlled by rage came to be the shura kaliliths, while those with clear eyes became the deva kalilith. After the war ended and both sides receded, the kaliliths were left to find their way in a war-torn world.


Following the withdrawal of divinity, all kaliliths were sort of left as an orphaned consequence of godly struggles. While not totally numerous, kaliliths are generally a sizable population. However, they are deeply divided between shura and deva. These two groups live starkly different lives and have their own communities apart from one another.

Shura kaliliths are generally sequestered away in places like crags and mountains where they can live among their own belligerent kind. Earlier attempts by them to live among others in peace fell apart and they are generally viewed as warmongering outcasts in many other societies. Shura kaliliths live in a tribalistic system, with the strongest being their chieftain. This is a perilous position that can be seized by a spitfire that bests the prior leader. As such, shura kaliliths are very disorganized and suspicious even of each other. The ingrained rage inside makes each kalilith a possible danger to themselves and others, making their society much less cohesive than something like an orc war band. Shuras do, however, have a taste for conquest. Like a school of fish, with everyone acting selfishly in a communal direction, they can be a force to be reckoned with. They have been known to clash with goliaths over mountain territory and even trolls.

Deva kaliliths, on the other hand, are welcome to most societies, being seen as peaceful and strong. They can be seen mingling among other humanoid communities. Their own communities are quite small as a result and do not often stay together. Deva kaliliths prefer alternate methods of battle to violence, including the usage of soft powers like finance and diplomacy. They have a bit of a reputation though as being haughty or overbearing based on their code of ethics, which they view as superior to that of those who still practice conventional battles. Wars are viewed as barbaric and needless things by deva kaliliths and they will often avoid places embroiled in such.

Kalilith Names[edit]

Kalilith names take the form of a phrase and can apply to any gender. Most kalilith adventurers use nicknames derived from or inspired by the name they earned. However, these nicknames can only be used by one that the kalilith respects, and so it is a great honor to learn their nickname. The following list of kalilith names includes nicknames in parenthesis.

Kalilith names: Her-Third-Eye-Green-With-Judgement (Emerald), Her-Legs-That-Race-Towards-Dawn (Dawnrunner), His-Smallest-Finger-Holding-Fast (Holding), Her-Leftmost- Heart-Granting-Succor (Leftheart), His-Arm-That-Casts-The- Spear (Caster), Her-Lips-That-Call-In-Triumph (Calli)

Kalilith Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Kalilith mature slower than humans, and they're considered young until they reach the age of of 60. On average, they live nearly 300 years.
Alignment. Deva kaliliths are usually more lawful, having restrained the painful madness that plagues their shura counterparts, who are much more chaotic.
Size. Kalilith are slightly larger than humans, ranging from just under 6 to almost 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Polychiral. Kaliliths are impressive, multi-limbed warriors. You have four arms, instead of two; these additional limbs can hold objects and wield weapons as normal. Your arms get in each other's way at times; while wielding a two-handed weapon, you cannot benefit from a shield or wield a second two-handed weapon.
Clear Mind. Whether deva or shura, kaliliths are well guarded against fear and temptation due to their emboldened minds. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened and charmed.
Unnatural Grace. You are proficient in two of the following skills of your choice: Persuasion, Intimidation, Performance, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand.
Divine Dance. As a bonus action, you can start a graceful and impactful dance to increase your battle prowess. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws and opportunity attacks until the start of your next turn. For each turn after, up to a minute, you can use your bonus action to maintain this dance and its effects. You can use this trait once, regaining use after you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 11'' +2d10 220 lb. × (1d8) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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