Gemstoned Angel (5e Race)
Gemstoned Angel[edit]
“ | The radiance shines brighter through the wings of the greater. | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
Gemstoned angel's appear to be lanky elf like humanoids with quite colorful skin tones, Mostly on the pastel side of colors gemstoned angels have a set of wings that are made of gems that glow from the sunlight and a gem like halo that has been chipped with the pieces floating near the halo, This halo can never be fixed ever no matter what spells you cast upon it, No matter the gender a gem stoned angel seems to have long eye-lashes. They also hold yellow scelera with pupils that glow just as bright as the wings do as well.
![]() |
Art by : Trolldog |
Gemstoned angel's was born and created during the time where angels was flying about in churches, The pretty glass like structures caused some angels to modify themselves to mimic the stained windows that the churches had, This was a painful task for the angels as it required them to rip their own feathers from their wings one by one. Only those that could handle every feather managed it and soon enough gemstoned angels started to grow. But most angels found them weird as nature did not allow for this type of angel at all, Causing the gemstoned angels to be treated as outcasts and soon enough all of them become the equivalent of a fallen angel as nobody wanted them at all.
Due to being pushed away, gemstoned angels created their own rules within the churches of other towns, Most of the people in these churches pray towards the angels thinking it'll give them better chances at heaven... But the gemstoned angels all decided to use these people to get what they want, Food? Pride? Entertainment? It didn't matter to them as heaven treated them wrong so why should they care? This causes most of the gemstoned angels to form a massive gossip ring as they enjoy talking about the townsfolk and how worthless the human life can truly be... Obviously when people are in the area they put on a fake face and act all holy and mighty but they never cared truly at all.
Gemstoned angel Names[edit]
As gemstoned angels grew up within the townsfolk of today, most of the names are somewhat similar to a regular person's name, But they enjoy putting their own unique little spin, Often it being a chip of the gem they use the most.
Male: Opdren, Diamanic, Emward, Garnery
Female: Demiand, Opheal, Avaethyst, Elizarald
Gemstoned angels Traits[edit]
Gemstoned angels are angels with gem like wings, Outcasts from where angels reside and stay near the churches with stained glass.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. They reach maturity at 3 months old and live up to 750 years old.
Alignment. They do not go to any specific alignment
Size. Although lanky, you can be quite a tall creature. Your size is Medium.
Type. Celestial
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your fly speed is 10 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Radiant Dawn. You hold up your hand towards the sun and channel a colorful array of light into a ball, As a bonus action you may pop this ball into a 10ft sphere of light that'll heal all allies by 1d12 + your Wisdom modifier. This can only be done once per day, the ball instantly pops on the dawn of the next day.
Dawn walker. You've already dealt with light your whole life, You are immune to the blinded condition.
Light it up. Your wings and halo produce a small amount of light on it's own. You produce a 5ft sphere of light around you.
Innate spellcaster. You automatically know create bonfire for free.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.
Subrace. Choose between Yellow Gem, Blue Gem, Green Gem, and Pink Gem.
Yellow Gem[edit]
Heaven says. You gain proficiency in the Religion skill.
Choatic. You can cast chaos bolt for free 1/day
Blue Gem[edit]
Speedy. You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
World revolving. You can cast magnify gravity for free 1/day
Green Gem[edit]
One to assist. You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill.
All ends well. You can cast purify food and drink for free 1/day
Pink Gem[edit]
Loud and proud. You gain proficiency in the Performance skill.
And let me sing!. You can cast unearthly chorus for free 1/day
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 0'' | +2d4 | 60 lb. | × (2d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a Gemstoned angel character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I want those that think I'm weak to know my strengths |
2 | I want nothing but to assist those in need. |
3 | I have to be perfectly clean at all times, Just like the stained glass! |
4 | Defense is better then offensive. |
5 | I'd rather watch things come to me, Ive got better things to do anyway. |
6 | I am simply fabulous, And those that think otherwise are always wrong! |
7 | I just want to watch the world burn after what happened to us. |
8 | I just wanted to look nicer... This is what we get? |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Control I should just focus on myself instead of other things. (Any) |
2 | Home I want to get back to heaven, No matter how risky it'll be. (Chaotic) |
3 | Justice What they did to us is wrong, Heaven will fall by my hands. (Evil) |
4 | Legacy I need to make a name for myself, I should get my feet up. (Neutral) |
5 | Responsibility I am an angel, Despite being an outcast I have duties to do. (Good) |
6 | Heroism The people of the hometown look up to me, I need to protect them no matter what. (Lawful) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | My home town shall guide my way the most, No matter what. |
2 | The sun makes my gems shine brighter so it shall guide me. |
3 | I want a better image for myself, Doing this should make me look better. |
4 | The people in heaven wrong me, Ill prove to them that I'm better then them. |
5 | I need to get off my lazy but and do something for once. |
6 | My friends I've gossiped with so much think highly of me, They will LOVE this story! |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I'm an over talker, I just cannot help myself from butting in. |
2 | I polish my wings way too often, A single particle of dust throws me in a panic. |
3 | I have to have music near me at all times, Either a little bard or a rune to plays a little jam. |
4 | I'm overly flashy with my moves, constantly over exaggerating my movements and spells and doing constant poses that doesn't help at all. |
5 | I cannot shut up, Once I'm talking it's like an endless stream of words are coming out of my mouth. |
6 | Because I'm brighter then most, I have to be better then most as well. |
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