Bugfolk (5e Race)

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Many remember their first encounter with a Bugfolk, especially those with a fear of insects. Upstanding, by the book, and extremely cautious are some of the way people describe them. Whether or not you had a positive encounter with one, you will always remember the look of certainty they had knowing they are right.

Physical Description[edit]

Bugfolk, as the name suggests, look like beetles, bees, wasps, spiders, and many other bugs, but the size of humans and standing upright on two legs. Bugfolk range anywhere from 5-6 feet in height and are extremely heavy. Their carapace or elytra being extremely dense and easily comparable to standard steel armor. Other than those similarities, these people can look VERY different, from those looking like Stag Beetles, Yellowjackets, Wolf Spiders, or anything off of the endless list of Rangers and Druids. Regardless of the aesthetic and physical differences between themselves, hives do not treat any bug differently than another; everyone has the same goal. All hives are filled with diversity and multitudes of variation not limited to the environment they find themselves in.


First and foremost, Bugfolk was a name given to them by Humans, Elves, and others due to the wide variation of subraces and disjointed naming conventions. Bugfolk have many different creation myths and legends, all dependent on who you ask. Some believe to be subjects of arcane or divine tinkering, nothing more than an extension of magical prowess of a long forgotten wizard. Others believe in The Great Consciousness, a spiritual awakening causing normal bugs to begin on a path of enlightenment leading to consciousness and awareness. Regardless of what caused their sudden arrival, the history of Bugfolk is a long one, leaving much of their society forgotten. The colonies themselves are quite small compared to other towns or cities from Humans or Elves, but are much more tight knit, leading to a first and last name relationship with all those in the hive. Their Kings/Queen ruling with full authority, conquering lands others considered harsh and inhospitable. Their lands range from the hottest deserts to the cruelest swamps, Large hills that have been burrowed and tunneled to great trees felled to make gargantuan tunnel homes. Due to this very aggressive form of colonization, many of the Bugfolk take up martial or artisan roles in their society, fighters and rangers that go searching for the next place to call home and those who stay within the hives to build what they already have. Bugfolk are always on the move, their natural homes subject to the harshest of weather. This is where much of the society is lost, leading to a very strong and rich oral history between the hives.


Upholding the Colony and driving out all that go against it; that is their ultimate goal, and this sometimes leads to many of their own being exiled at best, or executed at worst. Many travelers to their hives take extra precautions before entering. Serious study as well as paying for a guide (usually a citizen of said hive) when entering, the hives are no place for someone looking to start trouble. There is always a queen and/or king within a colony, who sets the laws of said colony, and they also choose who plays what role, similar to an actual insect colony. When Bugfolk are born, they are born as Larvalings. All Bugfolk start life this way, the King/Queen introduces the Larvaling into the Genepool, a pool of amniotic-like fluid, where DNA of a subspecies of Bugfolk is placed in. The Larvaling then stays within the fluid for 3 days and when they emerge, they have become that subrace. If no DNA for the subrace exists with the hive, a scouting party selected by the King/Queen will be sent out to find the proper Bugfolk DNA, most commonly from other hives. The Genepool is the most closely guarded secret of the Bugfolk, many outsiders will never know the secrets of Bugfolk reproduction. Guarding the Genepool and searching for new lands are some of the most revered jobs within the hives. Artisanship is viewed as an honor, creating homes, food, and infrastructure within the hive. The hives are small and closely knit, this kind of comradery is unmatched in any other society. This is not to say all hives are small, sometimes hive will happen to come across each other, both finding an excellent place for a hive. In some cases, when the leader of each hive is looking for a mate, these hives will not resort to violence for the land and will actually form a compound hive, each society living separately in the same place, but acting as one hive. Overtime the hive will become one, but the tension must ease first. Kings/Queens are considered almost divine in the eye of Bugfolk; Many willing to sacrifice themselves to die protecting their leader. Those leaving the hive longing for adventure or a new life are shamed, sometimes beaten for betraying the crown and leaving their post. Those that leave to adventure can only return to the hive with riches for the crown, land for its people, or a groveling apology to all to be accepted back in.


Bugfolk often times will worship gods or goddess of nature, the hunt, warfare, or decay. Gods are appreciated and well respected in the hives, but the kings and queens are treated higher than any god could ever be. Travelers that enter theses hives recall statues built in the likeness of the leaders swarmed with citizens offering praise while the temples built within the hive are somewhat empty or very few people. There are legends that a king or queen was worshipped by so many in a compound hive that the leader began to gain divine abilities due to the sheer power of those willing to die for them.

Bugfolk Names[edit]

The Bugfolk don’t discern male from female unless it’s finding a mate. For this reason, they often have names for both male and female members. The names are filled stridulation, causing the names to sound unique to any other name. They also follow their name with the name of the colony they came from, most often referring to the location of said hive, so it changes often. Those who leave the hive abandon the name out of shame of leaving.

Names: Ch'te'ch, Q'chey, Clet'etch, Da'tey, Lessh, Maqari'ja

Colony names: Lumbershard, Stonebaked, Thundermarsh

Bugfolk Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Age. Bugfolk live a surprisingly long lifetime, that is if they aren’t killed by other factions first. They are capable of movement at birth. Members are considered adults at 30 years, and can often live from 90 to up to 200 years.
Alignment. Though they take on many forms, the Bugfolk always keep to their laws set by their king and queen, often times making them Lawful Neutral. However, those that leave the colony, out of exile of even wanderlust, find themselves leaning more towards Neutral Good.
Size. Bugfolk vary between individuals, but they’re heavier than humans, due to their carapace and exoskeletons, and usually range within about 5 to 6 feet tall and. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a climbing speed of 20 feet.
Natural Armor. Due to your carapace and the shape of your body, you are ill-suited to wearing armor. Your carapace provides ample protection, however; it gives you a base AC of 13. You gain no benefit from wearing armor, but if you are using a shield, you can apply the shield's bonus as normal.
Extra Arms. You have two pairs of functioning arms, giving you a total of four arms. You are still limited on what to wield and what to use your actions for (for instance, though you can wield 4 daggers, you can still only attack with 2 of them, one as an action and one as a possible bonus action).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Chitter-Tongue
Subrace. Six major subraces of bugfolk are found among the worlds of D&D: aranids, coleoptids, hymenoptids, scorptids, hemitids and diplotids. Choose one of these subraces.


Arachnids resemble Spiders, and are often times the builders, crafters, and smiths in the colony, arachnids strike a terrifying resemblance to spiders.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Additional Arms. You have three pairs of functioning arms, giving you a total of six arms.
Spinnerets. You can cast the Web spell a number of times equal to your constitution modifier (minimum of once). You regain all uses after a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Skilled Climbers. arachnids are much more skilled climbers, your climb speed is 20 ft. + (5 ft. x proficiency bonus)


Coleoptids resemble Beetles, and are the general civilian, producing food, running errands, and sometimes even acting as scouts, Coleoptids have hidden wings under a much harder carapace.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Wings. You have a flying speed of 20 feet.
Hardened Carapace. Your carapace is much harder, giving you a base AC of 15 rather than 13.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.


Hymenoptids resemble Bees or Wasps, as well as being the soldiers of the colony, on the front line of defense with their bee/wasp like stingers to protect their colony, or lay siege to their enemies.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Wings. You have a flying speed of 40 feet.
Stinger. You can make an unarmed strike with your stinger. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. The target then must make a Constitution saving throw or have the poisoned condition.
Paper Nest. Hymenoptids can build structures large and strong enough to hold several creatures within. For every 10 pounds of plant material and 10 minutes, a Hymnoptid can create one hexagonal shaped hex that a creature of medium size class or smaller can enter. Sleeping in these avoids environmental threats such as heat or cold, as well as providing a place for restful sleep to avoid exhaustion.


Scorptids resemble Scorpions, as well as being the guardians of the colony, protecting the interests of the people and royalty of the colony. Easily the strongest of all the Bugfolk.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Pincer Arms. 2 of the 4 arms Scorptids have are large and powerful pincers, considered natural weapons. These pincers deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your strength modifier. These pincers do not act as normal hands and are limited in dexterity (DM discretion).
Stinger. You can make an unarmed strike with your stinger. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. The target then must make a Constitution saving throw or have the poisoned condition.
Survivor. Scorptids can survive for up to a week without food, water, or air. This trait also makes Scorptids immune to gaseous threats (any gaseous poisons, Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud, etc.).


Hemitids resemble Cicadas, as well as the ambassadors for Bugfolk hives, leaving to trade and organize treaties with surrounding settlements.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Wings. You have a fly speed of 20 ft.
Charismatic. You can pick two of the skill to gain proficiency in: Deception, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion
Loudest of the Bunch. Hematids are extremely loud by nature, once per day you can release a sound wave that deals 1d8 thunder damage to all within 10 ft. radius. In addition, all within range must make a constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus) or be stunned for 1 rounds. Those with the deafened condition or cannot hear are not affected by this ability. This abilities damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).


Diplotids resemble Millipedes, and are keepers for the dead for their hives, all have intimate knowledge of decay.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1
Knowledge of Life and Death. You gain proficiency in Survival and Medicine
Many Hands. Due to the overwhelming amount of tiny arms lacing the body of Diplotids, you have advantage on Slight of Hand checks.
Decay's Reaper. You have the cantrips Poison Spray, Spare the Dying, and Toll the Dead. These cantrips use your wisdom modifier.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 8'' +2d10 180 lb. × (2d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(3 votes)

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