Cosmic Nychdrake (5e Race)

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Cosmic Nychdrake[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Cosmic Nychdrake are 6ft bipedal bat-like creatures with dragon-like features. Their fur is primarily white or black some having streaks of other colors going across their fur. Their wings hold galaxies within them, touching the inside of their wings gives off a gentle warmth created from the stars within their wings. The middle of their chest glows and gives off a bit more heat as their chest holds a small sun within them. Their tail is large like a furry dragon with small spikes protruding from the top of them going up to the back of their neck. The wings and arms of the Nychdrake are attached to each other similar to a bats wing, and their ears large as they are made to listen for dying stars. They can have up to 3 pairs of eyes, the colors are primarily bright colorful colors, some may have pitch black eyes.


Nychdrake’s primarily live in space, flying throughout the cosmos. Nychdrake’s are more so talked about in legend rather than seen by others eyes, they’re said to be the shooting stars flying through space, that when a star dies it's like a feast for the Nychdrakes who feed off the stardust and energy from the dying star. They are known as the creators of galaxies who use the stardust they consume to build new worlds and stars.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Nychdrake’s have a very playful attitude as they love flying around and playing with flying rocks. They find creating galaxies fun and like a game. They tend to get lonely at times and will fly down to a world to visit the local life as they are very social beings who enjoy being near others. They love playing games and will at times act very childish, running around and cashing after things, the smallest little things will distract them, from something shiny to something moving around fast like a cat and child mixed together.

Cosmic Nychdrake Names[edit]

Cosmic Nychdrake’s do not have gendered names. Their names are based around space and the galaxies they create.

Names: Nebula, Stargazer, Moons, Uni, Void

Cosmic Nychdrake Traits[edit]

A bat-like humanoid with dragon-like features
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Nychdrake’s live as long as their sun lives in their chest. They live to be 9 - 10 billion years old
Alignment. Nychdrake’s are born playful and kind, they’re primarily Neutral Good.
Size. Nychdrakes grow to be 6ft. Your size category is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Galaxy Wings. Your flight speed is 60 feet.
Spaceborn. You were born in the depth of space, you do not need to breathe.
Sunlight. A warm glow comes from your chest, the 10 ft radius around you is considered bright light. You have disadvantage on stealth checks.
Stardust Breath. Using Stardust you’ve consumed, you can create a breath weapon. When using your breath weapon, creatures in your breath must make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC that is equal to 8 + Constitution + your proficiency bonus. If they succeed, they take half damage, if they fail, they take full damage, your breath weapon does 2d8 fire damage. This increases to 3d8 at level 6, 4d8 at level 11, 5d8 at level 16. Your breath range is a 15ft cone from yourself
Stargazer. You love the stars, they fill you with confidence and wonder. You have advantage on Wisdom, Charisma, and Attack rolls at night.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Celestial and one other language of your choice.

(4 votes)

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