Noshera (5e Race)
“ | I don't care how many leaves that THING turns over just keep it away from the preschool! | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
Noshera are small, unassuming, jerboa like humanoids with light fur covering their bodies, with longer "hair" on the top of their head and on the end of their tail. Their eyes always have bright red irises, and their pupils dilate and constrict in a three-point star like shape. They have powerful digitigrade legs that end in three toed paws. They have large, Rabbit like ears on the top of their head. Now we get into the Monstrous aspects of the Noshera. While they look pretty normal on the outside their internal structure shows their otherworldly heritage. their mouth can open unnaturally wide, and if you were to look in its mouth it would seem to impossibly go on for a few feet past the back of their head. Where one would expect to see a rodent's buck teeth, they are instead replaced with hundreds of fangs, their tongue is roughly 15 feet long, somewhat prehensile, and very strong. They never seem to get any bigger, no matter what or how much they eat they're always very thin.
![]() |
A female Noshera in action, Me WolvenCitizen, |
Nobody knows how the Noshera came to be not even the Noshera themselves. There are however many theories the most prevalent being that a group of or individual Noshera angered a powerful gluttony demon, and it cursed their whole race to be its unwitting servants. changing them physically into ravenous little monsters. Always hungry, never satisfied. Since then, they've been a general nuisance to the world at large. Luckily, they are not very common or else the world may have been depopulated years ago. Though recently a number of Noshera have been trying to improve their image among the people of this world.
The Noshera mostly live in very small, close-knit communities or warrens usually consisting of a single family. These warrens are usually temporary, moderately sized, cozy, subterranean homes. They create these underground living spaces by literally eating their way through the dirt. They are normally located in arid areas like desserts, plains, and lightly forested grasslands.
Noshera are nomadic Hunters and gatherers they have easily disassembled caravans that are then stored underground and reassembled above ground when it's time to move on. They usually travel with the food but sometimes they set up warrens outside of towns so they can eat livestock, strays, the occasional family pet. This has led them to be viewed as pests and varmints in the same vein as goblins and kobolds.
Their ability to eat anything has led them to consider everything as food. even their own dead are consumed as a form of funerary right where the deceased are wrapped in a ceremonial shroud as loved one say their goodbyes and is swallowed whole by the closest living relative available. Though to devour a (living) sentient being is only seen as acceptable in the direst of circumstances or in self-defense.
Noshera Names[edit]
The Noshera naming conventions usually have the family name come first and mostly descriptive like (Garden Dwellers, Rock Chomppers, Whip Tongues, Iron teeth, etc. while their individual names tend have prominent U's for masculine, and Gra's for feminine.
Male: Taru, Beeku, Ujaa, Huunat
Female: Lehgra, Graheea, Denagra, Yenugra
Noshera Traits[edit]
Ravenous little Jerboa "mouse" like critters with some strange dietary habits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Noshera mature very rapidly and are considered adults by age 6, they tend to live for about 60 years or so.
Alignment. They tend to always be chaotic in nature.
Size. Noshera can be anywhere from 3 1/2 feet to 4 feet tall and weigh roughly 40 to 45 pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Natural Jumper. You have proficiency with Acrobatics, you can jump 10 feet (vertically/horizontally) without a running start, and you have resistance to fall damage.
Lashing Tongue. Your tongue is long, strong, and prehensile. Its grip is strong but crude it isn't capable of wielding weapons or shields but is still capable of manipulating simple objects like pulling levers, lifting a vase, or holding you up from a branch.
You can roll a ranged attack to ensnare a creature with your tongue it has to be within 15 feet of you and you must be able to see it. On a success the creature is grappled. With a bonus action you can attempt to pull them to you, they must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and pulled to within 5 feet of you.
Lock Jaw. Your chompers can bite through steel. You can use your bite as a natural weapon dealing piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. You are considered proficient with your teeth. They can also be used to latch onto an opponent as a form of grappling.
Swallow whole. If your turn starts with a creature held in your mouth and it is your size or smaller you can attempt another grapple check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If you succeed you swallow the creature, and it takes bite damage.
A swallowed creature is considered to be grappled. The swallowed creature can make an escape attempt each round. A success deposits said creature on the ground 5 feet in front of you prone, on a failure it takes 1d4 acid damage. Only one creature can be swallowed at a time and if "swallow whole" is successful on a creature of your size it cannot be used again until after a long rest.
This takes your whole turn.
Cursed Metabolism. You can devour almost anything. You can consume any nonmagical material to sustain yourself, you must eat 4 times what an average human does a day. You never seem to get any bigger everything you eat seems to vanish past your throat. You are immune to poison and diseases if it's ingested.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Abyssal.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 5'' | +1d6 | 30 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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