Lieh Neko (5e Race)

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Lieh Neko[edit]

Since the first cities in Lieh appear, there were the nekos. A primarily urban race, the cat folk enjoys living amongst the humans, specially for the commodity they offer. The nekos that aren't adopted by a human family tend to wander in "street cat clowders", manage to get some of their desired comfort, but without losing most of their freedom. There are exceptions to this rule, however, and tribal neko communities can be found in more wild areas in Lieh.

Physical Description[edit]

Nekos resemble tiny biped cat humanoids, albeit being more cat than humans. They have small paws with opposite thumbs and a tail, but their face and fur is mostly catlike. Despite being bipedal, nekos also feel comfortable walking in all fours.

They are small and fragile, but pretty fast. This makes them averse to any time of physical confrontation, running rather than fighting. As their feline counterparts, most neko seem to possess nine lives, since they have an innate ability to resist falls and other dangers, combined with the natural talent for escaping troubles they themselves started.


Like cats, nekos enjoy freedom and fun, but also don't dismiss the comfortable life a human house offers. Through the years, they learned to balance the extremes of their behavior, managing to maintain their independent nature without neglecting their loyalty. The main reason for this feat is the incredibly captivating charm the cat folk possess, that usually convinces anyone of anything.

With the same ease a neko go on a journey to explore the world and have fun, they come back to the comforts of their homes and families. Nekos are, then, sporadic adventurers, and although they appreciate the adrenaline that comes with danger, their self-preservation instincts prevents them from taking uncessary risks.


The majority of the cat folk live amidst a human family, acting as servants, mensengers, or simply as company to women and children. In retribution for the shelter and protection, they offer a level of loyalty rarely seen in any other folk in Lieh.

Those who live in wild territory possess a tribal organization, and tend to be more skittish and independent than their urban counterparts.


Wherever there's a wall, a house or a group of people, certainly there is a neko. Although they are spread for all Lieh, the catfolk is concentrated mainly in Ryuujin, where the habit of living in cooperation with humans is more popular. But, due to their free spirit, nekos can be found everywhere. Those who live in nature often organize in tribal communities of hunters and fishers.

Nekos don't usually follow any type of religion, generally sharing the creeds from the human families they made part of. Savage nekos believe in the kamis, the enlightened spirits of Tenjoukai.

Nekki is the native language of the nekos, and sounds pretty similar to the meows and purrs of a regular cat. However, to live in company of other people, they also often to learn how to speak more languages than their own.

Neko Names[edit]

Nekos commonly have pet names given by their families, that will often reflect some physical characteristic (like fur or eye color), their personality or the family preferences. Usually these names will be in common for urban neko, and in nekki for wild ones.

Male: Lucky, Springy, Smoky, Cloud, Cottonball, Sprout, Blossom, Nimble, Brave, Sunlight.

Female: Peach, Fluffy, Pearl, Marshmallow, Inky, Pretty, Suggar, Baby, Precious, Princess, Lily.

You are a member of the catfolk, a urban race of small anthropomorphic cats.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Nekos are attentive of their surroundings and have a captivating charm.
Age. Nekos age fast compared to other humanoids, having a lifespan about half that of an average human, and maturing also at half the speed.
Alignment. Most nekos are chaotic by nature, enjoying their freedom and independence to the fullest. Also, few nekos are truly good or evil, tending mostly to neutrality. Nekos first worry about themselves, which can lead many to assume they are egotistical.
Size. Nekos are small, having about the same size of a human child.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Despite being smaller, a neko moves with great speed for its size.
Penumbra Sight. Accustomed to dimly lit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Feline Reflexes. You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects you are able to see.
Long Jump. When you fall unwillingly from a height of 20 feet, you take no damage. If you fall from a height superior than 20 feet, you consider that fall 20 feet smaller for the purposes of calculating damage. In addition, falling doesn't knock you prone.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Nekki and Lihan (or Common for settings outside Lieh) and three other languages of your choice. They are extremely adapted at living amongst other races.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

2′ 6'' +3d4 30 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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