Rhinokin (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
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By Eadgeart |
Rhinokin are a race of humanoid rhinos that stand on their two hind feet. Their thick, leathery armor-like skin tends to be colored by hues of browns and greys, which varies from subrace. It has slight hairs that are scratchy like stubble and very short. Their eyes tend to be black brown and amber in color and are very small. Every rhinokin typically has a primary large horn and a secondary horn behind their primary on their snout, except for the greater one horn subrace. Females usually have smaller horns. Their head shapes are just a bit flatter than a typical rhino, with their eyes more closely set towards the center, rather than on the side, allowing them frontal vision. Otherwise, their heads are basically that of a rhino. Their bodies appear deceptively flabby and out of shape but they are actually quite toned in muscle as a race. Their arms and legs end in human hands with nubby, thick keratin nails. They also have a small thin tail with whisk like hairs that are mainly for swatting about in the heat.
Rhinokin are a race of nomadic peoples flung across the savannahs, higher mountain steppes and prairie terrains. They are believed to be ancestors of modern rhinos who did not believe in dropping to all fours and becoming simple animals. According to their history, there were once no rhinos, only rhinokin. Many rhinokin suffered at the hands of other races for a long time. Humans and other greedy races would poach them for their ivory horns. Their leader, a shamanist king, heard the cries of his people but he was helpless to stop it. Thus, he gathered the rhinokin and asked if they would like to forget their grief and turn to that of simple, plodding animals. Those who had lost the most in their numbers, like the black rhinokin, were adamantly opposed to giving up their sentience, as they wanted to remember their dead with dignity and pray for vengeance for their murders. Eventually, there was about a third who wished to become simple animals. The king prayed to their highest deity and cast a permanent spell on those who consented, turning them to regular rhinos. The remaining rhinokin were saddened by the loss of faith among their ranks and divisive rifts soon sent their race scattering across the land in look of shelter from eternal pursuers.
Rhinokin have long kept contact with dwarven and smaller giant communities. However, they are a very isolated race nowadays due to their acquired paranoia from being a hunted race. Rhinokin try to remain neutral and unseen for survival. They abhor humans, as they are often their main source of grief. More ascetic races appeal to them, as they are not likely to desire rhinokin as an ivory crop.
They commonly traded ores which they mined from their quarries to dwarves back then. However, as poaching got more intense, rumors spread among rhinokin that the dwarves were also involved with such things like ivory trading and using illegal ivory to make jewelry. A disillusioned band of rhinokin once ambushed a dwarven shipment out suspicion and did indeed find some ivory trinkets amongst the countless other precious gems and jewels. This heavily damaged their relations forever, as the dwarves denied any involvement in the illegal trade. They claim the material passed to their hands legally through a valid purchase. Trade stagnated between the two until only a few exchanges happened every few years, and often in awkward bitterness, as the dwarves were slow to forget what they saw as an unwarranted breach of trust. The rhinokin were stubborn and unable to believe the dwarves accounts. Despite the animosity, rhinokin do retain the memory of the dwarven language, and some are even able to replicate their crafts to a degree.
Rhinokin have ventured to mountains and ruined castles where giants dwell and interacted amicably with them. Woolly rhinokin, who dwell near more frigid areas of higher altitudes, are particularly fond of the neutral stone giants. The giants were less inclined towards the fine ivory they possessed and did not care much for them, living rather austere lives, which the rhinokin appreciated. Rhinokin have largely incorporated the tongue of giants into their culture.
Rhinokin are a nomadic race in small to mid-sized groups. They are no longer led by a king as a united nation but under several shaman tribe leaders. The subraces have spread themselves across preferred terrain in hopes of self-survival. In their society, security is a valued trait, which is why many rhinokin invest in strong young that might become warriors. Elders are respected for their insight and memory, as well as battle experience. They are often the teachers who pass down dwarven or giant languages in small schooling groups. Rhinokin often like to spar and this is particularly true in mating season when males seek to use their strength to woo females.
Rhinokin are well-versed craftsmen despite looking like simple brutes. They have traded prior with dwarves so some might be adept at forging. Others are skilled weavers of colorful tribal tapestries. Rhinokin mainly mine in quarries and are rarely known to shape the stone and ore very much themselves unless driven by necessity. Rhinokin, however, are not firm believers in armor, as that is cowardly to them since they have their armored skin.
Rhinokin Names[edit]
Rhinokin have names rooted very much in strength.
Male: Reinhardt, Rataxes, Argehart
Female: Clara, Abada, Lorissa
Rhinokin Traits[edit]
Humanoid rhino people.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Rhinokin reach maturity around the age of 25 and live to be between 150 and 250 years old
Alignment. Rhinokin tend toward neutral and chaotic alignments.
Size. Your height is 5 – 7 feet tall weighing between 200 lb and 700 lb. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Tough Body. Rhino skin is tough and hard. Your unarmored AC is equal to 11 + Constitution modifier. You may use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Poor eyesight. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks using your sight.
Beastal Origin. Your creature type is considered both beast and humanoid.
Horn. Your pointed horn is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Charge. Your great mass can floor people. As a bonus action, you can make a special attack with your Horn. If the attack hits, it deals its normal damage, and the target must succeed a Strength saving throw of 8 + your Strength modifier or be knocked prone. You can't use this trait again until you finish a short or long rest.
Languages. You speak, read and write Common and either Giant or Dwarvish.
Subrace. Choose from the Black, White, Greater One-horned, and Woolly subraces.
Black Rhinokin[edit]
These are arguably the most endangered of rhinokin. Their sleek dark grey skin is almost black and very fashionable. So they are hunted not only for their horns but also their skin. They are often known for being slow to forget wrongs and quick to forget good deeds.
Long Memory. You are proficient in the History skill.
Dark Skin. Whenever you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide in darkness, you are considered proficient in the Stealth skill.
White Rhinokin[edit]
These are the showier of the rhinokin. They are well versed in tribal dances and arts and have a long history of being the shamanist king's subrace.
Shaman Lineage. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Religion) check related to products of faith, you are considered proficient in the Religion skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Craftsmen. You are proficient in one artisan's tool of your choice.
Woolly Rhinokin[edit]
These fluffy looking giants live largely wandering solitary lives in higher altitudes. They are known to be fierce warriors that rather use weapons than their bodies.
Weapon User. You are proficient with the morning star, greatclub, light crossbow and heavy crossbow.
Thick Fur. You have resistance to cold damage, but are vulnerable to fire damage.
Greater One-Horned Rhinokin[edit]
These rhinokin have only one larger horn and no secondary one. They are often known to be the grunts.
Quarry Worker. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Nature) check related to the quality of ores or its origin quarry, you are considered proficient in the Nature skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Dwarven Skill. You are proficient in either mason's or smith's tools.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
5′ 0″ | +4d6 | 200 lb. | × 200 lb. |
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