Nionova (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

The Nionova are a formidable race of creatures, known for their distinct physical features and imposing stature. Standing between 8-16 feet tall, they possess a robust and muscular build that showcases their strength and endurance.

Their bodies are supported by a total of six legs, enabling them to move with exceptional agility and speed. Each leg ends in a sharp, claw-like appendage, providing them with an extra advantage in both mobility and combat.

A prominent feature of the Nionova is their long, sturdy tail, tapering to a sharp spike at its end. This appendage serves multiple purposes, acting as a balance while running and a powerful weapon when provoked.

Their skin is tough and textured, enabling them to withstand harsh environments and offers some natural protection. Typically, their skin varies in coloration, with shades ranging from earthy tones like brown and green, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings.

Due to their long lifespan, they mature slowly, with full adulthood reached around the age of 1000. This prolonged development gives them ample time to gather wisdom and experience, making them a race known for their patience and wisdom. Incredibly, they can live up to 5000 years, possessing an immense capacity for knowledge and insight rarely seen in other species.

Though not naturally inclined towards warfare, the Nionova have endured the ravages of war, leaving scars both physically and mentally. Combat and confrontation are unfamiliar to them, making them a race more prone to seek peaceful solutions and avoid unnecessary conflict whenever possible.


In the ancient annals of Nionova, a once thriving and proud race of creatures, lies a tale of sorrow and tragedy that has stained their history forever. The Nionova were beings with six majestic legs, adorned with two formidable claws, and their long tails ended in a deadly spike. Their society thrived on unity, harmony, and a deep connection with nature. However, their path was destined to be marred by the cruelty of fate.

Long ago, a neighboring civilization known as the Vortanians, coveting the fertile lands that the Nionova inhabited, launched a brutal campaign of violence against them. Driven by greed and a lust for power, the Vortanians sought to conquer the Nionova and claim their lands as their own.

The Nionova, having never engaged in warfare before, were caught off guard and ill-prepared for the bloodshed that ensued. Despite their strength and ferocity in battle, they were outnumbered and overpowered by the ruthless Vortanian forces. Their once harmonious society was thrown into chaos, as countless lives were lost, homes destroyed, and their proud culture shattered.

In their darkest hour, the Nionova, in a desperate bid to survive, embarked on a treacherous exodus away from their ancestral land. Countless families were torn apart, fleeing to remote corners of the world to escape the clutches of their oppressors, hoping to preserve their unique race.

For generations, the Nionova lived in the shadows, struggling to rebuild. Their once vibrant culture decayed as they grappled with the overwhelming trauma that their history had bestowed upon them. They became a fractured people, living in constant fear of another ruthless attack from their enemies.

Today, although there are small pockets of Nionova still surviving, they bear the scars of their painful history. Their six legs, once symbols of strength and unity, have become reminders of their ancestors' suffering. The two powerful claws, now often clenched tightly in fear, are but mere remnants of a once proud heritage. And the long tail, which once brought balance and grace, now carries the weight of sorrow, ending in a spike to serve as a constant reminder of their tragic past.

The Nionova stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of a race that has survived unfathomable hardship. As they strive to foster unity amongst themselves and forge new paths forward, they long for the day when their history will be rewritten with hope, love, and peace, erasing the shadow that has crippled them for so long.


The society of the Nionova creatures, with their unique physical characteristics of six legs, two claws, and a long tail ending in a spike, would likely be shaped by their biology and the needs derived from their environment. Here is the society of the Nionova race:

1. Hierarchy and Roles: Nionovas may have a hierarchical society, where individuals are assigned different roles according to their physical capabilities and attributes. The strongest and most dominant Nionovas with their sharp claws and spike-tailed individuals may hold leadership positions.

2. Cooperative Hunting: Given their prowess in chases and attacks, Nionovas may engage in cooperative hunting. They might form packs or groups, working together to take down larger prey by using their combined strength and agility.

3. Tail Communication: Their long, spiked tails could potentially serve as a primary form of communication. Similar to how some creatures use their tails to communicate aggression or dominance, Nionovas might manipulate and position their tails in specific ways to convey various messages or intentions to other members of their species.

4. Burrowed Communities: Nionovas may establish complex underground burrow systems as communal living spaces or nests. These burrows could provide protection against predators and harsh environmental conditions.

5. Reproduction and Child-Rearing: Since the Nionova creatures have a long tail with a spike, it is possible that the spike serves as a mechanism for mating or defending their young. In their society, Nionova parents may collectively protect and rear their offspring until they become self-sufficient.

6. Tribal Gatherings: Occasionally, Nionovas from different burrowed communities may come together in tribal gatherings. These gatherings would serve as opportunities to exchange information, show off their capabilities, find potential mates, and reinforce social bonds among different groups of Nionovas.

7. Conflict Resolution: To settle disputes within their society, Nionovas may engage in ritualistic displays of dominance or physical contests, often utilizing their claws and tails. These contests would aim to establish hierarchies, maintain social order, and avoid unnecessary violence.

8. Environmental Adaptation: Nionovas might have evolved specific adaptations to their environment, such as scales or exoskeletons to withstand harsh conditions or camouflage to blend into their surroundings. Their society would likely revolve around utilizing and preserving these adaptations to ensure the survival of their race.

Nionova Names[edit]

Male: Drax, Vescin, Aizus

Female: Irciel, Arnu, Rosax

Nionova Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution and Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Nionova mature at age 1000 and can live up to 5000 years old.
Alignment. Nionova are usually True Neutral, typically leaning towards Lawful Good the majority of the time.
Size. Nionova’s height can range from 8ft to 16ft, your size is large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40ft feet and you have a 30ft climb speed.
Darkvision. You have 60ft of darkvision
Atomic Breath. Beginning from level one you can use this as an action. You exhales acid in a ‘Level multiplied by 10’ foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Constitution), taking acid damage equal to your ‘Level multiplied by 5’ on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Crucible Carapace. You gain resistance to any magical or non magical fire damage
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Draconic and Primordial.



Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1
Burrow Master. You gain 30ft of burrow speed. While burrowing any no magical attacks cannot reach you and you have advantage for any saving throws against magical effects.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity is increased by 1
Shadow Born. You gain advantage on Stealth and become 5ft faster in any form of darkness, wether magical or not.

<Subrace Name>[edit]

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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