Magnisti (5e Race)

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What do you think is the heart of matter? What empowers movement? Or maybe you never wondered these things? How nice it must be, to live in ignorance of the wonders you take for granted.

Physical Description[edit]

The magnisti, plural magnistin, are a race of humanoids known for having pointed ears and multicolored skin and hair. Their hair is metallic in appearance, tinged with colors like magenta and cyan. Their skin is naturally somewhat dark, but also mixed into a melange of hues with other colors like red, blue, green, yellow, et cetera. Flowery, vein-like markings show from under their skin, most prominently by their ears and eyes, almost like tattoos. These markings are known to glow when magnistin use magic. They will spread as a magnisti ages. A magnisti's eyes are also luminescent in the dark, and are highly sensitive to magic. They are said to have the sight which can see magical auras. People who are not in the know may just write them off as strange elves, because they do have the ears, though they are not as chiseled and graceful in stature. Magnistin tend to be closer to humans in stature.


The magnistin are a race of strange beings that walk the line between magic and psionic power. Most people never understand what this means, since those two power sources are secluded to adventurers and practitioners rather than laymen. Magnistin are an anomalous birth from the very edge of where the world touches the Far Realm. They were supposedly a naturally occurring race from even when the World Gate kept the Far Realm influences at bay. Races like shardminds could tolerate them since they were natural beings, rather than aberrations. The magnistin do sport both magical and psionic tendencies and wander about, blending with human and elf alike. However, elves can tell if a magnisti is in their midst and they abhor them as imposters. Humans generally mistaken magnistin for elves and tolerate them. Magnistin are sometimes called chameleon elves mistakenly because they not only have pointed ears, but can also change their skin tones.


The mystique of magnistin lie in the fact that they naturally cluster in communities, almost as though innately drawn together. It is speculated that their shared origin in magic is magnetic towards others of the same nature, and so they will often convene and live together in areas near where there are borders to places with strong magic, be it a site of a portal or the edge of a planar rift. These communities are highly anarchic and considered to be primitive in many aspects of technology. They rely moreso on magic to accomplish complicated tasks. That is not to say their magic is very powerful naturally in anyway, however. While magnistin have access to a wide variety of basic magic, their proficiencies tend to be a bit muted. In particular, many of the magics they use do not entail powerful effects like damage. It is unclear exactly why, but it has been speculated that their origin from distortions of magic have actually stumped their development in certain ways. Of course, magnistin can acquire more powerful magics, but many remain quite normal without strong incentive to improve their skills, at about the level of elves with their magic.

Magical Culture[edit]

A key distinguishing feature for magnistin is how the primal, psionic, and arcane blend for them in culture. They see all of these are intertwined, rather than separate forces in the world. To them, the arcane and psionic are origins of thought and emotion, while primal is what gives shape and form. The magnistin see themselves as convergence of these three, but have yet to fully attain the aspect of "shape," which is also supported by their ethereal appearance. As such, they try to ground their understandings of the world through magio-scientific knowledge, which they believe will allow them to better have "shape and form." Thus, they will often observe typically mundane phenomena with scrutiny as to how the arcane and psionic interact. For example, the movement of winds are thought to be from arcane wormholes that release pressure from another plane or world where chaos leaks in. No one can really comment on if they are correct or just loony in a world of magic.

Magnisti Names[edit]

Magnistin take their names from ethereal, magical sounding languages like Sylvan and Elvish. There is an alleged tone of Abyssal to their pronunciations, being more grounded. This is partially unfounded and many say their tongue is just Common-tinged.

Male: Mooroonon, Taldorien, Hrothien, Ervassan

Female: Äsualiel, Misurista, Larondiel, Saruelwen

Magnisti Traits[edit]

Magical, psionic humanoids seeking understanding
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores each increase by 1.
Age. Magnistin have a lifespan and maturity rate somewhat similar to elves, reaching adulthood at around 100 years and living around 750.
Alignment. Magnistin alignment varies greatly, although often they are chaotic. They are also ones who tend to try to learn things even if it might be dangerous or silly.
Size. Similar to humans, magnistin vary widely in height, from less than 4 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Magic Sight. The magnistin have the natural ability to focus their sights and pick up on strong sources of magic. As a bonus action, you can focus your eyes and become aware of the location of any spell or magic item within 30 feet of you that isn’t behind total cover. The magic emanates in the form of an aura whose color depends on the Magic Color table below based on the school of magic. This does not mean that you automatically know which school this magic belongs to in-character. Additionally, this aura color is so strong that you will not be able to see the actual color of the source, if any. For example, if you see a magic sword, you will not be able to see the color of its pommel or guard because the entire thing will only be the color of its magic aura. If something fits more than one school of magic, its aura is a melange of those colors. You can un-focus and turn off your magic sight as a bonus action.
Magic Chameleon. Whenever you are hit with magic or use a spell, your skin tone will react and change to the color that corresponds to the school of magic from the spell. Refer to the Magic Color table. This color change lasts until the end of your next short or long rest, after which your skin returns to normal.
Esoteric Knowledge. You are proficient in the Arcana skill.
Innate Spellcasting. You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. You can choose either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma to be your spellcasting modifier for this spell.
Elvish Lookalike. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to pass for an elf to non-elves. However, elves have advantage to distinguish you as a non-elf and you have disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to deceive them of your true nature.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Magic Color[edit]

Magic School Color
School of Magic Color
Conjuration Yellow
Dunamancy Orange
Necromancy White
Illusion Green
Abjuration Blue
Evocation Red
Divination Black
Transmutation Purple
Enchantment Pink

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 0'' +4d6 75 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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