Smilodar (5e Race)

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I've seen one win an arm-wrestling contest... against a giant!

Physical Description[edit]

Smilodar are feline humanoids that resemble sabretooth tigers with disproportionally large arms and hands, with prehensile pawlike feet. Their fur can come a Variety of natural colors and have stripes in a slightly darker/lighter shade of their primary fur color and very light shades on their chin, chest, and stomach though rarer colorations are possible such as all white or black, and the rarest being a condition known as chimerism where the whole body is divided in half right down the middle with differing colors "fur, eyes, skin, hair", as if the halves belong to different people. These individuals are often believed to be fate touched bound to bring great good or evil. Their eyes are typical for a feline and can constrict to slits they can however come in any color of the rainbow. They have massive protruding canine teeth, rounded lionlike ears, and hair that is traditionally worn in dreadlocks due to their "difficulties" styling their own hair though other wild styles are not uncommon. They have a small lynx like tail. Some family lines or individuals have a condition known as polydactylism which means they have an extra digit on each limb i.e. fingers and toes. All in all, their appearance answers the age-old question what if we fused a cat and a silverback gorilla.


The early Smilodar called the steppes their home (which steppes they were and what its name had been is lost to time) and they would move across it in vast caravans called the "wandering cities" home to clans with thousands of carts, wagons, and even more people. They would hunt, forage, and trade their wares with towns and communities they passed. Each of these wandering cities had their own culture and customs, leaders and heroes. For a time, life was good, but nothing lasts forever. Famine struck and with it came pestilence. The tragedy visited upon their population left whole caravans lost, clans disappeared overnight. Though the Smilodar people endure, they are a pale shadow of what they used to be. The calamity had forced them to think of only survival, once gregarious and welcoming, now strange and insular. They now wander the twisting paths of the wilds swearing never to return to their accursed forgotten homeland now only known as "the Steppes of Death".


The Smilodar travel in nomadic caravans consisting of a single clan (2 to 6 large extended families or 100 to 300 people). These caravans wander the winding roads of the world keeping mostly to themselves and trading when they need to. Sometimes they setup just outside towns and cities in order to obtain items and supplies they couldn't find otherwise; they are seen as a nuisance and possible danger by the residents. There customs are strange but mostly revolve around convoluted deals about trading family members to and from other caravans and elaborate arranged marriages, creating a tangled web of alliances, family ties, and nonsensical traditions. Though a very family-oriented people, they have their fair share of outcasts whether banished over braking taboo, committing crimes, or leaving of their own will rather than be bartered off to strangers to keep the peace. They don't tend to have any deities that they pray to, rather they believe in fate and that everything they do has meaning, everything that happens is an omen. One manifestation is in births. When a chimeran cub is born they are often thought to be destined for great things, whether it be for good or evil, only time will tell. These cubs are doted on but also under constant scrutiny by those that want to guide them, and it can be quite oppressive.

Smilodar Names[edit]

Smilodar naming conventions are simple, a first given "individual", a middle chosen "honorific" that changes as they age which symbolizes their greatest deed or something they are proud of, and a last "clan" that represents their family lineage.

Male: Baatar, Erdem, Gerelt, Temuulen

Female: Altan, Bolormaa, Erdene, Oyuun

Smilodar Traits[edit]

Humanoid sabretooth tiger like beings with massive magic arms meant for battle. They are also known as "Sunder Claws".
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and a score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Smilodar mature slightly earlier than humans and live about as long.
Alignment. They have no particular alignment they make do with what fate provides.
Size. Smilodar vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium."
Speed. 30
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Big Bappers. Your arms and "Paws" are massive in proportion to the rest of your body and can be used as natural weapons that deal 1d6 of either bludgeoning/slashing damage, they have the finesse trait, and you are considered proficient with them. your hands are too big and clumsy for fine work or manipulating weapons "with the lite property", even some everyday objects. you have disadvantage on every Dexterity check that involves your hands like Sleight of Hand checks, tool kits, and most instruments. though you can support your weight with your arms to free up your feet for finer work. Additionally, rings, gloves, gauntlets, shields, and one-handed weapons have to be modified into "sunder equipment" which is fitted to you and is double the price.
Selective Strength. You count as one size larger when determining the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Magic Beans. You know the mending cantrip. You can also cast thunderwave once per long rest, it manifests as you clap your massive hands together.
Prehensile feet. Your feet can be used to manipulate tools, objects, and weapons with the lite property when they are not otherwise occupied.
Languages. You know Common, and the traditional language of your people Smilozae characterized by its use of growls and purrs incorporated within.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 5'' +3d8 280 lb. × (2d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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