Whittle (5e Race)
The Whittle[edit]
“ | They will always be watching over these places. We have them to thank some times when the poplars and birches stand tall. | ” |
—Eruch, Druid of Tahalas Forest |
Physical Description[edit]

The whittle appear like wooden beings, with a thick mane of dark bramble framing their mask-like, wooden face with sharp splinter teeth. Behind their mask-like exterior, green or white lights for eyes peer out of the eye holes. Their bodies are covered in splinter-like wood pieces. They have three toes and four fingers, with a relatively humanoid arrangement of limbs. Their bodies are usually never clothed in the conventional sense. At most, they will grow moss or vines on their body to have it resemble clothes. The whittle are known to tower in height above normal humans, rivaling and surpassing orcs. As their bodies are made of wood, they can be quite heavy. Deep within some of their bodies is an effigy, considered their core, which grants them life. This effigy runs from primal energy rather than arcane, and does not rely on fluid exchange systems like for the warforged. However, it does fill whittle with a life force that makes them different from constructs and undead. They are living things that are similar to plant creatures. There are whittle without this effigy that simply have a pulsating core of primal energy within a nest of nettles and branches within their body, resembling a heart.
As part of ancient druid tradition, little effigies of carved wood are placed within spots in forests as a sign of respecting nature. Sometimes, these effigies are made of stone as well. Regardless of the material, powerful archdruids are able to imbue their effigies with life. These effigies can be placed into an old tree to turn it into a whittle. It takes about a week for a whittle's body to become fully functional and able to move. In a way, it is extending the life of the tree into that of a new existence, one of being able to move and speak like other creatures. By imparting their own life onto other effigies, the whittle are able to create others of their kind as well.
The whittle tend to be solitary wanderers within forests. However, the whittle placed within the same forest may travel together or band together should a threat arise. It is often the case that any whittle made by the same druid have an innate connection and will recognize each other if they should meet. The whittle are not drawn or repelled by each other's presence. It is sufficient to say their main purpose of protecting forests come first. Therefore, they will ally with anyone convenient when the chips are down. They are strong-headed when it comes to protecting their forests, but everything else to that end may be fair game, even allies.
Whittle Names[edit]
The effigies that make original whittle often are imbued with a name in druidic runes. The whittle born of secondhand energies lack this effigy and therefore usually find names of their own. However, inspiration is usually limited to the natural world for them. These names are not gendered in general.
Effigy: Armergin, Heda, Brune, Eldef, Malei, Ilest
Non-Effigy: Willowsted, Barkmin, Pinesly, Trunker, Branchbert, Oaka
Whittle Traits[edit]
Hulking forest guardians
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and either your Wisdom or Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Both effigy and non-effigy whittle generally last for 5000 years before their primal source runs dry. They are awakened from nature fully aware and mature.
Alignment. The whittle are a very utilitarian bunch with minds focused on their environmentalist cause. To some, this is a good thing. Others see them as neutral and self-serving.
Size. Whittle heights never go below 7 feet and can go as high as nearly 10. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Plant Type. Your creature type is Plant instead of Humanoid. As such, spells like crown of madness or dominate person do not affect you because they specifically target humanoids. Also, you can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. However, when you take fire damage, you are frightened until the end of your next turn.
Bark Armor. Due to your splintery form and the build of your body, you are ill-suited to wearing armor. Your wooden skin provides ample protection, however; it gives you a base AC of 17 (your Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number). You gain no benefit from wearing armor, but if you are using a shield, you can apply the shield's bonus as normal.
Forest Dweller. You are proficient in the Nature skill. You also have advantage in Survival checks while in forest terrain.
Plant Rest. As plants, the whittle do not require the conventional idea of sleep. Instead, they can root themselves in favorable soil, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day and absorbing nutrients from the soil. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. However, if the soil is not favorable you require a full 8 hours of rest to gain the equivalent of a long rest. As an action, you enter this state, rooting yourself into a patch of soft ground. While in this state your speed is reduced to 0. You can end this state, uprooting yourself as a bonus action.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. The whittle are also able to read Druidic runes left by druids, though they cannot write or speak the language.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
7′ 4'' | +2d12 | 300 lb. | × (3d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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