Neko, 3rd Variant (5e Race)
Neko are cat folk who, thanks to their human-like traits, are welcome in most societies. Neko are most likely to set up shops and businesses, as they are naturally friendly and good salespeople. Depending on their upbringing, neko are ambitious, hard-working and brave people, though often get into trouble, for their curiosity and love for valuable things leads them into dangerous situations.
Physical Description[edit]
Neko look almost identical to a human. Close inspection reveals a neko's main difference to that of humans are their cat-like ears and tails. Their ears and tails vary in size, but the tail is the same color scheme as the ears. Males generally stand taller than females, and their tails and ears are more rugged. It is very rare to see an overweight neko. In fact, most neko are generally thin, although certainly not frail. The color of their hair and eyes are not limited, but are commonly brown or black.
Neko build very small wooden homes near large bodies of water, typically the sea. They very rarely live underground, but their ability to adapt allows them to live almost anywhere. Neko communities are very simple, mostly consisting of bars selling stews and fish, inns, and small docks. It is very rare to find a neko town with more than thirty people. Although small, many visitors come to these places, trying the various foods and learning how to fish, helping to keep the community alive. If someone is not welcome in a neko village, the inhabitants shun the intruders and shut themselves away.
In a human society, neko set up many businesses, mostly as innkeepers and merchants, who are highly competitive of other, local places. Neko born in human lands tend to study much more than those born in neko lands, therefore becoming scholars and teachers rather than fishermen and cooks.
While neko have their own lands, they are much more common in other societies, particularly human and halfling.
Neko tend to be unpredictable and even childish. Most have short tempers, which can lead to unsettling tantrums or outbursts of emotions. They are very witty, love to laugh and joke around and become excited with the prospect of new things. When it comes to setting goals and ideals, they easily become distracted. Neko love living comfortably. They would rather fill their stomachs in a fancy tavern than find gold and loot. They also enjoy travelling, constantly trying to discover new interests and delights. Their curiosity often leads to danger and they deal with situations with their quick tongue and clever wit. Although highly inquisitive, they are generally very simple, yet adventurous people, building and living in small fishing villages where men fish and women cook, and where time is spared to pursue any interest one may want, including swordplay and magic. Those that choose such careers develop a more mature demeanor and the will and resolve to master such arts.
Neko get along very well with humans, since they are so alike and compatible. Romantic relationships are common between these two races. Gnomes and neko enjoy each others' company due to their inquisitive nature and love of discovery. In that same sense, halflings share a connection with their wanderlust and curiosity and are, therefore, also friends of the neko. Elves are neutral to these creatures, although they find their lifestyle and nature amusing. Dwarves and half-orcs just find them annoying until proven otherwise.
Neko can be heavily influenced by the culture in which they are raised. Since many neko settle in different societies with different races, personalities can easily be changed.
Neko Names[edit]
Neko names are always different. Although not a tradition, a name is typically chosen that sounds good with his/her family name. Neko born in different societies usually have names belonging to those cultures. This often serves to identify where a neko has been born, which is a popular discussion topic for non-neko. Neko love to guess where others of their kind were born by their name.
Neko Traits[edit]
Anime cat people.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 2.
Age. Neko mature at the same rate as humans but live to about 150 years.
Alignment. Neko are almost always good, since their simple lives never lead to evil ambitions. Those few who are evil are either outcasts or those taken under bad influence. While most are neutral, some very rare neko take a more lawful side to their lives. These brave neko often become paladins or those who enforce law. Sometimes their love for discovery, adventure and treasure can manifest itself into a more chaotic nature, though this rarely changes their attitude in a bad manner.
Size. Neko are a little shorter and lighter than a human. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Feline Grace. Neko have cat-like reflexes, incredible balance and are light-footed. You are proficient in the Acrobatics and Stealth skills. You also always land on your feet, though you take fall damage as normal.
Keen Senses. Neko have keen eyes and ears. You are proficient with the Perception skill.
Increased Armor Cost. A neko must pay an additional 5% on any armor he/she purchases, as it has to be made to avoid hampering their tail and ears.
Catnap. Neko do not need to sleep as long as a human to be fully rested. When you take a long rest, you need to sleep for only 4 hours.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Neko and one other language of your choice. The neko language is very strange and hard to understand and learn. It utilizes meows, like that used by cats, in different tones and voice, combined with spoken words. They even purr when very comfortable.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 6'' | +2d10 | 90 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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