Spider-Man (5e Race)

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"With great power comes great responsibility." - Original Spider-Man

Physical Description[edit]

Spider-Men range from all shapes and sizes. Most have lots of the same physical DNA as the original Spider-Man, who has fair skin, brown hair, and hazel eyes. The skin/hair/eye color can vary based on the DNA transfusions.


Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, has clones in the world of Dungeons and Dragons! Originally a resident of New York, Spider-Man had his DNA cloned to create multiple Spider-Men.


Spider-Men usually have some of the same personality traits as the original Spider-Man, such as being creative and curious. Many Spider-Men also live in big cities and normally get along with other races.

Spider-Man Names[edit]

There is really no typical name for a Spider-Man, although they are usually given common human names.

Spider-Man Traits[edit]

A Spider-Man is quick but also has the 'Spider Senses' to help be aware of its surroundings.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Spider-Men become mature around their late teens and live less than a century.
Alignment. Spider-Men tend to be Lawful Good because they usually share that DNA with the original Spider-Man. Occasionally, a Spider-Man will be Neutral, Chaotic, or Evil depending on its ideals.
Size. --Spider-Men share most DNA with the original Spider-Man. They mostly are a bit under 6 feet, and around a normal weight for their size. Their size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You can climb as fast as your normal movement speed.
Tremorsense. Spider-Men have Tremorsense, which means that they can precisely detect and locate vibrations. They have to be in contact with the vibration source, i.e. the ground.
Spider Sense. Spider Sense gives Spider-Man the ability to sense things that he cannot see. Your spider senses will automatically tingle, telling you that there is something off, when they tingle, things slow down for a second, just in case your being attacked and you need to dodge. You are also proficient in the Perception skill.
Dexterous. Spider-Men are really quick and agile. They can leap 10 feet forward, or they can get 15ft of running momemtum and leap 15 feet forward. You are proficient in the Acrobatics skill.
Web-Shooting. Spider-Man is given an attack, the Web Shot. It is a ranged attack that deals 1d8 piercing damage. Rolling a 20 on the attack roll will also make the enemy tied up in webs, making them unavailable to shoot or move unless one round passes or someone takes the web off. You can shoot enemies up to 30 feet away from you, or up to 120 feet away from you with disadvantage on the attack roll. Spider-Man has 8 Web Shots available, and 1 is consumed every time he uses this attack. A short rest will refill 1 Web Shot, and a long rest will refill all 8.
Climbing. Spider-Man can climb any wall or ceiling and stick to it. He can climb the wall as fast as his base speed (30).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Spider.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 10'' +2d8 130 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a Spider-Man, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics. Spider-Men range from all kinds of different characteristics, but most share a characteristic with the original Spider-Man in some way.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I always feel that it is important to help others in need.
2 I often inspect things, and feel curious about the world around me.
3 It seems that I never do things the right way, and I try to think outside the box and do things an alternative way.
4 I can make new friends easily because of my cheery and optimistic personality.
5 Frequently, I can be seen reading about things that interest or fascinate me.
6 People come to me when there is danger.
7 Others consider me as intelligent.
8 I love to spread gossip and I even once helped make tabloids.
d6 Ideal
1 Bravery. It is important to be courageous and commit to a goal, whatever the goal is. (Neutral)
2 Loyalty. Reliability is what the world needs more of. (Good)
3 Enjoyment. Being happy and free is greater than law, we should all do what we love no matter what it is. (Chaotic)
4 Order. Following orders and the law are important and are what keeps everyone safe. (Lawful)
5 Fame I only help the community for fame, and I don't actually care about the people. (Evil)
6 Life Every person should make their life have a meaning, in the way they believe. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I have an object that I value so preciously that I would guard my life for it.
2 My family is the most valuable thing in my life.
3 Having a good and friendly relationship with your peers is helpful.
4 I love a certain someone so much I could die for them.
5 My community. I would help them in any way I can.
6 My powers. I feel blessed that I have the superhuman powers.
d6 Flaw
1 I can't get over the death of someone I was very close to.
2 I get nervous and worried easily when the enemies are hard to defeat.
3 I prefer to be isolated.
4 I still have flashbacks of the time I was bitten by a contaminated arachnid.
5 I don't take my battles against crime too seriously.
6 I feel that everything bad that happens is my fault.
(2 votes)

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