April Fools!This content is not designed for use in regular games, and may affect overall balance and gameplay. Take caution when using this material.
Wondrous item, uncommon
When you first gain this item, roll a d20 on the chart below to determine the type of item, then from the next list roll a ď̴̳̔͒͌̿̎͋3̸̧̛̂̈́͗͋̔̀̕̚0̶̛̼̗̈́̑͊̎̆͐̏0̶̧̧̖̮̼̘̤̠̳͌͑̎͆̈̉̓̕0̸̨̳̬̭͚̣͔̄̍͆̚ to determine a spell of 3rd level or lower.
If this item is a potion, drinking it gives you the ability to start casting the spell once before the end of your next turn. If the item has a casting time of an action or bonus action, you can cast it as part of the action you used to drink this potion.
If this item is a wand, it has 6 charges and it regains 1d4 + 1 charges each dawn. For any other item, the item has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges each dawn. In either case you can use this item to cast the determined spell by expending a number of charges equal to the spell's level. For a cantrip, this is 0 charges.
For this spell the casting ability modifier is +4, the spell save DC is 15, and spell attack roll bonus is +7. You need not supply any material component normally required for this spell.
- Acid Arrow
- Acid Splash
- Aid
- Alarm
- Alter Self
- Animal Friendship
- Animal Messenger
- Animate Dead
- Arcane Lock
- Arcanist's Magic Aura
- Augury
- Bane
- Barkskin
- Beacon of Hope
- Bestow Curse
- Bless
- Blindness/Deafness
- Blink
- Blur
- Branding Smite
- Burning Hands
- Call Lightning
- Calm Emotions
- Charm Person
- Chill Touch
- Clairvoyance
- Color Spray
- Command
- Comprehend Languages
- Conjure Animals
- Continual Flame
- Counterspell
- Create Food and Water
- Create or Destroy Water
- Cure Wounds
- Dancing Lights
- Darkness
- Darkvision (Spell)
- Daylight
- Detect Evil and Good
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison and Disease
- Detect Thoughts
- Disguise Self
- Dispel Magic
- Divine Favor
- Druidcraft
- Eldritch Blast
- Enhance Ability
- Enlarge/Reduce
- Entangle
- Enthrall
- Expeditious Retreat
- Faerie Fire
- False Life
- Fear
- Feather Fall
- Find Familiar
- Find Steed
- Find Traps
- Fire Bolt
- Fireball
- Flame Blade
- Flaming Sphere
- Floating Disk
- Fly
- Fog Cloud
- Gaseous Form
- Gentle Repose
- Glyph of Warding
- Goodberry
- Grease
- Guidance
- Guiding Bolt
- Gust of Wind
- Haste
- Healing Word
- Heat Metal
- Hellish Rebuke
- Heroism
- Hideous Laughter
- Hold Person
- Hunter's Mark
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Identify
- Illusory Script
- Inflict Wounds
- Invisibility
- Jump
- Knock
- Lesser Restoration
- Levitate
- Light
- Lightning Bolt
- Locate Animals or Plants
- Locate Object
- Longstrider
- Mage Armor
- Mage Hand
- Magic Circle
- Magic Missile
- Magic Mouth
- Magic Weapon
- Major Image
- Mass Healing Word
- Meld into Stone
- Mending
- Message
- Minor Illusion
- Mirror Image
- Misty Step
- Moonbeam
- Nondetection
- Pass without Trace
- Phantom Steed
- Plant Growth
- Poison Spray
- Prayer of Healing
- Prestidigitation
- Produce Flame
- Protection from Energy
- Protection from Evil and Good
- Protection from Poison
- Purify Food and Drink
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Ray of Frost
- Remove Curse
- Revivify
- Rope Trick
- Sacred Flame
- Sanctuary
- Scorching Ray
- See Invisibility
- Sending
- Shatter
- Shield
- Shield of Faith
- Shillelagh
- Shocking Grasp
- Silence
- Silent Image
- Sleep
- Sleet Storm
- Slow
- Spare the Dying
- Speak with Animals
- Speak with Dead
- Speak with Plants
- Spider Climb
- Spike Growth
- Spirit Guardians
- Spiritual Weapon
- Stinking Cloud
- Suggestion
- Thaumaturgy
- Thunderwave
- Tiny Hut
- Tongues
- True Strike
- Unseen Servant
- Vampiric Touch
- Vicious Mockery
- Warding Bond
- Water Breathing
- Water Walk
- Web
- Wind Wall
- Zone of Truth
- 6 Feet Back, ALRIGHT! (Grum's Social Distancing)
- 7th Shot
- A Little Help
- A Really Rousing Sea Shanty
- A-Bomb
- Aberrate
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Energy
- Absorb Kinetics
- Absorb Missiles
- Absorb Prosperity
- Abyssal Eruption
- Abyssal Strength
- Abyssal Strength, Variant
- Accelerate/Decelerate
- Accursed Strike
- Accursed Wish
- Acid Balm
- Acid Spray
- Acidic Blast
- Acidic Bolt
- Acidic Smite
- Adamantine Shell
- Adloquium
- Adula's Moonblade
- Aero Slash
- Aerostrike
- Aether: Ascent
- Aether: Quickdraw
- Aetheric Ballista
- Aetheric Blade
- Aetheric Reconstruction
- Affect
- Afraid of the Dark
- Afterburner
- Aganazzar's Scorcher
- Aging Bolt
- Aging Hands
- Agitate Metal
- Agni Shine
- Agony Warp
- Air Bubble
- Air Bubble, Variant
- Air Cannon
- Air Cushion
- Air Hammer
- Air Shield
- Air Slash
- Air Step
- Air Wave
- Alacrity
- Alchemical Bomb
- Alchemical Grenade
- Allegro Velocità
- Allowance
- Almighty Strike
- Alter Object
- Alter Size
- Alter Terrain
- Altered Time Dilation
- Alternate Reality
- Amanuensis
- Ambush Shard
- Ambush, Variant
- Amongus
- Amorphous Pixie
- Amplify
- Amusement
- Analyze
- Analyze Creature
- Analyze Item
- Ancestral Recall
- Anchor Howl
- Ancient Death Rancor
- Ancient Path
- Ancient Tether
- Anemo Guide
- Angel Beat
- Angel's Arrow
- Angelskin
- Animal Conduit
- Animal Resurrection
- Animate Army
- Animate Energy
- Animate Minor Object
- Animate Rope
- Animate Shadow
- Animate Skeleton
- Animate Stal
- Animated Paper
- Anointment
- Antagonist's Poultice
- Antagonize
- Anti-Evil-Protection
- Anti-Fireball
- Apostle's Black Flame
- Apostle's Black Flame Blade
- Aqua Axe
- Aqua Push
- Arachnid Shift
- Arc
- Arc Bolt
- Arc Bolt Grenade
- Arc Bolt Grenade, Variant
- Arcana Rune
- Arcane Arrow
- Arcane Attraction
- Arcane Barrage
- Arcane Battery
- Arcane Blade
- Arcane Blast
- Arcane Bolt
- Arcane Crush
- Arcane Defense
- Arcane Deflection
- Arcane Explosion
- Arcane Grenade
- Arcane Guard
- Arcane Juggernaut
- Arcane Mark
- Arcane Needle
- Arcane Runes
- Arcane Shield
- Arcane Shroud
- Arcane Sight
- Arcane Smite
- Arcane Sneak Attack
- Arcane Spear
- Arcane Sphere
- Arcane Strength
- Arcane Strike
- Arcane Tether
- Arcane Warp
- Arcaning
- Archer's Eye
- Argent Blessing
- Aria's Dancing Main-Gauche
- Armor of Agathys
- Armor of Avernus
- Armor of Othrys
- Armor of Prometheus
- Armor of Shavarran
- Armor of Thorns
- Armour of Jenova
- Arms of Hadar
- Arrow of Dusk
- Arrow of Force
- Artisan's Blessing
- Ascertain Inventory
- Ashallian's Tower
- Ashardalon's Stride
- Ashkin's Spazzledazzle
- Ashlyn's Armor of Rot
- Aspect of the Crucible: Horns
- Aspect of the Crucible: Tail
- Aspect of the Hunter
- Aspect of the Reaper
- Asphyxiate
- Assay
- Astral "Wall"
- Astral Barrier
- Astral Guardian
- Astral Light
- Astral Movement
- Astral Sacrifice
- Astralshrine
- Asura-Kannon
- Attack
- Attract
- Attract Object
- Attribute Shield
- Augment Stars
- Aura of Blades
- Aura of Blood Transfusion
- Aura of Truth
- Aura of Vitality
- Aura Sphere
- Aural Scan
- Avert Force
- Avian Assault
- Awaken Fetish
- Awful Joke
- Axion Bolt Grenade
- Azrael's Vicious Flock
- Babu Slime
- Backstep
- Bad Omen
- Bakudo 1
- Bakudo 30
- Bakudo 4
- Bakudo 8
- Bakudo10
- Bakudo21
- Bakudo37
- Bakudo9
- Ball Lightning
- Ball of Blackwater
- Banish Cringe
- Bannana Slip
- Banshee Wail
- Barbarian Knowledge
- Bardcraft
- Barkskin - Body Armor
- Barrage
- Barrak's Black Fangs
- Baryte Communion
- Beamos
- Beast Bond
- Beast Sense
- Beastmask
- Begone Thot
- Begone Thot, Variant
- Beguile Person
- Bend Perspective
- Bestial Bloodlust
- Bestial Empowerment
- Bestial Vitality
- Bestow Inconvenience
- Bewildering Kiss
- Bewitch Person
- Bhahoozun's Hex
- Bind Skeletal Familiar
- Binding Pact
- Black Blizzard
- Black Candle
- Black Fire
- Black Flame
- Black Flame Blade
- Black Flame Empowerment
- Black Snow
- Black Storm
- Blade Meld
- Blade of Blood
- Blade of Grass
- Blade of Justice
- Blade Shift
- Blade Storm
- Blade Storm, Variant
- Blade Surge
- Blade Volley
- Blade Ward
- Blast
- Blast Cantrip
- Blast Cast
- Blastbolt
- Blasting Smite
- Blaze Net
- Blaze of Wrath
- Blazer
- Blazing Counterstrike
- Blazing Slash
- Blazing Smite
- Bleeding Strike
- Bleeding Wounds
- Bless Water
- Blessed Poultice
- Blessing of Kings
- Blinding Bolt
- Blinding Heal
- Blinding Necrostrike
- Blinding Smite
- Blink Slash
- Blink Step
- Blink Strike
- Blink, Variant
- Block Seed
- Blocking Blade
- Blood Bind
- Blood Blade
- Blood Blade, Variant
- Blood Blade, Variant 2
- Blood Boil
- Blood Boiling
- Blood Bolts
- Blood Casting
- Blood Flame Blade
- Blood Lance
- Blood Lust
- Blood Minion
- Blood Moon's Blessing
- Blood Parasite
- Blood Revenant
- Blood Rush
- Blood Sense
- Blood Splatter
- Blood Surge
- Blood Swarm
- Blood Tentacles
- Blood Thirst
- Blood Transfer
- Blood Transfusion
- Blood Trick
- Blood Whip
- Bloodbridge
- Bloodbridge, Variant
- Bloodied Spittle
- Bloodletting
- Bloodshot Eyes
- Bloodsurge
- Bloodwhirl
- Bloody Sacrifice
- Bloody Shell
- Bloody Smite
- Blow Mind
- Blue Breath
- Blue Death
- Blue Shield
- Bodysnatch
- Boil Cistern
- Bolt of Time
- Bolt Strike
- Bomb
- Bonded by Blood
- Talk:Bone Crushing Hug
- Bone Crushing Hug
- Bone Lore
- Bone Read
- Bone Rush
- Bone Shield
- Bone Trap
- Bonesword
- Bonesword, Variant
- Boom Beat Arrow
- Booming Blade
- Booming Shield
- Booming Word
- Borca's Improbability Zone
- Bore Hole
- Boreal Strike
- Boreale's Deep Strike
- Borrowed Knowledge
- Bottle of Bravery
- Boulders of Winter
- Bound Item
- Bound Weapon
- Bound Weapon, Variant
- Bounding Flame
- Brachiation
- Brambles
- Brand
- Breathless Cyclone
- Briars of Punishment
- Briars of Sanguar
- Briars of Sin
- Brittleskin
- Broken Ward
- Bronip's Orbiting Hammer
- Brutal Blade
- Bubble Blast
- Bubble Spray
- Bullet
- Bullet Rain
- Burning Coals
- Burning Orbs
- Bursting Shot
- Butterfinger
- Butterfly Frenzy
- Calamity
- Calculated Strike
- Calder's Starry Sky
- Call Bird
- Call Bird, Variant
- Call of the Sussura
- Call Society
- Call Spirit Swarm
- Can't Trip
- Cancer
- Cantillate
- Capture Soul
- Carian Greatsword
- Carian Phalanx
- Carian Piercer
- Carian Retaliation
- Carian Slicer
- Carpet of Shadow
- Cataclysm
- Catapult
- Catastrophic Devastation
- Catnap
- Caul of Shadow
- Cause Fear
- Cause Unease
- Caustic Blood
- Celebrimbor's Battle Glyph
- Cell Decomposition
- Ceremony
- Cerg's Fortification Fortification
- Chain Heal
- Chains of Ice
- Chains of Justice
- Chameleon
- Change Sex
- Chaos Ball
- Chaos Blade
- Chaos Bolt
- Chaos Control
- Chaos Orb
- Chaos Surge
- Chaotic Rocket
- Chaotic Smite
- Charged Blade
- Charged Magic Missile
- Charged Weapon
- Charnel Claw
- Cherry Bomb
- Chill Boomerang
- Chill Fire
- Chill Rune
- Chilling Smite
- Chilling Wind
- Chitin Chain
- Chloromorpho
- Choke
- Chord
- Chords of Dissonance
- Chorus of Awe
- Chorus of Destruction
- Chromatic Bile
- Chromatic Bolt
- Chromatic Missile
- Chromatic Orb
- Chromatic Spray
- Chromatic Weapon
- Chrono-deceleration
- Chrono-regression
- Chronobleed
- Chronomancer (5e Class)/Time Stop Variant )
- Ciao's Corrosive Coating
- Ciao's Magic Missile
- Circle of Privacy
- Claws of Agathys
- Claws of the Dragon
- Cleanse the Blood
- Cleanse Wound
- Cleansing Flame
- Clear Thought
- Clinging Darkness
- Clinging Slime
- Cloak of Divination
- Cloak of Shadow
- Clockwork Sphere
- Clockwork Winding
- Clothes Beam
- Cloud of Daggers
- Cloudbed
- Clover's Pace of Quickness
- Clover's Quickend Song
- Clover's Step of the Quickest Wind
- Clover's Tip-Tap
- Coagulate
- Cobra's Spit
- Coin Bag
- Coin Lore
- Coin Sending
- Coin Shot
- Coinify
- Cold Flame
- Coldslinger
- Collapsing Stars
- Color
- Column of Time
- Combat Avatar
- Combat Messaging
- Combat Nab
- Combustion
- Command Projection
- Command, Variant
- Commune With Death
- Compelled Duel
- Conceal Item
- Concealed Shot
- Concealment
- Concealment, Variant
- Concuss
- Concussion
- Concussive Blast
- Condense
- Condense/Suffuse
- Conduct
- Coned Blast
- Conflagulated Breath
- Congress of Shadows
- Conjuration Raven
- Conjure Ammunition
- Conjure Barrage
- Conjure Blade
- Conjure Bladestorm
- Conjure Creature
- Conjure Elemental Weapon
- Conjure Gemstone
- Conjure Mannequin
- Conjure Marionettes
- Conjure Minigun
- Conjure Minor Devils
- Conjure Object
- Conjure Plant Creatures
- Conjure Potion of Healing
- Conjure Rotting Tomatoes
- Conjure Shield
- Conjure Spirit Wolf
- Conjure Stones
- Conjure Tiny Fairy
- Conjure Twin Foxes
- Conjure Water
- Conjure Weapon
- Conjure Wraith
- Conjure Zora
- Conjured Boundary
- Consecrate Strike
- Consecrate Weapon
- Conspiracy Theory
- Construct Homunculus
- Continual Light/Darkness
- Continuous Frosty Ray
- Control Blood
- Control Electricity
- Control Elements
- Control Flames
- Control Living Skeleton
- Control Polarity
- Control Sunlight
- Convalescence
- Copy Book
- Coral Blast
- Corazon's Tiny Glyph
- Cordon of Arrows
- Corpse Explosion
- Corroding Strike
- Corrosive Bile
- Corrosive Flame
- Corrosive Hands
- Countertrip
- Cover
- Crabbo's Grasp
- Crackle With Power
- Cradle of Jade
- Craft Homunculus
- Craftsmanship
- Crash and Burn
- Crawling Hands
- Create Air
- Create Bonfire
- Create Building
- Create Construct
- Create Healing Spaghetti
- Create Magic Item
- Create Pit
- Creature Master
- Creeping Darkness
- Crimson Aura of Death
- Crimson Enhancement
- Crimson Skin
- Crimson Strike
- Crippling Darkness
- Crippling Pain
- Critterkill
- Crono's Energy
- Crown of Madness
- Crumble
- Crunch Wrap
- Crusader's Mantle
- Crush
- Crushing Despair
- Crushing Gravity
- Crushing Wave
- Cry of the Ancestral Druids
- Cryo Manipulation
- Cryonis
- Crystal Barrage
- Crystal Burst
- Crystal Release
- Crystal Shard
- Crystal Spike
- Crystal Torrent
- Crystal Wave
- Crystalline Jades
- Crystallize
- Crystallized Spell
- Culdir's Orb of Fire
- Cure Disease
- Cure Heavy Wounds
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Curing Mist
- Curse
- Curse of Comus
- Curse Water
- Curse Weapon
- Cursed Tablet
- Cutter Boomerang
- Cyclone
- Dalamar's Chasm Chains
- Dancing Rune Weapon
- Dancing Shadows
- Darius's Selfless Shield
- Dark
- Dark Bead
- Dark Dive
- Dark Dome
- Dark Exchange
- Dark Fire
- Dark Flare
- Dark Force
- Dark II
- Dark III
- Dark Matter Blast
- Dark Matter Pulse
- Dark Mote
- Dark Orb
- Dark Reach
- Dark Shovel
- Dark Striking Thunder
- Dark Tentacle
- Dark Transport
- Darkmoon Blade
- Dartboard
- Darude
- Dashing Strike
- Daunting Volt Blade
- Dawnbrand
- Dawndragon's Vitality Steal
- Daze
- Daze Monster
- Dazzling Glare
- Dead Again
- Dead Man's Volley
- Death Blade
- Death Blossom
- Death Bolt
- Death Cloud
- Death Coil
- Death Finger
- Death Grip
- Death Sight
- Death Strike
- Death Touch
- Death's Garrote
- Deathly Servant
- Deathtouch
- Deathwatch
- Death’s Caress
- Death’s March
- Decaying Ground
- Decaying Necrostrike
- Deceiving Bolt
- Decompose
- Deepen Shadows
- Deeppockets
- Defense Ball
- Defense Lattice
- Defensive Dome
- Defensive Edge
- Defiant Overflow
- Dekkard's Captured Image
- Delay
- Delay, Variant
- Delayed Beam Dissolution
- Delayed Impact
- Delayed Spell
- Deliberate Surge
- DeLiszt's Dirty Little Secret
- Demon Skin
- Dendro Growth
- Denial
- Depression Spell
- Deprotect
- Descent
- Desecrate Strike
- Desecrate Weapon
- Desecration
- Desert Coffin
- Desert Wall
- Deshell
- Desiccate
- Desolation Aura
- Destinguish
- Destroy Wall
- Destruction Bolt
- Detect Amount
- Detect Arcane Residue
- Detect Aura
- Detect Elements
- Detect Enchantment
- Detect Fire
- Detect Outsider
- Detect Secrets
- Detect Weapons
- Determine Lineage
- Detonate
- Devilish Brand
- Devilish Charm
- Dhoulramses' Glutinous Flame
- Diamond Storm
- Diero's Pocket Plant
- Dire Charm
- Direct Lightning
- Disarm
- Disarming Cry
- Discern
- Discord Bolt
- Disjunction
- Dismantle
- Dismiss Stranger
- Dispelling Smite
- Dissolving Grasp
- Dissonance Field
- Dissonant Whispers
- Distort Value
- Divination of Chaos
- Divine Arcane Attraction
- Divine Armor
- Divine Empowerment
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Revelation
- Divine Strike
- Dodgeball
- Dome of Discombobulation
- Dome of Light
- Dominating Smash
- Dominus Ex
- Dongle's All-Purpose Mending
- Dongle's Frozen Fire Bolt
- Dongle's Frozen Fireball
- Doomhound
- Doozel's Dome of Kinectic Redirection
- Dorsatum's Deterrent
- Double-Edge Dance
- Double-Edge Dance, Variant
- Dovar's Disturbing Diversion
- Downy
- Dowon's Energy Deflection
- Drago Bolt
- Dragon Rend
- Dragon Rises from the Sea
- Dragon's Breath
- Drain Life
- Drain Smite
- Drain Warmth
- Draining Fungus
- Draw Blood
- Drawmij's Scent Mask
- Dreams, Nightmares, and Fantasies
- Drill Beam
- Drizonym's Spectral Dagger
- Drop Bass
- Drop the Bass
- Drop the Myc
- Drowning Pull
- Dusk and Dawn
- Dust Devil
- Earth Barrier
- Earth Hammer
- Earth Rune
- Earth Slide
- Earth Spike
- Earth Tremor
- Earth's Crush
- Earthbind
- Earthen Bullet
- Earthen Dive
- Earthen Onslaught, Dagger
- Earthen Onslaught, Handaxe
- Earthen Onslaught, Mace
- Earthen Onslaught, Quarterstaff
- Earthen Pillar
- Earthen Servant
- Earthshatter
- Earworm
- Ebb And Flow, Dagger
- Ebb And Flow, Handaxe
- Ebb And Flow, Mace
- Ebb And Flow, Quarterstaff
- Echoes of Agony
- Echolocate
- Eihwaz the Yew Rune
- Eilistraee's Moonfire
- Eilistraee's Moonfire, Variant
- Eldridge Blast
- Eldritch Armor
- Eldritch Blade
- Eldritch Blast, Variant
- Eldritch Burst
- Eldritch Legerdemain
- Eldritch Rebuke
- Eldritch Revival
- Eldritch Serpent
- Eldritch Strike, Variant
- Eldritch Strikes
- Electrical Handaxe
- Electro Power
- Element Blast
- Element of Chaos
- Elemental Ammunition
- Elemental Armor
- Elemental Arrow
- Elemental Arrows
- Elemental Beckoning
- Elemental Blade
- Elemental Blast
- Elemental Blow
- Elemental Bolt
- Elemental Edge
- Elemental Hex
- Elemental Shield
- Elemental Strike
- Elemental Weapon
- Elemental Weapon, Variant
- Elonia's Glamour
- Elusive
- Ember
- Ember Blast
- Ember Strike
- Emberbolt
- Emerald Splash
- Emit Spores
- Empowered
- Empowering Sacrifice
- Emyhr's Rhyme
- Enchant Item
- Enchanted Receipt
- Enchantment of Distortion
- Enchantment of the Wind
- Encode Thoughts
- Endrian Slash
- Endure Elements
- Enemies Abound
- Enemy Insight
- Energizing Smite
- Energy Beat
- Energy Drain, Variant
- Energy Ray
- Energy Resistance
- Energy Strike
- Enforcing Touch
- Enhanced Darkness
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhancement
- Enhancement of Chaos
- Ensnaring Strike
- Entropy
- Erase
- Erasure
- Erect Obstruction
- Erode Defenses
- Erratic Bolt
- Erupting Earth
- Eruption
- Eruption Counter
- Eruption, Grisaire Supplement
- Essence of Deception
- Essence Theft
- Eternal Darkness
- Eternal Memory
- Ether
- Ethereal Forge
- Ethereal Hunter
- Ethereal Limbs
- Ethereal Wisps
- Etheric Tethers
- Etzel’s Bolstering Bands
- Excarnate Corpse
- Exit Beam
- Expand/Contract
- Explosion of Happiness
- Explosion!
- Explosive Frog
- Expose
- Exsanguinate
- Extended Stasis
- Eye of the Storm (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Eyes of Fate
- Face in the Crowd
- Fade
- Faerie Glitter
- Fairy
- Faithful Dead
- Fall Control
- Fallen Marionette
- False Ballad
- False Blade
- False Death
- False Tracks
- Farron Dart
- Farsee
- Fast Ball
- Fast Friends
- Fast Reading
- Fate's Intervention
- Faust's Card Flourish
- Feast of Ashes
- Feather Glide
- Feign Death
- Fell the Greatest Foe
- Fellhammer
- Fermentation Explosion
- Feu Sans Nuit
- Field of Fear
- Fiend Fire
- Fiendish Claws
- Fiendish Desecration
- Fiery Beam
- Fiery Disengage
- Fighter's Arms
- Fighting Words
- Final Gambit
- Final Stroke
- Find Animal Companion
- Find Greater Familiar
- Find Lesser Dragon Familiar
- Find Memory
- Find Pack of Familiars
- Find Person
- Find Quest
- Finger Gun
- Finger Guns
- Finger of Chaos
- Fingers of the Necromancer
- Finnegan's Forceful Fusillade
- Fire Bolt Grenade
- Fire Boom
- Fire Covenant
- Fire Dragon's Iron Fist
- Fire Dragon's Wing Attack
- Fire Orb
- Fire Punch
- Fire Shot
- Fire Spin
- Fire Splash
- Fire Spray
- Fire Swing
- Fire Whip
- Firebeads
- Firebrand
- Firecracker
- Firesweep
- Firewater
- Fitzgeralts' Fast Inverse Mender
- Fitzmyr's "Conjurer's Hands"
- Fitzmyr's Sage Hands
- Fizban's Fabulous Fashion
- Flaccid Splash
- Flame Arrows
- Flame Blast, Variant
- Flame Burst
- Flame Charge
- Flame Charge, Variant
- Flame Cloak
- Flame Edged Bolts
- Flame Jump
- Flame Mastery
- Flame of Life
- Flame Ring
- Flame Shot
- Flame Spiral
- Flame Step
- Flame Swathe
- Flames of the End
- Flare Blade
- Flare Blitz
- Flare Counter
- Flare Shot
- Flare Wave Explosion
- Flareball
- Flash Powder
- Flash Step
- Flash Sweat
- Flask of Holding
- Flaskbang
- Flatten Self
- Flavor Blast
- Fleeting Distraction
- Flesh Fails
- Fleshcraft
- Flicker
- Flight of Fire
- Fling Self
- Floating Figment
- Flock of Familiars
- Floor of Ice
- Floormaster's Grasp
- Floortilting
- Flower Requiem
- Flowing Undead Wrath
- Flurry
- Flurry of Missiles
- Flurry of Strikes
- Flux Grenade
- Fly Eye
- Flèche Chromatique Himo
- Flèche Chromatique Snaraach
- Focus Flame
- Focus Strike
- Focused Shout
- Fog Bank
- Font of Anguish
- Fool's Speech
- Force
- Force Armor
- Force Arrow
- Force Beam
- Force Cannon
- Force Nova
- Force Speed
- Force Streak
- Force Surge
- Force Whip
- Forced Teleportation
- Forceful Breeze
- Forceful Flash
- Forceful Hand
- Forceful Strike
- Forceful Strike, Variant
- Forceful Strike, Variant 2
- Forcewave
- Forge Radiance
- Formula 202
- Fortify
- Fortune Shift
- Fortune Shift Variant
- Fortune’s Favor
- Foster's Instant Anvil
- Fountain of Night
- Fox Fire
- Franklin's Funny Missiles
- Freezing Burst
- Freezing Clutch
- Freezing Gale
- Freidyne
- Friends
- Friends, Variant
- Frigid Darkness
- Frigid Javelin
- Frigid Rebuke
- Frigid Smite
- From the Brink
- Frost Bolt
- Frost Breath
- Frost Fingers
- Frost Lance
- Frost Line
- Frost Strike
- Frostball
- Frostbite
- Frostburn
- Frostfire Bolt
- Froststrike
- Frostwave
- Frozen Armament
- Frozen Blood
- Frozen Fragment Field
- Fulgur
- Furious Charge
- Furious Unleashment
- Fury Fugue
- Fusion Grenade
- Gaiastrike
- Galder's Tower
- Gale Arms
- Gale Arrows
- Galvanize
- Gandr Shot
- Ganon's Fist
- Gaslight
- Gaze of War
- Gemstone Aura
- Gentle Impact
- Geo Control
- Geyser
- Ghost Light
- Ghost Projection
- Ghost Puppet Creation
- Ghostly Clone
- Ghostly Encirclement
- Ghostly Hands
- Gift of Alacrity
- Gift of Gab
- Glacial Crash
- Glacial Pass
- Glacies
- Glare
- Glass Canon
- Glass Form
- Glass Spray
- Glass Storm
- Glintblade Phalanx
- Glintstone Pebble
- Glitterlance
- Gluttonous Maw
- Glyph of Pain
- Glyph of Teleportation
- Glyph of Tracking
- Glyph Trap
- Golden Vow
- Goo
- Good Hope
- Gordian's Tripwire
- Gorgath's Rock-Volver
- Gorgon Breath
- Grain of Sand
- Grant Power
- Grasp
- Grasp of the Void
- Grasping Souls
- Gravity Anchor
- Gravity Bomb
- Gravity Bomb, Variant
- Gravity Force
- Grease, Variant
- Greatblade Phalanx
- Greater Disguise Self
- Greater Mending
- Greater Necrostrike
- Greater Returning Weapon
- Greater Summon Monster Limb
- Greatspear of Justice
- Green-Flame Ammo
- Green-Flame Blade
- Greg's Gruesome Gibber
- Gromph's Eye of Examination
- Grum's Fix 'em/Hurt 'em
- Grum's Flaming Pile of Poo
- Grum's Flavorable Flesh
- Grum's Greater Fix 'em/Hurt 'em
- Grum's Pop
- Grum's Popping Bubble
- Grum's Spectral Melee Weapon
- Grum's Stinky Steed
- Guard of the Peacetalker
- Guided Strike
- Guided Strikes
- Guiding Hand
- Guise over Necrosis
- Gula's Compulsion
- Gurgle
- Gurranq's Sling
- Gush of Ash
- Gust
- Hado 1
- Hado 31
- Hado 4
- Hado 58
- Hado11
- Hadō Sōren Sōkatsui
- Hail of Thorns
- Hailstone
- Halitosis Tonic
- Hallowed Armor
- Hallucinate
- Halo
- Halo of Lightning
- Halo of Rejuvenation
- Halt
- Hand of the Dead
- Hand of the Undead
- Hand of Winter
- Handcannon
- Haptic Counter
- Hardened Stone
- Hashnad's Shadowy Tendrils
- Hateful Lance
- Haunting Whispers
- Heal Major Injury
- Heal Minor Injury
- Heal Zone Rune
- Healing Chains
- Healing Dagger
- Healing Elixir
- Healing Mist
- Healing Ray
- Healing Spirit
- Healing Spores
- Healing Touch
- Healing Wall
- Healing Wind
- Heart Jumpstart
- Heart Strike
- Heartbreaker
- Heat Beam
- Heat Shot
- Heated Hands
- Heatsense
- Heatvision
- Heavenly Lightning
- Heavenly Prison
- Heavy Words
- Heighten Mobility
- Hell Speak
- Hellfire Armor
- Hellfire Bolt
- Hellfire Harpoon
- Hellish Flames Explosion!
- Hellish Spawn
- Hemo Detection
- Hemomancy
- Hemorrhage
- Heritage Rebuke
- Hershey Squirt
- Hex
- Hindering Light
- Hissing Darkness
- Hoarfrost Blade
- Hold Beast
- Hold on the Gullible
- Holy Blade
- Holy Spear
- Homing Needles
- Homing Shards
- Homing Soulmass
- Hone Senses
- Horace's Hirsute Binding
- Horrific Visage
- Hot Dogs
- Howling Wraiths
- Hunger of Hadar
- Hungry Earth
- Hunting Trail
- Hurricane Blade
- Hush
- Hush, Variant
- Hydra
- Hydro Barrier
- Hydro Order
- Hyetomancy
- Hymn of Battle
- Hyper Voice
- Hyperion
- Hyperion Lance
- Hypnotizing Motion
- I'm Banishing You to the Shadow Realm.
- Ice Axe
- Ice Blade
- Ice Bolt
- Ice Coffin
- Ice Eruption
- Ice Javelin
- Ice Knife
- Ice Reave
- Ice Rupture
- Ice Shards
- Ice Shock
- Ice Spear
- Ice Spike
- Ice Ward
- Ice Wave
- Icebound Fortitude
- Icicle Crash
- Icy Weapon
- Igneous Suffocation
- Ignite
- Ignite, Variant
- Ignitions
- Illumination, Variant
- Illusionary Box
- Illusory Light
- Illusory Phantom
- Illusory Torrent
- Imbued in Flames
- Immolation, Variant
- Immovable Object
- Impart Knowledge
- Imperial Blight
- Imperial Bolt
- Imperil
- Implode Poison
- Improved Familiar
- Improved Find Familiar
- Incendiary Grenade
- Inception
- Incite Greed
- Incomplete Chord
- Incorporeal Object
- Indomitable Presence
- Inferno
- Inferno, Handaxe
- Inferno, Mace
- Inferno, Quarterstaff
- Infestation
- Infinite Pockets
- Inflate Ego
- Inflict Greater Wounds
- Inflict Minor Wounds
- Inflict Positive Energy
- Infuse Weapon
- Inquisitor's Strike
- Inspire Survival Instinct
- Instant Fancy Clothes
- Instil Pain
- Instill Madness
- Intellect Fortress
- Intensify Emotions
- Internal Flame
- Intimidating Presence
- Intoxicate Blood
- Inumaki Word "Blast Away"
- Inumaki Word "Don't Move"
- Inumaki Word "Explode"
- Inumaki Word "Return"
- Inumaki Word "Run Away"
- Inumaki Word "Sleep"
- Inumaki Word Variant Command
- Inumaki Word Variant Rise
- Inversion
- Invisibility Purge
- Invisibility to Undead
- Invoke Scarecrow
- Invoke Wolfgeist
- Iridescent Ray
- Isaac's Missile Swarm
- Isaz the Ice Rune
- Isband's Freezing Chains
- Ishartalot's Stride
- Item Box
- Ivory Flesh
- Ivote's Delivery Service
- Jim’s Glowing Coin
- Jim’s Magic Missile
- Jolt Cadaver
- Judge's Familiar
- Julia's Magical Healing Missile
- Kagerou
- Kaleido Star Cannon
- Karno's Instant Pie
- Kaunan the Fire Rune
- Keen Cut
- Keen Weapon
- Kelpie's Poison
- Kenny's Energy Field.
- Killing Shadows
- Kinetic Garrote
- Kinetic Jaunt
- Kinetic Throw
- Kira's Explosive Touch
- Kiss of the Petals
- Klee's Fireball
- Knee-Jerk
- Knight of Honor
- Knight's Puissance
- Knitkwick's Missile Shield
- Know Direction
- Know Recipe
- Know Thy Foe
- Krupa's Syncopated Spell
- Kunai of Ice
- Label
- Label, Variant
- Lakyu's Shadowfell Fire
- Lambent Lance
- Last Words
- Laughing Skull
- Launch Bolt
- Leaf Barrage
- Lee's Fume Punch
- Lengthen Gladius
- Leomund's Shield
- Leomund's Trap
- Leonardo's Everflowing Chalice of Missiles
- Leonardo's Imploding Shell
- Leonardo's Magic Card
- Leonardo's Projected Force
- Leonardo's Pulsing Shield
- Leonardo's Splinter Armor
- Leonardo's Splinter Shell
- Lesser Animate Dead
- Lesser Baja Blast
- Lesser Blood Orb
- Lesser Confusion
- Lesser Mind Blast
- Lesser Polymorph
- Lesser Purge
- Lesser Reflection
- Lesser Regeneration
- Lesser Smite
- Lesser Wish
- Lesser Zone of Euphemisms
- Lethal Weapons
- Leticia's Ward
- León's Small Wind
- León’s Imbuement of Air
- Liberate Flame
- Life Boost
- Life Fades
- Life Flare
- Life Manipulation
- Life Sap
- Life Seed
- Life Tether
- Life Transference
- Light Arc
- Light Binding
- Light Blood Transfusion
- Light Drive
- Light Inversion
- Light of Blinding
- Light of Celestia
- Light Orbs
- Lightning Arrow
- Lightning Charge
- Lightning Cloak
- Lightning Field
- Lightning Field, Variant
- Lightning Lasers
- Lightning Lure
- Lightning Orb
- Lightning Spear
- Lightning Spear, Variant
- Lightning Stake
- Lightning Surge
- Lightning Tendrils
- Lightning Whip
- Lights Mark
- Limb Growth
- Lingering Flame
- Lingering Poison
- Liquid Arrow
- Liquid Night
- Litany of Proper Death
- Local Inventory
- Locate Portal
- Locate Water
- Lock of Guilt
- Lockhart's Fireball
- Lofting Breeze
- Log to Lumber
- Looped Projectile
- Lord Knows
- Love Extract 69
- LSD Arrow
- LSD Splash
- Luck Brew
- Lucky Coin Tossing
- Lucky Star
- Luis Gustavo's Aura of Blades
- Lullaby
- Lulling Spores of Harmonious Sleep
- Luminescent Blessing
- Luminous Globe
- Lunae
- Lunar Blast
- Lunar Luck
- Lunar Serenity
- Lunar Spirit
- Lungs to Gills
- Lycanthrope's Gift
- Maelstrom, Variant
- Mage Fist
- Mage Plate
- Mage Strike
- Magechain
- Magi Mine
- Magic (Mobius)
- Magic Boulder
- Magic Brand
- Magic Burst
- Magic Card
- Magic Concerto
- Magic Dart
- Magic Fang
- Magic Fang, Greater
- Magic Glintblade
- Magic Pocket
- Magic Robbery
- Magic Scimitar
- Magic Shield
- Magic Speed
- Magic Stone
- Magic Strike
- Magic Vestment
- Magic Warhead
- Magical Blade
- Magical Blast
- Magical Deflect
- Magical Spell Tinkering
- Magnesis
- Magnet Orb
- Magnetism
- Magnetize
- Magnify Gravity
- Magnokinesis
- Major Stasis
- Malignant Blast
- Man's Best Fiend
- Mana Shield
- Mana Shield, Variant
- Mana Siphon
- Manic Manacles
- Manipulate Hearing
- Manipulate Metal
- Manipulate Snow and Ice
- Manus Semoto
- Mark
- Marsh's Dodgeball
- Mass Arcane Cure
- Mass Blood Transfusion
- Mass Mental Binding
- Massage
- Master Spark
- Master's Touch
- Materialize Trap
- Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp
- Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
- Maxwell's Marvelous Mantle
- Medicinal Prayer
- Megaton Punch
- Melf's Minute Meteors
- Melody of Lasting
- Memory Graft
- Mental Barrier
- Mental Bindings
- Mental Shred
- Meritorious' Mind Wipe
- Merrow's Song
- Mesmerising Shade
- Mesmerize
- Message to the Masses
- Metabolic Boost
- Metabolic Control
- Metaphysical Smite
- Meteoric Barrage
- Midwife's Spell
- Might of Annam
- Mika's Existential Dread
- Mike's Hard Lemonade
- Mike's Hard Lemonade, Variant
- Mind Flay
- Mind Pain
- Mind Sliver
- Mind Spike
- Mind Spike, Variant
- Mind Trauma
- Mind Wipe
- Mindshriek
- Mineral Armor
- Mini Tornado
- Miniature Fabricate
- Miniaturize
- Minor Animate
- Minor Arcane Turret
- Minor Blood Infusion
- Minor Blood Orb
- Minor Creation
- Minor Distortion
- Minor Fabricate
- Minor Hex
- Minor Implosion
- Minor Inconvenience
- Minor Inventory
- Minor Polymorph
- Minor Prophecy
- Minor Psychometry
- Minor Stasis
- Minor Step
- Minor Summoning
- Minor Telekinesis
- Minor Telekinetic Field
- Minor Transmute
- Minor Ward
- Miracle Moon
- Mirror of Fate
- Mirror Variant
- Misinterpreted Color Spray
- Missile Lore
- Mist of Inhibition
- Misty Step, Variant
- Mitotic spindle
- Moist Flame
- Mold Earth
- Mold Metal
- Molten Blades
- Momentary Relapse
- Monomorph
- Moon Pulse
- Moon-Touched Weapon
- Moonbeam Bolt
- Moonlight
- Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee
- Mordenkainen's Magnificent Magical Mauling
- Morgrave's Clear Mind
- Morifn’s Deathly Wind
- Moth Swarm
- Motivational Speech
- Moving Platform
- Muffle
- Murder of Crows
- Mystic Reflections
- Nahal's Reckless Dweomer
- Nathair's Mischief
- Nature's Ward
- Nauseate
- Necro Blast
- Necrosh
- Necrostrike
- Necrotic Overlay
- Necrotic Overlay, Variant
- Necrotic Sickles
- Needle Hex
- Negate Omnipotence
- Negative Energy (5e Variant Rule)
- Net of Shadows
- Neutralise Aura
- Ni
- Niflbolt
- Night Guardians
- Nightly Terrors
- Nightscar
- Nightwalk
- Nilin's Bolt
- Non-Destructive Scan
- Notes of lesser death
- Noxious Blast
- Null Bolt
- Nurture
- Nyan's Ball Lightning
- Obscure Illumination
- Obscured Garden
- Observer Ward
- Obvious Banana
- Ode of the Emperor Penguin
- OGC:Astromancy
- OGC:Dreaming Tide
- OGC:Herculean Force
- OGC:Putrefy Food
- OGC:Universal Potion
- Omega Finishing Blow
- Omen
- Ommon's Heat Exchange
- One Inch Punch
- Ophis Transformation
- Orb of Charm
- Orb of Deception
- Orb of Discord
- Orb of Harmony
- Orb of Light
- Orb of Sacred Fire
- Ordinance
- Oreseer
- Organic Graft
- Origamist
- Orilia's Beastly Action
- Orilia's Devil Resistance
- Orion's Bolts
- Other
- Otherworldly Tendrils
- Otto's Chime of Release
- Otto's Crystal Rhythms
- Otto's Ear Ringing
- Otto's Imperative Ambulation
- Otto's Soothing Vibrations
- Otto's Sure-Footed Shuffle
- Otto's Tones of Forgetfulness
- Otto’s Crystal Rhythms
- Ouroboros's Mark
- Overcompensated Weaponry
- Overload
- Paddle Star
- Pain Share
- Palpitate
- Pancea
- Paradox Rift
- Paradoxal Grotto
- Paralysis Blow
- Paranoid Pact
- Parasitic Link
- Para’s Portalable Place
- Partial Polymorph
- Patternweave
- Peek-a-boo
- Peel Back Scars
- Peltskin
- Penetrate Disguise
- Perceive the Unseen
- Permanency, 2nd Variant
- Persistent Harrier
- Pestilence
- Petal Glide
- Phaerrexis
- Phantasmal Force
- Phantasmal Notebook
- Phantom Laughter
- Phase
- Philter of Illusion
- Phoenix Phantom
- Phoenix Strike
- Phoenix Wave
- Phy's Wondrous Acid
- Pictograph
- Piercing Sight
- Pillar
- Pillar of Sand
- Pincushion
- Pit of Flame
- Pity of Acherus
- Pixie Storm
- Pixie's Gale
- Pixies's Blade
- PK Fire (5e spell)
- Placebo
- Plague Blast
- Planar Arrow
- Planar Calling
- Plasma Bolt
- Pleasant Breeze
- Poe Reprise
- Poison Blood
- Poison Bolt
- Poison Mist
- Poisoned Blade
- Polarize
- Pomodoro
- Ponder Orb
- Pool of Acid
- Porghum's Painful Pun
- Porte Ècarlate
- Portent
- Positive Energy Blast
- Positive Energy Ray
- Post-Mortem Servitude
- Post’s Glaring Optic
- Poultice of Healing
- Poultice Of Health
- Poultice of Life
- Power Beam
- Power Chord
- Power Within
- Power Word Agony
- Power Word Die
- Power Word Ecstasy
- Power Word Fall
- Power Word Grill
- Power Word Meow
- Powerful Punch
- Powerful Strike
- Powerstride
- Precipice Blade
- Talk:Precise Strike
- Precise Strike
- Precise Strike, Variant
- Pressure Sphere
- Primal Savagery
- Primordial Rush
- Prismatic Barrier
- Produce Electricity
- Produce Wind
- Projected Ward
- Projectile Protection
- Projectile Sense
- Projectile Style
- Promised Walk of Peace
- Protection from Negative Energy
- Protection from Projectiles
- Protection of Chaos
- Protective Barrier
- Protector's Mark
- Provoke
- Pseudopod Strike
- Psionbolt
- Psionic Anchor
- Psionic Blast
- Psionic Drain
- Psionic Hand
- Psionic Kunai
- Psionic Strike
- Psionic Ward
- Psionova
- Psybeam
- Psyblast
- Psyche Drain
- Psyche Drain, Variant
- Psychic Attack
- Psychic Burst
- Psychic Missile
- Psychokinesis
- Psydarts
- Psyshock
- Pull of Acherus
- Pulling Shade
- Pulse Grenade
- Pulse Wave
- Punishing Pitchfork
- Puppet
- Pursuers
- Push
- Pyro Command
- Pyrokinesis
- Pyrotechnics
- Queen's Touch
- Quench
- Quick Maths
- Quickbolt
- Quicken
- Quicksand
- Quiet Armor
- Quietus Beam
- Quill Hide
- Quill of Duplication
- Radar Tracking
- Raddik's Weakest Link
- Radiant Armor
- Radiant Blade
- Radiant Blast
- Radiant Death
- Radiant Flame Blade
- Radiant Flare
- Radiant Lance
- Radiant Leap
- Radiant Pulse
- Radiant Revolvers
- Radiant Shield
- Radiant Song
- Radiant Splash
- Radiant Strike
- Radiant Strike, Variant
- Radiant Swords
- Radiation
- Radiative Shield
- Rage Armor
- Ragnaul's Systematic Surge
- Railgun
- Rain Blast
- Rain of Sand
- Raise Ally
- Raise Flesh
- Raise Ghoul
- Raise Mount
- Raise Undead
- Raise Undead Army
- Raksha's Wash Cycle
- Rancorcall
- Rapid Acceleration
- Raven Bolt
- Raven Slaughter
- Ray of Frog
- Ray of Light
- Ray of Sickness
- Razor Leaf
- Razor Storm
- Razor Tome
- Razored Thoughts
- Reality Slash
- Recite Scripture
- Reckless Lightning Bolt
- Record Memory
- Recovery Blade
- Red-Flame Missile
- Red-Hot Chains
- Redemption, Variant
- Redirecting Shield
- Redistribute Impact
- Redistribute Impact, Variant
- Reflexive Shot
- Reflexive Shot (5e spell)
- Regrowth
- Reinforce
- Reinforce Armament
- Reinforce Arms
- Reinforce Self
- Reinforcement
- Reinforcement, Variant
- Rejuvenate
- Rejuvenation
- Remedy
- Remote Bomb
- Remove Breath
- Reorientate
- Repair
- Repairs
- Repartition Spell
- Repel
- Replenishment
- Reprisal Blitz
- Rerange
- Resistance (Spell)
- Resistance (That Works)
- Resistance, Variant
- Resistant Veins
- Resonant Strike
- Resonating Mind
- Respirance
- Restorative Overflow
- Restore
- Restoring Field
- Retributive Shock
- Retrocognition
- Returning Weapon
- Reverb
- Reversal
- Reverse Flow Control
- Revert Time
- Revitalize
- Rewind
- Rewind Death
- Ribbit
- Riddle (5e spell)
- Riddle's Rapid Retreat
- Riddle's Rumble
- Riddle’s Repulsion
- Rift
- Rift Balance
- Rigor Mortis
- Rime's Binding Ice
- Rimeward Strike
- Ritual Circle
- Ritual Circle, Variant
- Rock Pellets
- Rock Spears
- Rock Splash
- Rock Toss
- Rock Wave
- Rocks Fall
- Rod Surge
- Roll the Bones
- Root Walk
- Rooted
- Rotting Root Lord's Rot
- Roy's Sleep
- Royal Flare
- Rule Manipulation
- Rumplestiltskin´s Rainbow Blast
- Rune Blast
- Rune of Bloodlust
- Rune of Distraction
- Rune Strike
- Rune Teleport
- Runic Blink
- Rusting Sands
- Ryomen's Cleave
- Sacred Blade
- Sacred Duel
- Sacred Hunting
- Sacred reinforcement
- Sacrifice Sanity
- Sacrificial Strike
- Sacrificial Summon
- Sakanagi
- Salamander Communion
- Salmon's Leap
- Salvi's Ward
- Sand Armor
- Sand Impact
- Sand Levitation
- Sand Replacement
- Sand Shurikens
- Sand Spear
- Sand Tsunami
- Sand Wave
- Sandblast
- Sandblast, variant
- Sandcast
- Sanguine Blast
- Sanguine Minor Mirage
- Sanguine Scythes
- Sanguine Song
- Sanguine Tide
- Sanguis Burst
- Sapphire Hail
- Sapping Slash
- Sapping Smite
- Sapping Sting
- Sawsall
- Scald
- Scan
- Scarecrow
- Scathing Insult
- Scatter Banish
- Scatter Grenade
- Scent
- Scholar's Passion
- Scholar’s Armament
- Scholar’s Shield
- Scorch
- Scout
- Screw That One Guy Over There
- Scrollsee
- Sculpt Corpse
- Sea of Fire
- Sealing Strike
- Searing Blow
- Searing Choker
- Searing Light
- Searing Orb
- Searing Smite
- See Through
- Seeking Blade
- Seer's Mark
- Selective Invisibility
- Self Destruct
- Self Projectile
- Selo's Accelerando
- Sense Emotion
- Sense of the Sand
- Sensory Field
- Serac
- Serpentine Shape
- Serrated Gust
- Serrated Slash
- Servant Permanence
- Shadow Armor
- Shadow Blade
- Shadow Blast
- Shadow Blink
- Shadow Bolt
- Shadow Evocation
- Shadow Flame
- Shadow Garrote
- Shadow Hood
- Shadow Lord
- Shadow Mist
- Shadow Pulse
- Shadow Realm
- Shadow Skin
- Shadow Snare
- Shadow Spray
- Shadow Step
- Shadow Strike
- Shadow Warp
- Shadow's Hunger
- Shadowblade
- Shadowcery
- Shadowstrike
- Shady Visage
- Shale's Instant Compass
- Shape Bond
- Shape Light
- Shape Water
- Shard of Hope
- Share Trait
- Sharp Shadows
- Sharpened
- Shartrund's Energy Blade
- Shata's Rock of Flames
- Shatter Confidence
- Sheer Heart Attack
- Shell Kick
- Shenanigan
- Shield Barrier
- Shield of Darkness
- Shield of Honor
- Shield of Prophecy
- Shield of Stasis
- Shield, Variant
- Shift Balance
- Shift Stone
- Shining Force Blast
- Shinsu Baang
- Shiver
- Shock of Flame
- Shocking Blast
- Shocking Bolt
- Shocking Grasp, Variant
- Shocking Reaction
- Short Warp
- Shoulder Touch
- Shrieking Skull
- Shuriken of Darkness
- Sight Eclipsed
- Sigil Sword Strike
- Silent Fart
- Silhouette
- Silhouette, Variant
- Silvery Barbs
- Simple Moment
- Sinister Manipulation
- Sinister Surroundings
- Six Eared Hearing
- Skin Mimic
- Skinbark
- Skull Goblet
- Sky-Fury Bolt
- Sky-Pierce Lance
- Skysmite
- Skyward Strike
- Skywrite
- Slap
- Slashing Winds
- Sleepy Trouble Bubble
- Slight Polymorph
- Slime Shield
- Slimebolt
- Slip
- Sliver of Chaos
- Smoke Bomb
- Smoke Ladder
- Smoke Screen
- Snap Into a Slim Jim
- Snap of Radiance
- Snare
- Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
- Snipe
- Snooze
- Snowy Barrage
- Soaking Hands
- Solar Blitz
- Solar Bolt
- Solar Grenade
- Solid Darkness
- Solid Freeze
- Somaria
- Something
- Song of Courage
- Song of the Awakened Dead
- Sonic Implosion
- Sorcerous Burst
- Sorrel's Forceful Missile
- Sorrel's Greater Magic Missile
- Sorrel's Impact Missile
- Sorrel's Leaping Missile
- Sorrel's Minuscule Missile
- Sorrel's Rending Missile
- Sorrel's Retributive Missile
- Sorrel's Selfless Missile
- Sorrel's Unforgiving Missile
- Soul Arrow
- Soul Blade
- Soul Blast
- Soul Change
- Soul Claws
- Soul Drain
- Soul Explosion
- Soul Gem
- Soul Gem, Capture
- Soul Gem, Create
- Soul Puppet, Variant
- Soul Read
- Soul Reading
- Soul Shallow
- Soul Spear
- Soul Tear
- Soul Transfer
- Soulfire Strike
- Souls Embrace
- Sound Bubble
- Sound Burst
- Sovanna's Animate Tiny Dead
- Spaghetti
- Spark of Levin
- Spark Shower
- Speak with David
- Speak with Flames
- Speak with Images
- Speak With Skull
- Speak with Wind (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Spear of Rot
- Spectral Hammer
- Spectral Hand
- Spectral Scythe
- Spectral Shield
- Spectral Throw
- Speed of Light
- Speed of the Zephyr
- Spell Blade
- Spell Mine
- Spell Shield
- Spellblade
- Spellblock
- Spellbreaking Smite
- Spellfire
- Spellstrike
- Sphere of Ruin
- Spike Grenade
- Spin Attack
- Spirit Excalibur
- Spirit Meddling
- Spirit Shackle
- Spirit Shotgun
- Spirit Shroud
- Spiritual Arsenal
- Spit Venom
- Spiteful Gaze
- Splashing Spit
- Split
- Splitbolt
- Splitting Chords
- Spook
- Spore
- Spurn the Supernatural
- Spurt of Weirdness
- Stalagmite
- Stalwart Overflow
- Star's Saint's Hand
- Starlight Bolt
- Starry Wisp
- Stasis
- Stasis Mine
- Static Armor
- Static Interference
- Static Shock Strike
- Static Shot
- Static Strike
- Stave the Blood
- Steal
- Steal Spell
- Steel Shadows
- Stellar Burst
- Step
- Step Into Darkness
- Step of Respite
- Step Up
- Sticky Blood
- Sticky Fingers
- Sticky Spellbook
- Stone Bolt
- Stone Bullet
- Stone Shelter
- Stone Shield
- Stone Sleep
- Stone Spike
- Stone Tent
- Stoneburst
- Stonefists
- Storm Front
- Storm Grenade
- Storm Rune
- Storm Shield
- Storm Skin
- Stormcraft (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Strands of Success
- Strangulate
- Strength of Shadows
- Strengthening
- Strengthening Flame
- Stretchy
- Strokov's Ferality Inducer
- Strokov's Flying Projectile
- Strokov's Instinctive Defense
- Stumbling Fool
- Stun Person
- Stupify
- Succor
- Sudden Awakening
- Sugar Rocket
- Summon Anthill
- Summon Astral Beast
- Summon Beast
- Summon Bee
- Summon Bow
- Summon Cell
- Summon Corpse
- Summon Dog
- Summon Exotic Humanoid
- Summon Fey
- Summon Flounder
- Summon Food
- Summon Fungal Warrior
- Summon Garlic Bread
- Summon Grinch
- Summon Humanoid
- Summon Iqra
- Summon Lesser Demons
- Summon Lesser Spirit
- Summon Monster Limb
- Summon Monstrous Humanoid
- Summon Mount
- Summon Projection
- Summon Rain
- Summon Shadowspawn
- Summon Smith
- Summon Spirit
- Summon Steak
- Summon Umbra
- Summon Undead
- Summon Weapon
- Summoning the Water Dragon
- Sun Gleam
- Sun Strike
- Sun-Touched Weapon
- Sunder
- Sunlight
- Sunspark
- Super Sonic
- Suppress Pain
- Surge
- Sustain
- Swarm Grenade
- Swarm Grenade, Variant
- Swarm of Pests
- Swift Blade
- Swift Speed
- Swift Strike
- Swipe
- Switcheroo
- Sword Beam
- Sword Burst
- Sword Glyph
- Sword of Protection
- Sword Split
- Sword Trap
- Swordcraft
- Sylph Communion
- Sylvanism
- Syncopate
- Tablehopper
- Take Up Arms
- Tale of a Million Nights
- Tasha's Caustic Brew
- Tasha's Mind Whip
- Taunt
- Tear
- Tears of Denial
- Tears of Freyja
- Telepathic Message
- Teleport Slash
- Teleportation Glyph
- Teleposition
- Tempered Mood
- Temporal Blur
- Temporal Link
- Temporal Rift
- Temporal Slash
- Temporal Surge
- Temporal Twist
- Temporary Expertise
- Tentacle Arms
- Tentacles
- Terra Tonic
- Thaumophone
- The blade of the water stream
- The Dungeon Masters Key
- The Emptiness of the Beginning
- The Juice is Loose
- The Murderer's Ear
- Theme Song
- Thief's Feast
- Thirsting Blade
- Thorn Whip
- Thornskin
- Thought Purge
- Thought Shield
- Thoughts of Shadow
- Three Freeze
- Throw Pokeball
- Throwing Knife
- Thunder Down Under
- Thunder Shock
- Thunder Shock Last Resort
- Thunder Step
- Thunder Strike
- Thunderclap
- Thundering Whip
- Thunderous Smite
- Thunderous Strike
- Thundershock
- Thunderwhip
- Tidal Surge
- Tidal Wave
- Tide of Steel
- Tidecaller's Blessing
- Tile of Fire
- Time Bomb
- Time Clusters
- Time Shift
- Time Stop Variant
- Time Stride
- Tiny Servant
- Toad's Tongue
- Toll the Dead
- Tormenting Image
- Toshaka's Gift
- Touch of Annihilation
- Touch of Unlife
- Touched by Love
- Toxic Cloud
- Tractor Cannon
- Tractor Ray
- Transcription
- Transfer Pain
- Transmogrification
- Transmute Coins
- Transmute Earth
- Transmuted Inventory
- Tree
- Tree Shape
- Tremorsense
- Tri-Element
- Trip Grenade
- True Glimpse
- True Level
- True Stasis
- True Strike, 2nd Variant
- True Strike, Variant
- Truer Strikes
- Turn Tables
- Turn the Blade
- Turning Tables
- Twilight Blast
- Twin Sand Attack
- Twitch
- Tydellbub's Instant Latrine
- Umber Stride
- Umbral Hand
- Umbral Touch
- Umbral Visage
- Unbalance Emotions
- Uncanny Appearance
- Uncanny Outfitting
- Undead Minion
- Undead Non-Living Bomb
- Undine Communion
- Unearthly Chorus
- Unhinged Willpower
- Unholy Flame
- Unholy Frenzy
- Unholy Touch
- Unholy Weapon
- Universal Aptitude (5e Utterance)
- Unlimited Blade Works
- Unstable Sphere
- Uplifting Fireworks
- Uprooted Sacrifice
- Utility
- Vala's Red Powder
- Valkyries Strike
- Valla's Whirlpool
- Vampiric Blade
- Vancora's Tentacles of Madness
- Vankodek's Bloody Stitches
- Vasuu's Oblation
- Vegetable Projectile
- Veitch's Marvellous Letter
- Vengeful Roots
- Vengeful Trinket
- Venom Strike
- Venomous Ray
- Venomous Spit
- Venomous Spite
- Venomous Sting
- Venomous Succor
- Venomous Web
- Venomstrike
- Vent Anger
- Ventriloquism
- Ventriloquist
- Verdant Reanimation
- Verge
- Vexing Concoction
- Vicious Rant
- Viktor's Dark Transport
- Viktor's Mana Zone
- Viktor's Soul Link
- Viktor's Soul Rend
- Viktor's Soul Splinter
- Viktor's Withering Ray
- Virgil's Blade Flash
- Virgil's Lightning Spear
- Virtue
- Virulent Necrostrike
- Vision Quest
- Visk's Walk-In Closet
- Vital Blast
- Vitality
- Vitriolic Blast
- Voice of Shadow
- Void Blink
- Void Bolt
- Void Bombard
- Void Burst
- Void Dragon
- Void Rupture
- Void Wall Grenade
- Voidbolt
- Volatile Vortex
- Voodoo Doll
- Vortex Gaze
- Vortex Grenade
- Vortex Warp
- Waist-High Wave
- Wall of Sand
- Wall of Vines
- Wall of Water
- Ward
- Warden's Step
- Warding Blood
- Warding Flare
- Warding Wind
- Wardstone
- Warmth
- Warp Flesh
- Warp Lightning
- Warrior's Weapon
- Warrior’s Blessing
- Wary Sphere
- Water Blast
- Water Bolt
- Water Cube
- Water Jet
- Water of Life
- Water Surface
- Water Tempo
- Water Tendril
- Water Whip
- Water Whip, Variant
- Wave Lash
- Weakening Sludge
- Weapon of Radiance
- Weapon Shift
- Weaponized Laughter
- Weaponswap
- Weather Warding
- Weave Shadows
- Weight of 1000 Years
- Weight of 1000 Years, Variant
- Weld
- Wendigo's Hunger
- Whirlwind Strike
- Whistling Wind
- White-Flame Blade
- White-Frost Weapon
- Wild Bolt
- Wild Chaos Blade
- Wild Cunning
- Wild Spark
- Wild Surge
- Will Charge
- William’s Wonderful Word Bomb
- Willman's Rocktomb
- Wind Blades
- Wind Blast
- Wind Slash
- Wind Strike
- Winds of Chaos, Dagger
- Winds of Chaos, Handaxe
- Winds of Chaos, Mace
- Winds of Chaos, Quarterstaff
- Wings of the Phoenix
- Wisplight
- Witch Bolt
- Witchcraft
- Wither
- Wither and Bloom
- Withering Ray
- Withering Thorn
- Wizard's Tower
- Wolfsbane
- Wonderment
- Wood Shape
- Word of Nurturing
- Word of Radiance
- Word of Stumbling
- Word of Virulence
- Words of Inspiration
- Worker Command
- Worker Motivation
- Wrath
- Wrath of Morass
- Wrathful Arrow
- Wrathful Smite
- Wreath of Life
- Wrecking Squall
- Wristpocket
- Write Contract
- Writhing Flesh
- Wyrd Reconstruction
- Wyvern Watch
- Xenae's Aquabind
- Xenae's Aquaforme
- You are Going to Бяazil
- Youngblood
- Yuya's Tracking Spirit
- Zap
- Zap Bolt
- User:ZarHakkar/Summon Salesman
- User:ZarHakkar/The Gaelic Gamble
- Zephyr Strike
- Zephyr-Burst Strike
- Zodiac Strike
- Zoltraak
- Zone of Faith
- Zone of Frost
- Zone of Lies
- Zone of Sweet Air
- Éclair Noir de l'Apocalypse
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