5e Equipment

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Mundane Magical Other
Adventuring Gear (230 items) Armor (345 items) Artifacts (507 items)
Armor (209 items) Mounts and Vehicles (27 items) Cursed Items (266 items)
Expenses (57 items) Potions (198 items) Other Equipment (29 items)
Mounts and Vehicles (124 items) Rings (288 items) Poisons (43 items)
Tools (78 items) Rods (44 items) Sentient Items (130 items)
Trade Goods Staves (114 items) Siege Equipment (64 items)
Trinkets Wands (69 items)  
Weapons (2573 items) Weapons (1558 items)  
Wondrous Items (1508 items)  
Random Magic Treasure
All by Rarity

Creating New Equipment

Go to the appropriate equipment list above, and use the "create new" link. Keep "(5e Equipment)" in the title!

Magic item or mundane item? If you are making an item with unusual properties (perhaps it is clockwork, or made of an unusual material) it could be treated as either. Ask yourself the following questions.

  • Can the item be routinely found for sale with no special restrictions? If so, it can be treated as mundane and given a gp value.
  • Can the item not normally be purchased, and is it more appropriate as a reward or loot find? If so, give it a rarity and treat it as a magic item.

In some cases the item might be treated as both magical and mundane. For example, a potion of healing is magical and is a common reward or piece of loot, but it can also be routinely purchased.

And if you are looking for pointers on how equipment should be made, look no further than Equipment Design (5e Guideline).

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