5e Armor

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Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Battle Robe 100 gp 11 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 10 lb. 100 gp
Wooden Armor 2 gp 11 + Dex modifier 10 lb. 002 gp
Duelist's Vest 80 gp 11 + Dex modifier 11 lb. 000080
Snowquill Armor 600 r/60 gp 12 + Dex modifier 11 lb. 600 r/60 gp
Chef's Leather Armor 15 gp 11 + Dex modifier 12 lb. 000015
Leather Lamellar 25 gp 12 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 12 lb. 025 gp
Military Uniform 2 gp 11 + Dex modifier Str 9 Disadvantage 12 lb. 000002
Brawler's Armor 100 gp 12 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 13 lb. 100 gp
Light Wooden Armor 50 gp 12 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 13 lb. 050 gp
Camouflage Leather 500 gp 11 + Dex modifier Str 11 15 lb. 000500
Leather Chef Armor 250 gp 12 + Dex modifier 15 lb. 250 gp
Outlander's Poncho 85 gp 12 + Dex modifier 15 lb. 085 gp
Scholar's Outfit 200 gp 10 + Int modifier Disadvantage 15 lb. 200 gp
Cloth Armor 1 gp 11 + Dex modifier 2 lb. 000001
Plated Leather Armor 500 gp 13 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 20 lb. 000500
Bandit's Armor 50 gp 11 + Dex modifier 22 lb. 050 gp
Elven Light Mail 650 gp 11 + Dex modifier 5 lb. 650 gp
Assassin's Garb 120 gp 12 + Dex modifier Str 9 6 lb. 120 gp
Padded Cloth Armor 3 gp 12 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 6 lb. 000003
Master Thief Leather 800 gp 11 + Dex modifier 8 lb. 000800
Medium Armor
Improvised Armor 11 + Dex modifier (max 2) Disadvantage 10 lb. 00000—
Reinforced Leather Armor 90 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) 12 lb. 090 gp
Pasovian Coat 500 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 3) 13 lb. 000500
Falconer Armor 45 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) Str 9 14 lb. 045 gp
Duskwood Armor 600 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) 15 lb. 000600
Heide Knights Armor 60 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 1) Str 11 15 lb. 060 gp
Leatherback Armor 280 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 3) Str 13 15 lb. 000280
Noble Elf Armor 300 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 4) 15 lb. 000300
Shroomcap Armor 70 gp 12 + Con modifier (max 3) 15 lb. 070 gp
Hollow Infantry Armor 30 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 3) Str 9 16 lb. 030 gp
Leaf-mail 225 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) 20 lb. 225 gp
Wood Armor 30 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) Disadvantage 20 lb. 000030
Archdrake Set 100 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 1) Disadvantage 22 lb. 100 gp
Royal Soldier Armor 40 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) Str 11 22 lb. 000040
Leather Imperial Centurion Armor 550 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 1) Str 13 25 lb. 550 gp
Magnificent Half-Plate 1,800 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) Str 13 25 lb. 1,800 gp
Reinforced Leather Jacket 120 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 3) Disadvantage 26 lb. 120 gp
Scallop Crest Armor 200 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 1) Str 11 Disadvantage 26 lb. 200 gp
Hero's Tunic 1,500 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 3) Str 13 30 lb. 1,500 gp
Brigandine 550 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 3) Disadvantage 35 lb. 550 gp
Heavy Wooden Armor 60 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) Disadvantage 35 lb. 060 gp
Semi-Splint 600 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 4) Str 15 35 lb. 000600
Arcanetarakk, B8 2,500 gp 16 + Dex modifier (max 2) Str 15 Disadvantage 40 lb. 2,500 gp
Other Goods and Services (Better Fire Force Supplement) This is obtained by fire soldiers so does not have a cost. 10 +Your dexterity Modifier + Your constitution Modifier Disadvantage 40 lb. This is obtained by fire soldiers so does not have a cost.style="display:none" | 150 gp| style="padding-left:1.5em" | Other Goods and Services (Better Fire Force Supplement) 150 gp +3 Str 13 - 32 lb. This is obtained by fire soldiers so does not have a cost.style="display:none" | 150 gp
Bug Armor 1,250 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 4) Str 15 45 lb. 1,250 gp
Chain Cloth 2,250 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 3) Str 15 Disadvantage 45 lb. 2,250 gp
Light Leather Jacket 10 gp 11 + Dex modifier (max 3) 5 lb. 000010
Warcast Armor 3,200 gp 17 + Dex modifier (max 1) Str 15 Disadvantage 55 lb. 3,200 gp
Mark 10 Phobos Armor Rare or 10,000 gp 16 + dex mod (max 2) Str 16 60 lb. Rare or 10,000 gp
Heavy Armor
Fortress Armor 2,000 gp 19 Str 17 Disadvantage 100 lb. 2,000 gp
Beer Bucaneer Armor 700 gp 18 Str 17 Disadvantage 150 lb. 700 gp
Elite Knight Armor 90 gp 15 Str 13 18 lb. 090 gp
Fur Armor 10 gp 13 Str 13 30 lb. 010 gp
Lorica Segmentata 45 gp 15 Str 11 Disadvantage 30 lb. 000045
Chitin Armor 2,400 gp 18 Str 13 Disadvantage 35 lb. 2,400 gp
Dragon Bone Armor 2,000 gp 17 Str 15 Disadvantage 35 lb. 2,000 gp
Heavy Iron Slave Yoke 10 gp 12 Str 13 Disadvantage 40 lb. 000010
Wyvern Bone Armor 600 gp 17 Str 13 Disadvantage 40 lb. 600 gp
Catarina Knight Armor 100 gp 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 70 lb. 100 gp
Ceramic Plate 150 gp 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 70 lb. 150 gp
Warplate 2,250 gp 19 Str 17 Disadvantage 70 lb. 2,250 gp
Samurai Armor 1,350 gp 17 Strength 19 75 lb. 1,350 gp
Barrel 22 gp 15 Str 15 Disadvantage 90 lb. 022 gp
Stone 25 gp 16 Str 17 Disadvantage 90 lb. 025 gp
Grid Shield 1,000 gp +2 Disadvantage 10 lb lb. 1,000 gp
Kite Shield 40 gp +3 Str 13 Disadvantage 10 lb. 040 gp
Dueling Shield, Variant 35 gp +1 Str 13 Disadvantage 13 lb. 035 gp
Wrecktangle 250 gp +2 Str 15 16 lb. 000250
Buckler 5 gp +1 2 lb. 000005
Buckler, Fantasy 5 gp +1 2 lb. 000005
Buckler, Parrying 5 gp Special 2 lb. 000005
Buckler, Variant 2 5 gp Special 2 lb. 005 gp
Buckler, Strapped 30gp +1 2lb lb. 0030gp
Duelist's Buckler 20 gp +1 Str - - 3 lb. 020 gp
Leather Buckler 15 gp +1 3 lb. 015 gp
Parmula 5 gp +1 3 lb. 000005
Wicker Shield 1 gp +1 3 lb. 001 gp
Aspis Shield, Variant 50 gp Str 13 30 lb. 050 gp
Heavy Plate Shield 600 gp +3 Str 13 Disadvantage 30 lb. 000600
Large Shield 100 gp +2 AC Str 13 Disadvantage 32 lb. 100 gp
Heavy Shield 35 gp +3 Str 15 35 lb. 035 gp
Razorback Shield 60 gp +1 4 lb. 000060
Small Shield 20 gp +2 AC Str - - 4 lb. 020 gp
Other Goods and Services (Better Fire Force Supplement) This is obtained by fire soldiers so does not have a cost. 10 +Your dexterity Modifier + Your constitution Modifier Disadvantage 40 lb. This is obtained by fire soldiers so does not have a cost.style="display:none" | 150 gp| style="padding-left:1.5em" | Other Goods and Services (Better Fire Force Supplement) 150 gp +3 Str 13 - 32 lb. This is obtained by fire soldiers so does not have a cost.style="display:none" | 150 gp
Tower Shield 30 gp +2 Str 15 Disadvantage 45 lb. 030 gp
Tower Shield, 2nd Variant 200 gp +2 Str 15 Disadvantage 45 lb. 200 gp
Tower Shield, Variant 50 gp +3 Str 15 Disadvantage 45 lb. 050 gp
Swordbreaker Gauntlet 100gp +1 AC Str - - 5 lb. 0100gp
Grand Tower Shield 250 gp +3 Str 17 Disadvantage 58 lb. 250 gp
Little Arm Shield 50 gp +1 Str - - 6 lb. 050 gp
Pavise 20 gp +2 Str - - 6 lb. 020 gp
Tribal Shield 1 gp +2 6 lb. 001 gp
Stone Door Shield 20gp +2 bonus to AC Str 13 66 lb. 0020gp
Glass Shield 10gp +3, Special 8 lb. 0010gp
Wing Guards 15 gp +1 8 lb. 000015
Fencing Cloak Special +1 Special lb. Special
Kite Shield, Variant 250 rp +1 0.5 ¼ lb. 250 rp

Renaissance Armor

Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Gambeson Variant 100 gp 13 + Dexterity modifier 10 lb. 100 gp
Medium Armor
Navy Cuirass 1,000 gp 14 + Dexterity modifier (max 3) 15 lb. 1,000 gp
Heavy Armor
Steam Armor 1,800 gp 18 Disadvantage 125 lb. 1,800 gp
Spring-loaded Tower Shield 55 gp 0/+2 Str 14/16 —/Disadvantaged 45 lb. 055 gp
Gun Shield 150 gp +2 6 lb. 150 gp

Modern Armor

Armor Rarity Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Combat Yukata Uncommon 14 + Dex modifier (protection against melee attacks only) 10 lb. {{{cost}}}
Stab Vest, Level 3 Spikes Uncommon 15 + Dex modifier (protection against melee attacks only) 10 lb. {{{cost}}}
Type IIIA Bulletproof Armor Uncommon 15 + Dex modifier (protection against ranged attacks only) 10 lb. {{{cost}}}
Stab Vest, Level 1 Spikes Common 13 + Dex modifier (protection against melee attacks only) 6 lb. {{{cost}}}
Type IIA Bulletproof Armor Common 13 + Dex modifier (protection against ranged attacks only) 6 lb. {{{cost}}}
Stab Vest, Level 2 Spikes Common 14 + Dex modifier (protection against melee attacks only) 8 lb. {{{cost}}}
Type II Bulletproof Armor Common 14 + Dex modifier (protection against ranged attacks only) 8 lb. {{{cost}}}
Medium Armor
Stab Vest, Level 1 Edged Blades Common 16 + Dex modifier (max 2, protection against melee attacks only) 15 lb. {{{cost}}}
Type III Bulletproof Armor Common 16 + Dex modifier (max 2, protection against ranged attacks only) 15 lb. {{{cost}}}
Law Enforcement Special Type Armor Uncommon 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) Disadvantage 16 lb. {{{cost}}}
Stab Vest, Level 2 Edged Blades Common 17 + Dex modifier (max 2, protection against melee attacks only) 18 lb. {{{cost}}}
Type IV Bulletproof Armor Common 17 + Dex modifier (max 2, protection against ranged attacks only) 18 lb. {{{cost}}}
Space Suit Uncommon 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) Str 14 disadvantage 75 lb. {{{cost}}}
Heavy Armor
Improved Combined Tactical Vest gp 20 (see text) Str 18 Disadvantage 200 lb. Very Rare
Military Grade Special Type Armor Rare 18 Str 13 Disadvantage 25 lb. {{{cost}}}
Stab Vest, Level 3 Edged Blades Uncommon 18 (protection against melee attacks only) Str 13 Disadvantage 25 lb. {{{cost}}}
Bomb Suit Rare 20 Str 15 Disadvantage 80 lb. {{{cost}}}
Ballistic Shield Uncommon +2 Str 13 Disadvantage 15 lb. {{{cost}}}
Riot Shield Common +2 or +3 6 lb. {{{cost}}}

Futuristic Armor

Armor Rarity Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Nanotube Weave Very Rare 14 + Dex modifier 1 lb. {{{cost}}}
Hades Suit Uncommon 11 + Constitution Modifier if any 10 lb. {{{cost}}}
Wraith Suit Rare 11 + Dex modifier Str 14 10 lb. {{{cost}}}
Phase 1 Recon Clone Armor Uncommon 12 + Dexterity Modifier Special 20 lb. {{{cost}}}
Light Space Suit Uncommon 13 + Dex modifier Str - - 25 lb. {{{cost}}}
Vault Suit (Treated Lining) Common 11 + Dex modifier 3 lb. {{{cost}}}
Combat Fatigues Uncommon 15 + Dex modifier 5 lb. {{{cost}}}
Stealth Armor Rare 13 + Dex modifier Advantage 5 lb. lb. {{{cost}}}
Battle Armor, Variant Uncommon 13 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 8 lb. {{{cost}}}
Medium Armor
MEC Suit Unique 14 + Dexterity modifier Disadvantage 1,000 lb. {{{cost}}}
Plasma Suit Uncommon 16 + Dexterity (max 2) Disadvantage 10 lb. {{{cost}}}
Cyber Armor Unique 18 + Dex modifier 100 lb. {{{cost}}}
Phase 1 Clone Armor Common 14 + Dexterity modifier (Max 3) Str 13 23 lbs lb. {{{cost}}}
Combat Harness Legendary 14+Dexterity modifier (max 3) Str 10 +1 425 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mandalorian Armor Very Rare 16 + Dexterity modifier (Max 2) Str 14 60 lb. {{{cost}}}
Heavy Armor
Predator Killer Armor Legendary 25 Str 16 100 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mark 10 Tacticus Armor gp 18 Str 16 Disadvantage 130 lb. Rare or 10,000 gp
Mark 1 Thunder Armor Uncommon 19 Str 17 Disadavantage 136 lb. {{{cost}}}
Power Armor (T-45) Uncommon 16 Str 15 Disadvantage 150 lb. {{{cost}}}
Power Armor (Raider) Uncommon 16 Str 15 Disadvantage 160 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mark 6 Corvus Armor Legendary 19 Str 17 Advantage 190 lb. {{{cost}}}
Chozo Power Armor Legendary 18 Str 15 - 198 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mech Suit Unique 23 Disadvantage 2 tons lb. {{{cost}}}
Mark 2 Power Armor Very Rare 20 Str 18 disadvantage 200 lb. {{{cost}}}
Power Armor (T-51) Rare 17 Str 17 Disadvantage 200 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mark 7 Aquilla Armor Legendary 21 Str 18 205 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mark 8 Errant Armor Legendary 22 Str 18 210 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mark 5 Heresy Armor Legendary 20 Str 18 215 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mark 4 Maximus Armor Legendary 20 Str 18 - 220 lb. {{{cost}}}
Aegis Armor Legendary 21 Str 18 230 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mark 3 Iron Armor Very Rare 22 Str 18 Disadvantage 250 lb. {{{cost}}}
Power Armor (T-60) Very Rare 18 Str 18 Disadvantage 250 lb. {{{cost}}}
Power Armor (X-01) Legendary 19 Str 20 Disadvantage 300 lb. {{{cost}}}
Auramite Armor Legendary 25 Str 20 Advantage 320 lb. {{{cost}}}
Catatphractii Terminator Armor Legendary 27 Str 20 Disadvantage 320 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mjolnir Mk. IV Legendary 17 Str 18 425 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mjolnir Mk. V Legendary 20 Str 19 425 lb. {{{cost}}}
Mjolnir Mk. VI Legendary 20 Str 19 425 lb. {{{cost}}}
Exoskeleton Rare 20 Disadvantage 50 lb. {{{cost}}}
Power Armor (Empty Frame) Common 15 Str 15 Disadvantage 50 lb. {{{cost}}}
Ioncharge plate Rare 22 Str 13 Disadvantage 52 lbs. lb. {{{cost}}}
Energy Shield Very Rare +4 — lb. {{{cost}}}
Z-90 Hardlight Shield Legendary +5 — lb. {{{cost}}}
Light Shield Generator gp +1 AC Str - - 0 lb. Uncommon
Personal Combat Shield Rare +2 1 lb. {{{cost}}}

April Fools Armor

Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Anime Hoodie 690gp 11 + intelligence modifier + charisma modifier Disadvantage 5lbs lb. 0690gp
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor
Orkz Arma heavy scrap materials like maybe 12 2x4's, a bit of orkish elbow grease, and some metal plates and a few nails. 15+ strength mod Str 17 Disadvantage 50lbs lb. heavy scrap materials like maybe 12 2x4's, a bit of orkish elbow grease, and some metal plates and a few nails.
Cheap Plate Armor 300 gp 13 Str 15 Disadvantage 65 lb. 000300
Ultraplate 2,250+ gp 19+ Str 17+ Disadvantage 75+ lb. 2,250+ gp

Incomplete Armor

Armor with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.