Scorching Socks (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, uncommon

These flamboyant knee-length socks have bright yellow-and-red stripes. While wearing them both, you gain several benefits.

Warm Feet. Your feet are always comfortably dry and warm, and you can endure cold climates without needing to make Constitution saving throws.

Flaming Kicks. Any unarmed strike using your feet deals fire damage instead of the normal damage type, and at your option uses a 1d8 damage die.

Burning Stomps. You can use your action to stomp the ground and speak the command word. Doing so creates a patch of magical flames that fills a 5-foot square adjacent to you. Any creature which enters this square takes 1d6 fire damage and is ignited. This square persists for 1 minute or if you speak the command word again.

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